Yes, there actually is such a thing! On Friday, I had the Junk Genie come out to the house and work its magic :o) It really was as easy as wiggling your nose, albeit I had done 'a lot' of work beforehand to get things ready. When they arrived, all I had to do was sit back and point to what needed to go.
I never expected an actual garbage truck so I was worried that the old bathroom fixtures, mainly the tub, wouldn't be taken and it would mean one more thing for me to get rid of. I asked the guy if they could take it and I was surprised when he said yes. I asked him if he was sure because it was a 'steel' tub. Yup, no problem! Have you ever seen a steel tub being compacted by a garbage truck???? Cool :o)
So now the barn is empty. The tarp building is empty. The chicken coop is empty. And the garage and basement are free of most unwanted items. I feel like such a free woman now. LOL!
Yesterday I had the opportunity to have a 'girl's day' with Katie and Faith Ann and it was fantastic! Not to mention, it was much needed too ;o) When I finally got there mid-afternoon, the girls were already into their work. Katie was stitching a pattern by Dragon Dreams and Faith Ann was playing with her scrapbooking stash. Her Cricut is quite a machine.
We munched on a delicious Chex mix and had Faith Ann's famous strawberry lemonade drink. For supper, we ordered out and enjoyed some yummy Chinese food from one of the local restaurants. By the end of the meal, our guts were busting so the girls decided it was time to introduce me to the Outdoor Challenge game for Wii. The mat was placed on the floor and I was told all I had to do was run on the spot and jump whenever I came across an obstacle. If it were possible for a game character to 'crawl' across the finish line, mine would have. And I was on the 'beginner's' level! I definitely won't be accompanying Faith Ann on any of her marathon runs. ROFL!
After supper, I showed Katie how to make a pinkeep. Hopefully she will post a picture of her finish because I never brought my camera :oS She did an awesome job! I really wish I could have taken a picture of all the stuff that she brought with her! She even had a suitcase!!!! LOL! There was a lot of procrastination on Faith Ann's part but she finally picked up her stitching only to frog out what she stitched on Wednesday night :o( She did manage to get quite a few Christmas tags done so I guess you can say that she did some work ;o)
My ornament progressed nicely and I'd say just one more day and the stitching part will be complete. The 'idea' I have in my mind is to find some red and white peppermint fabric for the backing but I have no clue whether that exists or not :oS Me thinks I might have to come up with a plan 'B'...
Before I close, I just want to thank everyone who stops by my Blog. Whether you leave a comment or not, it makes me happy to know that I can bring a smile to someone's face from time to time :o) There have been a lot of new readers and I feel so bad that I cannot read your Blogs at the moment, but please know that I LOVE reading your comments! Things are going to be very hectic for me until the start of the new year so that is why I cannot reciprocate at this time. I don't want anyone to think that they are being ignored :o)

I never expected an actual garbage truck so I was worried that the old bathroom fixtures, mainly the tub, wouldn't be taken and it would mean one more thing for me to get rid of. I asked the guy if they could take it and I was surprised when he said yes. I asked him if he was sure because it was a 'steel' tub. Yup, no problem! Have you ever seen a steel tub being compacted by a garbage truck???? Cool :o)
So now the barn is empty. The tarp building is empty. The chicken coop is empty. And the garage and basement are free of most unwanted items. I feel like such a free woman now. LOL!
Yesterday I had the opportunity to have a 'girl's day' with Katie and Faith Ann and it was fantastic! Not to mention, it was much needed too ;o) When I finally got there mid-afternoon, the girls were already into their work. Katie was stitching a pattern by Dragon Dreams and Faith Ann was playing with her scrapbooking stash. Her Cricut is quite a machine.
We munched on a delicious Chex mix and had Faith Ann's famous strawberry lemonade drink. For supper, we ordered out and enjoyed some yummy Chinese food from one of the local restaurants. By the end of the meal, our guts were busting so the girls decided it was time to introduce me to the Outdoor Challenge game for Wii. The mat was placed on the floor and I was told all I had to do was run on the spot and jump whenever I came across an obstacle. If it were possible for a game character to 'crawl' across the finish line, mine would have. And I was on the 'beginner's' level! I definitely won't be accompanying Faith Ann on any of her marathon runs. ROFL!
