...Are actually blowing in the right direction for once and I'm almost afraid that if I breathe too hard, they'll change back. I'm sure you must know what I'm talking about. When things in your life start to go wrong, then it seems like everything crumbles and it feels like you can never get ahead of it. But on the flip side, when things suddenly go right, it seems that everything begins to go your way and that is where DH and I have 'finally' found ourselves :o) Mind you, this has been a two year process, at least. It's been a LONG time since we've seen this greener side of the fence so it's only natural that we're being a little cautious.
Now that the major players are aware of our new situation, I can finally share it with you all :o) How many of you have been dying to hear the news? Maybe I should hold on to it for a little bit longer? Yes? ;o) LOL! Okay, okay, enough teasing...
A few years ago, DH had applied with the Federal Department of Fisheries & Oceans with an interest in becoming a Fisheries Officer. His educational background is a combination of Natural Resources and Law Enforcement and after working 'too' many years at a job that he is becoming to literally hate; he felt it was time for a change. He almost made the cut last year but at the last minute, the government cut back the number of positions available and DH (and I) were crushed :o(
Two weeks ago, DH got the call that we have eagerly been hoping and waiting for since this all started two years ago...he was told to pack his bags because he was going into the training program to become a Fishery Officer!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! The call went something like this...
"Are you still interested in the job?"
"Are you willing to pack up and move?"
"Are you willing to live in the middle of nowhere?"
"Are you willing to move to Nova Scotia?"
That's right! Not only is DH getting a new job but we're moving! This was THE first time that I actually smiled to myself and was truly happy. This is huge and I mean HUGE! Not only are we moving away and starting somewhere new, we're also securing our future and taking charge of our own happiness :o)
Sounds pretty straight forward huh? HA! We have two months to finish renovating the house, pack and sell it before DH heads off for training. He will be away from October 27 to December 19 where he'll be training in Sydney, Nova Scotia. He will have two weeks off for Christmas and then he's gone again from January 5 to March 6, where he'll be in Regina Saskatchewan! I thought one week away at a time was a lot but now I'll have to get used to two months at a time :o(
So where does that leave me? Well, if the house doesn't sell, I'm going to stay here until it does. We won't be moving until next year anyway plus, we still don't know where he will be posted yet. If the house does sell, I have contemplated moving back in with good ol' Mum and Dad ;o) How that will work, I don't know but I'm sure we can set some boundaries. As long as I can have access to Dad's high speed internet, I'll be happy. LOL!
Remember when I said that when things start to go right, it seems that the winds completely change in your favour? Well, I have a job interview tomorrow with the Provincial Government for that job that I went in for testing! This is a job that I really want too. Figures huh? My thoughts...I might as well go and if I do get the job, I'll work there until such time as we have to move. It will probably be hard to leave it if I like it as much as I think I will but at least I'll have that experience to add to my resume :o)
Hopefully I will be able to keep up with my Blog but things are going to turn very busy now that the wedding is over and we can fully concentrate on getting our place in shape. Things have already been packed away and we're going to have one massive yard sale. I refuse to move any more than I have to! LOL! Does anyone have any good advice about packing up your framed needlework? Remember, this might have to go into storage for some time :oS
I'm definitely going to miss the girls and my other friends that I have here in the city but we can always keep in touch by emails :o) There will be new friends to make and who knows, it might even end up being a fellow Blogger! Until then, I will be dreaming about my man dressed up in uniform and sporting a gun on his hip ;o) What IS it with a man in uniform ladies? Sigh!

Now that the major players are aware of our new situation, I can finally share it with you all :o) How many of you have been dying to hear the news? Maybe I should hold on to it for a little bit longer? Yes? ;o) LOL! Okay, okay, enough teasing...
A few years ago, DH had applied with the Federal Department of Fisheries & Oceans with an interest in becoming a Fisheries Officer. His educational background is a combination of Natural Resources and Law Enforcement and after working 'too' many years at a job that he is becoming to literally hate; he felt it was time for a change. He almost made the cut last year but at the last minute, the government cut back the number of positions available and DH (and I) were crushed :o(
Two weeks ago, DH got the call that we have eagerly been hoping and waiting for since this all started two years ago...he was told to pack his bags because he was going into the training program to become a Fishery Officer!!!!! WOOHOO!!!! The call went something like this...
"Are you still interested in the job?"
"Are you willing to pack up and move?"
"Are you willing to live in the middle of nowhere?"
"Are you willing to move to Nova Scotia?"
That's right! Not only is DH getting a new job but we're moving! This was THE first time that I actually smiled to myself and was truly happy. This is huge and I mean HUGE! Not only are we moving away and starting somewhere new, we're also securing our future and taking charge of our own happiness :o)
Sounds pretty straight forward huh? HA! We have two months to finish renovating the house, pack and sell it before DH heads off for training. He will be away from October 27 to December 19 where he'll be training in Sydney, Nova Scotia. He will have two weeks off for Christmas and then he's gone again from January 5 to March 6, where he'll be in Regina Saskatchewan! I thought one week away at a time was a lot but now I'll have to get used to two months at a time :o(
So where does that leave me? Well, if the house doesn't sell, I'm going to stay here until it does. We won't be moving until next year anyway plus, we still don't know where he will be posted yet. If the house does sell, I have contemplated moving back in with good ol' Mum and Dad ;o) How that will work, I don't know but I'm sure we can set some boundaries. As long as I can have access to Dad's high speed internet, I'll be happy. LOL!
