After Stargazer was completed, didn't I state that I was sick and tired of beading? Didn't I also say that I absolutely HATED working with that blankity-blank invisible thread? Then WHY did I ever consider stitching Tot in the first place???? Stupid, stupid, stupid.
You know that love/hate relationship that I've mentioned before, well...I'm definitely in the 'hate' stage with her. I know I'm SO close to being done but all I see right now are beads, beads, beads! I just want her DONE! I know if I put her down, I'll never pick her back up again. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
By looking at the amount of time I have left this year, I don't think I'm going to meet my goals that I set out in January :o( Grrrr! It was so achievable too! Of course I didn't really figure that my life would be turned upside down for half of 2008 :oS I truly don't need more stash. What I 'really' need is a pair of extra hands. Do you think if I ask Santa, he'll find some for me? ;o)
Edited - ***Please visit Chiloe's Blog for a great contest she's holding!***

You know that love/hate relationship that I've mentioned before, well...I'm definitely in the 'hate' stage with her. I know I'm SO close to being done but all I see right now are beads, beads, beads! I just want her DONE! I know if I put her down, I'll never pick her back up again. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
By looking at the amount of time I have left this year, I don't think I'm going to meet my goals that I set out in January :o( Grrrr! It was so achievable too! Of course I didn't really figure that my life would be turned upside down for half of 2008 :oS I truly don't need more stash. What I 'really' need is a pair of extra hands. Do you think if I ask Santa, he'll find some for me? ;o)
Edited - ***Please visit Chiloe's Blog for a great contest she's holding!***

Nora Corbett is an evil temptress. Her powers are beyond your understanding.
Have a cookie. :o)
You think anyone would notice if you just used superglue?!? LOLOL
Admit it --- you just love doing all that bead work. LOL
You should have thought of Murphy's Law when you set up your goals for the year. Have fun anyway!
You can always plead temporary insanity :) Just think when the beading is done, she will be gorgeous !
You can try but don't keep your hopes too high !!! lol I'm sure you have thousand of kits with no beading after you finish your TOT !!! Ho, am I a bad friend or what? lol I didn't tell you to give it up because it is toooooooooooooo beautiful to not be finished and you know deep down down inside you (okay very very down) that I'm right !!! lol
Maybe a little rotation break is in order. Take the beads in small doses.
Don't we all need an extra pair!! lol
Even though those designs are lovely I haven't been tempted ...YET!
Do you use Thread Heaven? you run the thread through it and it does miraculous things with keeping it from knotting and kinking, especially when beading.
And I agree, you have to finish...I can't wait to get her started, she is FRICKEN gorgeous!
Cathey, you are so funny! Don't put her down! I have faith that you can finish her and then you can send her to me-ha!
You know it's not about the goals-it's the enjoyment-err you know what I mean!
We will get through the beading together!
I personally like the superglue idea ... *lol*
You CAN do this! :o)
Calm down. Hush up and get back to work. You can handle this! Plus it will be worth all the hassle in the end, right?
Just think how gorgeous she'll be when she's done. Kinda give yourself a little treat like do 30 minutes of beading and then work on something fun or get chocolate etc. Stitching is supposed to be relaxing - don't start to pull your hair out because you haven't met your goals. At that point it doesn't become fun anymore. BTW, maybe you should add NO BEADING PROJECTS for your next set of goals.
Don't put her down! She's been hanging up in my closet for a few months because I did.
I'll be stash dieting right along with you.
Good luck with the stash diet, Cathey! I'm going to do my usual holiday gorging. ;)
You've been tagged...please check my blog for details. :)
Plod along and you'll have her finished before you know it! Make sure you bring her next Saturday!!
Wow... cold turkey, huh? GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it. I promise not to email anything that could be remotely tempting. At least you can still get new patterns via magazines if they catch your eye :)
Good luck with the beading. I had a list of about 10 things I wanted to get done in 2008, none of them very big. So far I've not even had ONE finish this year. It is so frustrating. I've stitched on the same project all year but life just keeps getting in the way and my stitching gets put away for weeks, sometimes months on end. You have my empathy at not getting done the things you wanted to.
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