Well, as of December 1 I will be and I've got my own bachelor pad to prove it ;o) LOL! Today I found myself a place to stay throughout the winter. It's small but at least it's furnished. I thought a lot about my situation and the only thing that made sense was to find something that was furnished and then that way, I can get everything packed away, besides what I need of course.
Anyway, the room is cute and quaint :o) I've got a queen size bed, couch, television, a table with two chairs, a little kitchen area (with stove, fridge and microwave) and a separate bathroom. It may sound like there's lots of room but believe me, there's not! I had hoped to bring along most of my stash but I don't think that's going to happen. I'm really going to have to plan and strategize. But guess what! I will FINALLY have high speed internet!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
So now that I have that out of the way, my next step is to get someone in here to give me an estimate on how much it will cost to pack and store all this junk, err I mean...stuff ;o) WHY do we accumulate so much stuff over our lifetime???? Why? We have already purged approximately three car loads of it to anti-poverty and there is 'still' more. This might be a good way to clean house though ;o)
I'm quite proud of myself because I've been organizing my stash and now it's a little more 'user friendly'. I spent about a month going through all the freebies that I had on the computer and CDs and put them into one huge database. It was an incredible amount of work but it will be so much easier to find things. I also took all the freebies that are not in the database and organized them into a binder. I used another binder to store all the patterns that I have already stitched. This created more room in my existing pattern drawers :o)
I bought a couple of totes and one holds my afghans and the other my other completed projects. Hopefully this will keep them safe and clean. I'm still nervous about packing up my framed stitching but hopefully one of the moving companies will have had experience with that. If worse comes to worse, my parents have offered to store them for me. Come to think of it, that might not be a good idea because I might not get my Quiltmaker back from my mother...

Anyway, the room is cute and quaint :o) I've got a queen size bed, couch, television, a table with two chairs, a little kitchen area (with stove, fridge and microwave) and a separate bathroom. It may sound like there's lots of room but believe me, there's not! I had hoped to bring along most of my stash but I don't think that's going to happen. I'm really going to have to plan and strategize. But guess what! I will FINALLY have high speed internet!!!! WOOHOO!!!!
So now that I have that out of the way, my next step is to get someone in here to give me an estimate on how much it will cost to pack and store all this junk, err I mean...stuff ;o) WHY do we accumulate so much stuff over our lifetime???? Why? We have already purged approximately three car loads of it to anti-poverty and there is 'still' more. This might be a good way to clean house though ;o)
I'm quite proud of myself because I've been organizing my stash and now it's a little more 'user friendly'. I spent about a month going through all the freebies that I had on the computer and CDs and put them into one huge database. It was an incredible amount of work but it will be so much easier to find things. I also took all the freebies that are not in the database and organized them into a binder. I used another binder to store all the patterns that I have already stitched. This created more room in my existing pattern drawers :o)
I bought a couple of totes and one holds my afghans and the other my other completed projects. Hopefully this will keep them safe and clean. I'm still nervous about packing up my framed stitching but hopefully one of the moving companies will have had experience with that. If worse comes to worse, my parents have offered to store them for me. Come to think of it, that might not be a good idea because I might not get my Quiltmaker back from my mother...

Well, look at you go. So much to do to pack up and move a life, eh.
Things are falling in to place for you and that is awesome.
I would take the risk of your mother keeping your Quiltmaker if it were to be in good hands while moving. It's a risk for sure, but I'd take it. ;)
Congratulations on your new pad! Heck, all you need is clean underwear, dog toys and stash. Most everything else is packable!
I am no help with moving advice. I've lived in the same house for 20 years. God forbid we ever have to move.
We have used every moving opportunity (and there have been a LOT) to throw stuff away. The next time we move I will throw away the things in boxes that I haven't opened since the last move five years ago.
That said, I would never trust ANY kind of artwork to a moving/storage company. We even loaded up a Penzkey truck and moved all the art (and a lot of the books) from San Francisco to Las Vegas ourselves. It was worth the drive and the sore muscles just to make sure that our most expensive and irreplaceable stuff was safe.
Moving out and packing is hard job, no fun at all. Congrats on finding an apartment with high speed Internet!
You CAN have pets, right??? If not, can I have Brie??? LOL
Sounds like things are moving along smoothly. Trust your Mom with your framed stitching, you can always sneak in and take them back :)
Phew, so many changes for you recently. It sounds like you're taking it all in stride... good for you!! Good luck with the packing/moving!!
Oh wonderful,getting somewhere I mean, boy good luck with the packing, but if you can get someone to do it for you all the better, having moved a few times, I am sure your Mom would take good care of your stash as well, lol
Glad you found a place so quickly. Don't ignore the under the under-the-bed storage space!
Well, you got me! I would have a hard time to give it up especially since you already have taken it away from me once!!!!
However, seriously, You are more than welcome to store these framed works with us. Promise I will give it all back.
You are keeping busy and that is what you need to do with DH away.
Talk to you later!
I think you made the best decision about where to live. Are the pets with you too?
Hope you are wll in health.
Congratulations on the apartment! Remember, it's not small, it's COZY!
congratulations, hope everything goes smoothly
I am feeling you about why we accumulate stuff. I am moving from this house I have lived in for 10 years, and how will I get all this stuff moved into the new house, and why did I buy it. Why?
Glad to see you have found somewhere
I am glad that you found a new place!
Do you have PODS (or something similar) near you? Basically, they deliver an empty storage container. You load it yourself, and they pick it up and store it. When you are ready for it, they will deliver it to your new location. I have never used a service like that, but always thought it was a cool idea.
I do hope everything goes smoothly for you, you go girl
I hope your gram continues do well
Playing comment catch-up, yet again... :-)
I lived by myself during my 2 years of grad school. It was a small 1-bedroom apartment, but it was all mine (well, I did have my 2 pet rats and my geckoes at the time). I loved the coziness of it, especially in the winter when it was cold and snowy outside and I could snuggle up and watch TV or read or whatever, all without having to worry about someone else bothering me. Now, someone is always bothering me...LOL!
Hope your Gram continues to do better. It's so hard to watch a relative get old...my own Granma is going through a rough patch right now, but her doctor has run several tests and they're all coming back clear. He thinks it's just taking her awhile to recover from gall bladder surgery she had in August.
Hi Cathey, I know that is a relief to that you know whre you are going to be!
Cathey, I can hear the excitement in your words! Sounds like you have things in hand and congratulations on all that organizing you've done! You'll have to share some tips for folks like me who could use some inspiration in sorting through my own mess of freebies!
Wow, sounds like you've been very busy. Going with the furnished place so you can finish all the rest of the packing sounds like a good idea. Good luck organizing everything and picking what all you want to keep with you. Trying to downsize is so hard, so much seems like something you need to keep. Glad to see in your earlier post your grandmother was doing better. However having to realize that her going back to her own home probably won't be happening would be so hard. {{hugs}}
Our moving company would not pack or move anything that was irreplacable or had great sentimental value, which means we packed and moved all our own artwork, stained glass, stitching stuff and photos. If you can't go out and purchase a replacement, be prepared to handle it yourself. I too would take the risk of not getting a few pieces back from your mom and store you stitched items at their house, as well as any photos or photo albums. I wouldn't put those in storage either.
Good luck with the new digs - can't wait to see pictures. And remember, flat, underbed storage boxes are a wonderful thing. you can get at least six of them under a queen size bed, which is a LOT of stash!
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