Last night I was cruising around the internet trying to find a topic for this week when I accidentally came upon this -
I had one of these when I was a kid!!!! Boy, did that ever bring back memories :o) What's even funnier is the commercial -
ROFL! Is there any question about where I may have come across my love for ice and Slushies???? :o) No Easy Bake Oven for me! It was all about the Ice Bird. Every time I went on vacation with my parents, they always had to find me a Slushie.
Slushies have come a long way since then. The best ones are the Coke or Orange Pop Slushies :o) Dairy Queen has come out with a Lemonade Slushie and it's really not that bad. A little, okay very, sour when you hit the end but good all the same. I've been trying to convince DH to get me a Slushie machine but it's a no go. You would 'think' that the birthday girl could get whatever she wanted ;o)
Tell me about a toy that you still think about today and how it may have shaped you as a person :o)
I had one of these when I was a kid!!!! Boy, did that ever bring back memories :o) What's even funnier is the commercial -
ROFL! Is there any question about where I may have come across my love for ice and Slushies???? :o) No Easy Bake Oven for me! It was all about the Ice Bird. Every time I went on vacation with my parents, they always had to find me a Slushie.
Slushies have come a long way since then. The best ones are the Coke or Orange Pop Slushies :o) Dairy Queen has come out with a Lemonade Slushie and it's really not that bad. A little, okay very, sour when you hit the end but good all the same. I've been trying to convince DH to get me a Slushie machine but it's a no go. You would 'think' that the birthday girl could get whatever she wanted ;o)
Tell me about a toy that you still think about today and how it may have shaped you as a person :o)
Back in High School, people called me a little Dizzy. I think it was the Sit N Spin. Great toy. Just bought one for my daughter. She doesn't get the concept though. She just likes to stand up on the handle and say "Look, no hands". She's my little climber.
I totally wanted an Easy Bake Oven but got the Suzie Homemaker iron instead. Major disappointment!
My favorite slushies are from Sonic, either cranberry or cherry limeade. Taco Bell has a non-alcoholic margarita that isn't too bad either. (Of course, a real frozen margarita is preferable!)
OMG that is hilarious, isn't youtube just great to find things from long long time ago. lol.....
I distinctly remember having mad love for my Lite Brite and Etch-a-Sketch. Oh! And Weeble Wobbles (sp?). God, I haven't thought of Weeble Wobbles in yearssssssssssssssss.
I had a sewing machine, (I think a hand held one) it would hold a hem or whatever with glue. I would make the biggest stickest mess, lol
What a hoot!
My mom found an old children's library bookshelf when she was pregnant with me. It had tall sections at the bottom for big books, and a set of shelves at the top that were wide, so you could face books towards you and flip through them. I absolutely LOVED it. I could see all my books, and could always find something I wanted to read. I'm guessing it at least started me on the path to becoming a librarian. :)
This reminds me of the Snoopy SnoCone Machine...same concept. Wow, brings back memories!
My favourite toys were always teddy bears and still are today. I was never into dolls or anything too pretty and the only one I ever remember owning was a doll called 'Tiny Tears'. You fed her with a bottle and then she would cry (presumably not very well if she cried all the time!!). She didn't last long as one day I washed her hair, sat her in front of the fire to dry where she then caught fire and became bald. Thankfully I've mananged to raise my trio a little bitter than that! xxx
I never even heard of the Ice Bird! Am I too old? I just loved my Easy Bake Oven and perhaps that was the start of my love for baking... But, the toy I remember the most was the Creepy Crawlers Bug Maker ( )--I was going through a bug collecting phase and spent hours creating my own. Weird, huh? Do I love bugs today--ewwww!!!!
I don't think I have ever had a slushie
I wanted a Slip and Slide more than life itself for the longest time. The kids always seemed sooo happy on the commercials, and on the rare occasions someone actually HAD one, it was heavenly to run and slip. We never had one because it would ruin the grass and waste water, according to my father. I'm 33 years old and I still am on my quest for the Slip n Slide.
I've never heard of those but I did love slush drinks when i was a kid. Still do now. The blue coloured raspberry flavour is the best :o)
Around here there is a "sno kone" shack every street corner. Every flavor under the sun too. Do you have those where you live?
Oh, I had the usual toys but as I got older I was all about pets. I had to try everything; ant farms, gerbils, birds, fish, tadpoles, crayfish, frogs, crabs, newts, mice, etc. I think I walked every dog on our block and pet-sat for everyone's holiday. I still love pets but settle for the basic cat & dog now!
LOL!!! :D
I saved many toys from my childhood! :p I'll take photos and post about them ;)
I'll let you know when I do it!
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