Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
She's done! DONE! DONE! DONE!
Can you hear all that shouting? Well, that would be me because Tot is DONE!!!! Tout fini :o)
So...without further ado, may I present Halloween Fairy (Tot) by Nora Corbett -
I cannot tell you 'how' happy I am to finally have her finished. Whew! And I probably couldn't have done it without you guys pushing me to do so. You all deserve a HUGE thank you :o)
I made a few changes with Tot but nothing that is seriously noticeable. I really didn't like the light coloured thread for the backstitching on her hands so mine is dark and her thumbs harder to see but that's okay with me. I also used just one strand of Kreinik throughout. Now, Tot will go into hiding for a bit because my eyes need a break ;o)
I was supposed to go see my Gram today but seeing that everything was going against me since the alarm went off, I decided to put it off until tomorrow. I'm a little excited because I'm going to be bringing a little friend with me. Moncton has one of 'the' best framers around here so Stargazer is going in for an estimate and possibly a frame :o) Fingers crossed that it will be in my price range.
Things here are progressing nicely. As I already stated in my November 4 post, I do have an apartment for December 1. I know some of you were wondering if the 'kids' will be able to come with me :o) Yes and no. Brie will come to live with me but Duncan and Pickles will be going down to my in-laws. I was going to keep Pickles with me as well but due to my lack of space, he'll be on an extended vacation.
I've called around and now have enough quotes from moving companies. All I need to do now is make a decision of which one to go with. My plan is to pack most of the items myself but they'll be packing all breakables. I'm aiming to have them here the second week of December. So between now and then, I have to pick up some boxes and pack my share, as well as arrange for a dumpster in order to 'dispense' of the 'junk'. LOL!
As far as I know, my email address will remain the same until we move out of province. DH set me up with a cell phone before he left so that will take over as my main phone line. In a few weeks, I'm going to the post office to rent a PO Box therefore my address and phone number will be changing. I will be having my mail forwarded though so hopefully that will pick up any stragglers left behind :o)
How organized does that make me sound? LOL! One thing I do know, it's going to be a very busy two weeks in December :oS

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
She's done! DONE! DONE! DONE!
Can you hear all that shouting? Well, that would be me because Tot is DONE!!!! Tout fini :o)
So...without further ado, may I present Halloween Fairy (Tot) by Nora Corbett -
I cannot tell you 'how' happy I am to finally have her finished. Whew! And I probably couldn't have done it without you guys pushing me to do so. You all deserve a HUGE thank you :o)
I made a few changes with Tot but nothing that is seriously noticeable. I really didn't like the light coloured thread for the backstitching on her hands so mine is dark and her thumbs harder to see but that's okay with me. I also used just one strand of Kreinik throughout. Now, Tot will go into hiding for a bit because my eyes need a break ;o)
I was supposed to go see my Gram today but seeing that everything was going against me since the alarm went off, I decided to put it off until tomorrow. I'm a little excited because I'm going to be bringing a little friend with me. Moncton has one of 'the' best framers around here so Stargazer is going in for an estimate and possibly a frame :o) Fingers crossed that it will be in my price range.
Things here are progressing nicely. As I already stated in my November 4 post, I do have an apartment for December 1. I know some of you were wondering if the 'kids' will be able to come with me :o) Yes and no. Brie will come to live with me but Duncan and Pickles will be going down to my in-laws. I was going to keep Pickles with me as well but due to my lack of space, he'll be on an extended vacation.
I've called around and now have enough quotes from moving companies. All I need to do now is make a decision of which one to go with. My plan is to pack most of the items myself but they'll be packing all breakables. I'm aiming to have them here the second week of December. So between now and then, I have to pick up some boxes and pack my share, as well as arrange for a dumpster in order to 'dispense' of the 'junk'. LOL!
As far as I know, my email address will remain the same until we move out of province. DH set me up with a cell phone before he left so that will take over as my main phone line. In a few weeks, I'm going to the post office to rent a PO Box therefore my address and phone number will be changing. I will be having my mail forwarded though so hopefully that will pick up any stragglers left behind :o)
How organized does that make me sound? LOL! One thing I do know, it's going to be a very busy two weeks in December :oS

Great finish.... she looks lovely. Glad you are getting sorted with your move.
She is beautiful. You beat me to the finish!
She's beautiful and such beautiful fabric too!
Good luck getting ready for the move. Moving is never fun, but you sound like you have a good handle on what you have to do.
She is absolutelty gorgeous. I love that fabby you used for her, it's perfect.
Good Luck with packing and moving.
Gee, I knew I heard somebody shouting a couple of provinces away ;)
Congrats! She's beautiful!
I got ToT kitted up...maybe I'll git 'er done for next Halloween,lol.
She is just beautiful. You did a fantastic job. Also, you are so organized I'm impressed.
Congrats on the finish. She's beautiful/
She's finished and she's beautiful !!!! Hourah for you !!!
We'll be moving the same day !!! Yeah to us !!! Are you having some fun packing? I don't ! lol
Nice finish. Congratulations!
Congratulations she's beautiful !! Sounds like you have everything for your move organized.
I love TOT! What fabric did you do her on? YOu do sound organized with the move...want to come organize my life?! LOL
You did an amazing job on your Halloween Fairy- it is so pretty:)
Good luck with the move although I don't think you will need it-seems like you have everything under control..you will have to let us know how you make out...
She is gorgeous!!!
Oh... good luck in Moncton... I hope the framing estimate is in the right price range. They do such beautiful work there.
One would think you were happy about finishing this project! ***major happy dance*** Congratulations on an exciting finish!
TOT is gorgeous! You did it!!!Congratulations on the finish!
Good luck with packing and moving.
ToT looks divine! Great job. Glad to hear your moving plans are progressing well.
Oh my she is beautiful....Well done .
and boy you are organised ,
here's hoping everything stays going smoothly for you Hun!!
she is beautiful. You must be so pleased
Congratulations!! She's lovely. Good luck with the move.
Beautiful finish!!
COngratulations, Cathey!!
That is just beautiful, what an incredible finish. I am so happy for you.
I am gald that you will have Brie with you at least and Duncan & Pickles will have a little vacation. Be sure to send us all your new PO Box so we can send you Christmas cards in your new home. xoxoxo
Woooow, she's Gorgeous! Congratulations on a beatiful finish.
Oh, and you know what else? I've tagged you on my blog to share 6 random things about yourself. Now you've finished TOT, you have time. So, 'fess up!
WOO HOO!!! She's quite lovely!
Before you make a decision on a mover, google your top choices and see if there are any complaints or anything about them out on the web. Also, if you have the equivalent of the Better Business Bureau in Canada, it never hurts to check with them. Good luck wiht the move!
YAY : ) She is so kewl
Look at you go! On ToT and your organizational skills. I'm proud of you!
ToT is gorgeous. She is the next piece I want to start. Finishing something first would be the best place to start, I think!
Congratulations on the finish she is fantastic. Hope Stargazers framing quote is within your budget.
Good luck with the moving.
Congratulations on a beautiful finish! She looks splendid!
Fingers crossed that you find a suitable frame for Stargazer!
TOT is beautiful!! Congratulations on the finish!
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