Sunday, October 08, 2006

Boo! Who?

There is something comforting in the fact that DH arrives back home today :o) I do enjoy my solitude and still prefer my island idea but when it comes to facing a whole night alone, that's when I change my mind. I never sleep the best when DH is gone. The past two nights I was up until 2 am and 1:30 am respectively. Do you know how hard that is on the system? It wasn't bad at the time but boy, I'm paying for it now :o( Also the thought of a ten pound loaf of bread with legs and an old rabbit as my only defenders sure makes you think twice if it's a good idea! LOL! Although, come to think about it, Duncan wouldn't be much better. Picture this...a pack of coyotes howling their heads off within 100 feet, in the dark, in the middle of the night, with Paul trying to herd a screaming rooster back in his house, me with a shotgun and Duncan cowering like a coward behind me. Enough said!

I don't know if the weekend was a big success or not but I was able to get a few things done :o) I did a bit of organization in the house and on the computer, changed the bed and completed five loads of wash. How we manage to make that much laundry I'll never know. It's just the two of us! Brie and I played some good rounds of fetch and I was also able to complete my unplanned project...BOO!

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Isn't he just the cutest! He's the current freebie from Dragon Dreams. I debated about whether to make him into a cube or not and then I saw these bags at Wally World. The stitching area is a little large for him but I think the bats from Just Another Button Company take up a bit of space above his head.

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Since I concentrated on Boo or as we fondly call him, Pumpkin Head, for most of the weekend, Flowers got ignored. I must get back to her today. I had a hard time keeping focused and I'm not sure if I was just restless or if it's the new drug I'm on. It really throws you for a loop! I watched Troy last night and even Brad Pitt couldn't make me sit there for two and a half hours! I hope it's nothing serious, lol! Whatever it was, it sure did not affect my sweet tooth because the M&Ms and Chunky Monkey ice cream went down really well :o) Brie also agrees that the ice cream was yummy. It's amazing how the spoon hitting the bottom of the bowl can wake her out of a sound sleep!


Faith Ann said...

Boo looks great... and I love how you photographed him by the pumpkin!!

I'm the same way when my husband goes away. I might enjoy the odd evening to myself, but when bedtime rolls around I'm a bundle of nerves.

Shannon said...

He looks fabulous ! I've never seen those. What a great idea :) And your photography skills are so artistic LOL