Yup, that's right! That's what the real estate sign looks like on our front lawn :o) The house is S-O-L-D. Everything has gone through; water test, inspection and financing so it's official. DH and I are very happy with our realtor, for a number of reasons, one being that we got the price that we had hoped for :o) The buyers are actually the first people that came to see the place. Hopefully they will enjoy their new home.
The reality that I will be leaving this place has hit harder than I thought it would. As much as I have loathed looking at an empty barn and pasture for the past four years, I do have a lot of wonderful memories that were created here. This is where my childhood dream began but it is also where it ended :o( This chapter in my life will finally be closed; something I have been avoiding since the horses left. I'm hoping this is the break that has been needed for so long.
My next problem...I have to be out of here by December 30 so now I have to find another place to live :oS I think I mentioned before that I was going to move in with my parents but after a lot of thought, I have decided against it. Why? Well, let's just say that I'm not the easiest person to live with ;o) DH, Duncan, Brie and Pickles can attest to that. LOL! I have to say that apartment hunting is not as fun as I thought it was going to be. I did some calling around this morning and so far I think I only have three prospects.
It's officially been a week since DH left but let me tell you, it feels like a month :o( I was actually doing really well at the beginning but then I think the reality of it all finally hit. I'm a bit overwhelmed with everything that's going on right now. Although my Gram is still in the hospital, I am happy to report that she is more like herself than she was a week ago. I went with Mom and Dad on Saturday to see her and it was SO good to see her smile and her eyes light up :o) She still looks very frail. We're pretty sure that she will not be returning to her home as it looks like she will need assisted care. It's so hard watching someone you love disappearing before your very eyes. The last time I was in that hospital was when my grandfather died back in 1980.
I want to thank everyone for their kind comments that were filled with support :o) As I read each one, it made me smile. It's good to know that there are still wonderful people out there, people who know how to show compassion and who always have a hug for a friend in need. You ladies are truly the best!

The reality that I will be leaving this place has hit harder than I thought it would. As much as I have loathed looking at an empty barn and pasture for the past four years, I do have a lot of wonderful memories that were created here. This is where my childhood dream began but it is also where it ended :o( This chapter in my life will finally be closed; something I have been avoiding since the horses left. I'm hoping this is the break that has been needed for so long.
My next problem...I have to be out of here by December 30 so now I have to find another place to live :oS I think I mentioned before that I was going to move in with my parents but after a lot of thought, I have decided against it. Why? Well, let's just say that I'm not the easiest person to live with ;o) DH, Duncan, Brie and Pickles can attest to that. LOL! I have to say that apartment hunting is not as fun as I thought it was going to be. I did some calling around this morning and so far I think I only have three prospects.
It's officially been a week since DH left but let me tell you, it feels like a month :o( I was actually doing really well at the beginning but then I think the reality of it all finally hit. I'm a bit overwhelmed with everything that's going on right now. Although my Gram is still in the hospital, I am happy to report that she is more like herself than she was a week ago. I went with Mom and Dad on Saturday to see her and it was SO good to see her smile and her eyes light up :o) She still looks very frail. We're pretty sure that she will not be returning to her home as it looks like she will need assisted care. It's so hard watching someone you love disappearing before your very eyes. The last time I was in that hospital was when my grandfather died back in 1980.
I want to thank everyone for their kind comments that were filled with support :o) As I read each one, it made me smile. It's good to know that there are still wonderful people out there, people who know how to show compassion and who always have a hug for a friend in need. You ladies are truly the best!

Awww, here's some (((Hugs))) and we're all here for you whenever you want to talk!
Congrats on the smooth sale of your house and I hope you find a suitable place soon to ease your mind.
I know what you mean about moving back with parents. I couldn't do it but the possibility lingers that DH's mum will live with us one day. She has her ways, we have ours and I don't know how well that's going to mesh,lol.
Wow that was quick, Hope everything goes smoothly and you can get somewhere else hassle free
Congratulations on selling your house. Once you move and are settled you will realise it was good to move on.
So glad the sale went trough as quick as it did. No one wants something like that to drag on.
Good luck with the apartment search...make sure you find something with lots of light for your stitching!
Very cool that you were able to make a sale so quickly in this economy. Hope you find some new digs soon and sending good thoughts to your grandmother.
S O L D !!! What a great news !!! That can also mean a new begining for you ;-) I do agree: we are best on our own!
BTW, do you plan on buying a new house? Building one?
You haven't answered my mail ;-)
Hope your grand'ma feel better soon ;)
That WAS a quick sell. You must have made the place shine!
I don't wanna think of what work and money would be required to sell our old home.
God's blessings and mercy on your grandmother.
good t see your sale went through so quickly. hope you find some where nice
I'm so glad to hear that your house sold so quickly! apartment living is no fun, but it won't be forever, right?
I know firsthand how sad it is to watch someone you love to deteriorate physically. I was so sad when my mother finally needed to have round-the-clock care.
You remain in my thoughts and prayers...
Congratulations on your home selling! I don't envy you that move however. Will you be looking for another home or will you wait awhile? Just think a new place to decorate with more cross stitch-LOL
Congratulations on the sale of your home! That was awfully quick and a rather quick closing date.
Good luck finding another place to live.
So happy to hear your Grandma is starting to look better.
Sending you big hugs,
Happy dancing with you, but I understand being sad because a chapter is closing. It will all work out eventually.
Congratulations on the sale of the house...heavens, that was fast. I hope you will find a place for yourself where you will be happy; I couldn't move home either!
I have lived apart from my husband before and it never gets any better, sorry. I just hope it goes quickly for you.
I'm so glad to hear your grandmother is doing better. ***hugs***
I'm so glad it has sold!! Good luck on your apartment hunting. I'm sure you will find something that suits your needs!
Good for you to sell your house so quick! I am sure that you will find something in plenty of time :)
It has to be so tough to have your DH gone, but he'll be back before you know it...and it will be an awesome reunion. Hope your Grandma is doing okay. It is great that you are able to go and visit her :)
WOW That was a fast sale. Good luck on apartment hunting, can't be easy with your pets. Hope your Grandma is doing well.
That was a speedy sale - congratulations. I hope the rest of your move is as smooth.
That's wonderful that your house sold so quick! Good luck with the apartment hunting - I'm sure you'll find something good. And I can definitely relate to missing your DH. When mine was sent to England for six weeks, it was the longest six weeks of my life
Congratulations on selling your house so quickly!
Well Sweetie I know that having P gone for a while is tough, but as you know it will be all worth it in the end.
We are pleased to see Gram get a little better each day.
Dad and I are happy to see that your house sold so quickly, but we will miss you when you move away.
{{{Hugs and Love}}}
It was a fast sale! I can understand why you are sad. A hug?
Congrats! on selling. I hope it is a blessing for you.
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