After supper, I showed Katie how to make a pinkeep. Hopefully she will post a picture of her finish because I never brought my camera :oS She did an awesome job! I really wish I could have taken a picture of all the stuff that she brought with her! She even had a suitcase!!!! LOL! There was a lot of procrastination on Faith Ann's part but she finally picked up her stitching only to frog out what she stitched on Wednesday night :o( She did manage to get quite a few Christmas tags done so I guess you can say that she did some work ;o)
My ornament progressed nicely and I'd say just one more day and the stitching part will be complete. The 'idea' I have in my mind is to find some red and white peppermint fabric for the backing but I have no clue whether that exists or not :oS Me thinks I might have to come up with a plan 'B'...
Before I close, I just want to thank everyone who stops by my Blog. Whether you leave a comment or not, it makes me happy to know that I can bring a smile to someone's face from time to time :o) There have been a lot of new readers and I feel so bad that I cannot read your Blogs at the moment, but please know that I LOVE reading your comments! Things are going to be very hectic for me until the start of the new year so that is why I cannot reciprocate at this time. I don't want anyone to think that they are being ignored :o)

Jeez, I'm so jealous : meeting stitching friends: I don't have any beside my virtual friends but you can't have coffee with a computer,right? lol
I, I dream of someone coming to my appartment and packing for me: I know : I have more chance to win the lotery !!! lol
You know what? Tomorrow we should have the keys !!! Let's see if we really have the keys tomorrow !!!
The Junk Genie sounds pretty cool, wish they could visit my place. We are hoping to get Diabetes Victoria to come by and visit to take away all the furniture and toys we no longer use.
You have so much on your plate at the moment it is no wonder you can't be visiting blogs. Fingers crossed things go smoothly for you.
Sounds like a very productive weekend.
I am so jealous right now, lol It sounds like you had fun with the girls.
Take Care! free woman
Junk Genie... whoda thunk?
Glad there are people out there that can make this moving process much easier for you.
Nice to see you taking a break from the moving stuff.
Wow, we need something like junk genie...too much of the crap ends up alongside the rural roads here.
Your girls' day out sounds like so much fun! Oooo, I'd give my eyeteeth for a cricut!
I'm so impressed...I don't think I could run & jump with a belly full of Chinese food!
sounds like a good day!
You are lucky to live close to your stitching friends! Sounds like you had lots of fun together. I think you well deserved such a lovely break after all your hard work.Hope things will continue going smoothly for you.
Take care.
We have all moved at some point in our lives and we all know what a royal pain in the patootie it is! It always takes longer than you think it will and there are never enough boxes. Throwing what you can away is a great thing though. I will you all success with the rest of the move.
Wow,that Junk genie sounds great especially if they take tubs as well, Sounds like you got some wonderful company and great fun!!
Must have been fun to watch the Junk Genie eat up all that old stuff. And it probably feels as good as losing weight!
Glad to hear you were able to enjoy some time just hanging out with friends. Nothing is sweeter than that, especially this time of year.
Looking forward to seeing your ornament finishes.
sounds like you have been busy , glad you had a good night with your stitchy friends
I need the Junk genie!
You should have taken pix of the tub. We needed to see that!
I could do with the junk genie here!. Nice to hear you have been having stitch fun
I would love to have the junk genie give us a visit :)
It's awesome that you have stitching friends nearby that you can hang out with! Sounds like you had fun :)
I want a Junk Genie to come to my house!!!
I'm glad you had time with your friends. You always share such wonderful memories of your times with them with us. Thank you!
Sounds like you had a great time with your friends, what a perfect way to spend the day. The junk genie sounds like a good idea too. I really need to get rid of some of the stuff I tend to packrat away for no good reason. I'll bet it was neat to see the tub crunch up too. Your earlier finish of TOT was gorgeous, congrats on getting her all done.
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