Remember when I said that when things start to go right, it seems that the winds completely change in your favour? Well, I have a job interview tomorrow with the Provincial Government for that job that I went in for testing! This is a job that I really want too. Figures huh? My thoughts...I might as well go and if I do get the job, I'll work there until such time as we have to move. It will probably be hard to leave it if I like it as much as I think I will but at least I'll have that experience to add to my resume :o)
Hopefully I will be able to keep up with my Blog but things are going to turn very busy now that the wedding is over and we can fully concentrate on getting our place in shape. Things have already been packed away and we're going to have one massive yard sale. I refuse to move any more than I have to! LOL! Does anyone have any good advice about packing up your framed needlework? Remember, this might have to go into storage for some time :oS
I'm definitely going to miss the girls and my other friends that I have here in the city but we can always keep in touch by emails :o) There will be new friends to make and who knows, it might even end up being a fellow Blogger! Until then, I will be dreaming about my man dressed up in uniform and sporting a gun on his hip ;o) What IS it with a man in uniform ladies? Sigh!

Congratulations Cathey...
it's about time good things happened for you and hubby.
Good Luck with your job interview ...
I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you:)
Let me know how you make out.
I love to read good news! Best of luck with all of this change. It sounds like exciting adventures ahead!
WoW! This is big news and I'm so happy for you both!! I always believe that things have a way of working out in the end, somehow, some way and you just have to go where the path takes you.
May all your adventures continue to get better and better from here onwards! How exciting!!
Now don't get me started about men in uniforms; I'm trying to behave today ;)
You must be so excited about this.
ooh, how exciting!! Congratulations to dh!!
Good luck with the interview tomorrow. I'm sure you'll do terrific.
That's great news about the job and moving, you have a busy time ahead but it'll be all worth it I'm sure. Hope you manage to keep blogging!!
yeaaaa hope everything goes well
Not Moncton, eh? Darn.
I'm glad everything is looking good for your future.
I do have a thought about storing cross stitch. However you store them, I thought those silica gels packs might help keep them moisture free. You've seen them, they come in shoe boxes when you buy new ones, and they say not to eat them. I'm just sure how easy it would be to collect them and how many might be needed. Just a thought.
I can't immagine you away from your "life line" for MONTHS... but the reunion would be sweet. ;o)
Cathey...that is terrific news for you both! I know that you'll do fine with prepping for the house sale and move. Did you know that we are planning a fall 2009 trip to tour Cape Breton????
Once again...congratulations! You deserve all the happiness coming your way.
CONGRAUTLATIONS and GOOD LUCK!!! It's about time you and DH have some things go your way. What an exciting new adventure!
How much framed needlework are we talking here? Is there some way you can store it in a closet or other temperature and humidity controlled area at your parents' house? You can always get big sheets of heavy brown craft paper and/or bubble wrap (especially for pieces with glass) and wrap each piece individually, then "file" them in a large plastic tote (stacking might damage the frames) using extra paper or bubble wrap to fill in the gaps for a tighter fit.
I am so happy for you!
Wonderful News!! But I agree go for the job you want,as it'll be something to keep you occupied whilst he is away!!
I am so happy for the two of you. This will be a very busy time for you, don't forget to stitch and relax.
I thought the news might be that you were moving, but a new job too!!! WOOHOO Huge congratulations to you and your DH! Such exciting news.
Good luck to you at your interview!
Cute boy is in a job with a uniform and will be armed in his position not too long from now.... rawwwwrrrr is all I can say. I love the bullet proof vest too, but not what it represents - bullets. I ask him if he'll model and spin for me. All I get is a look and a giggle. No fashion show as of yet. I'll keep you posted!
Congratulations, Cathey! That sounds super exciting!
No wonder I haven't heard from you lately! So busy moving and packing. I wish you the best of luck!
Congratulations! That is such wonderful news :)
Best of luck with your job interview! Any chance you could transfer to the new location?
That's really exciting news! Congratulations to you and your DH!!
OMG! Congratulations to DH...that's a fantastic opportunity. I have an aunt & uncle in Nova Scotia, but it's a big place!
Best of luck with your interview!
WHOO HOO!!!! Congratulations to both of you!
Good luck at the interview - I'm sure you'll get the job!!
Happy dancing, Cathey!!
That is wonderful news, well done.
Wonderful news! cathey,
Congatulations! I do hope everything continues to go so well.
Best of luck to both of you
I see you finally let the cat out of the bag. You know we are 100% behind you and your DH and will help in any way we can. We hate to see you move away but at the same time, we understand that your DH is finally going to do a job that he is suited for. Congratulations to both of you again.
WOW! I am so excited for you both! I pray the move will go smoothly, the job(s) will be just what you're looking for, and that you both get some sunny skies (finally)!!!
That IS so exciting. Best of luck!
Will you get a government move to your first posting?
Yes, I was waiting for this big news and I'm so so happy for you both. Even if that means being away from each other for some time, this will lead to a happier life. After all, when you spend eight to ten hours a day at work and you don't like it, it's difficult to feel fine...
And your job interview is a great thing too. I agree 100% about that experience gained. Besides, it would keep you busy while DH is away. Good thing...
Looks like you have great mum and dad!!!
What great news!! I am so happy and excited for you both. Best of Luck to you both as you start a new adventure. xoxo
Woot! and green is very flattering on your DH ;)
What exciting news! I am happy to hear about good changes in your life. Best luck to both of you!
Fantastic news! I'm so happy for both of you!
Congrats on the winds of good fortune blowing your way...it's always nice to get some good news!
My Granma packed up her framed needlework by wrapping each piece in packing paper, and then storing the wrapped pieces in boxes with towels/padding between each piece. Some of her pieces were packed away for several years and came out just fine.
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