Today is our wedding anniversary :o) Thirteen years! I'd say that we're starting to feel like an old married couple but that happened years ago. LOL! When we first got married, DH had promised me, in front of witnesses by the way, 70 years together so he's still got 57 years to go. After that, it's a free for all. Do you think we'll be prime dating material when we're 94? ;o)
A few days ago I took the dogs outside with me and tried to get some pictures of them. This is Tweedledee (Brie) and Tweedledum (Duncan) -
Quite the odd couple aren't they? LOL! I can't remember who asked but Brie is a miniature Dachshund. She only weights around 10-11 pounds with a very solid body. In comparison, Duncan is an Australian Cattle Dog and is about 55 pounds of solid muscle. It's really amazing how well they get along with each other. There definitely is a bond there.
The Odd Couple, Mutt & Jeff, Dumb & Dumber, the two have quite a few nicknames ;o) Duncan used to be a show dog so we only brought him home at two years of age. I can't remember but he was either number one or two in Canada. He's got quite the portfolio. DH and I consider Duncan our slow child. He may be pretty to look at but he's missing a few oars from his boat. LOL!
Duncan LOVES to bury his bones. He rarely chews them. It's so funny to watch him though because if he sees that you're watching him, he'll grab the bone and find another location to dig. But it's not like he makes a hole to drop the bone in. His idea of hiding it is to just lay it on the ground and push the dirt over top of it :oP
Brie continues to do well but we know she'll never be 100%. Her coat has grown all the way in and it completely covers the scar from her operation. She still loves to run and play. I was out with her the other night, trying to get her to go poo, when she decided she wanted to play. We ran all around the back yard, to the front of the house, around my car twice, around DH's car twice and then I finally had to give up because I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I can only imagine what our neighbours thought of this grown woman, in her fleece pyjamas, running around chasing a little black rat. LOL!
I have one thing to confess about Brie though...she does have a drinking problem :o) She's like a magnet to wine and beer. No drink is safe if it's within her reach. A few nights ago, DH and I were getting ready to eat supper in the living room (this is where we always eat) and he went in and placed his glass of milk down beside his chair. What he didn't realize was that he placed the drink 'on' Brie's carpet. Wee One figured since it was on 'her' carpet it was fair game. She did get a time out but it was funny as all get out ;o)
Btw, Happy Anniversary Sweetie! I'm looking forward to many more wonderful years together and I love you :o)

A few days ago I took the dogs outside with me and tried to get some pictures of them. This is Tweedledee (Brie) and Tweedledum (Duncan) -
Quite the odd couple aren't they? LOL! I can't remember who asked but Brie is a miniature Dachshund. She only weights around 10-11 pounds with a very solid body. In comparison, Duncan is an Australian Cattle Dog and is about 55 pounds of solid muscle. It's really amazing how well they get along with each other. There definitely is a bond there.
The Odd Couple, Mutt & Jeff, Dumb & Dumber, the two have quite a few nicknames ;o) Duncan used to be a show dog so we only brought him home at two years of age. I can't remember but he was either number one or two in Canada. He's got quite the portfolio. DH and I consider Duncan our slow child. He may be pretty to look at but he's missing a few oars from his boat. LOL!
Duncan LOVES to bury his bones. He rarely chews them. It's so funny to watch him though because if he sees that you're watching him, he'll grab the bone and find another location to dig. But it's not like he makes a hole to drop the bone in. His idea of hiding it is to just lay it on the ground and push the dirt over top of it :oP
Brie continues to do well but we know she'll never be 100%. Her coat has grown all the way in and it completely covers the scar from her operation. She still loves to run and play. I was out with her the other night, trying to get her to go poo, when she decided she wanted to play. We ran all around the back yard, to the front of the house, around my car twice, around DH's car twice and then I finally had to give up because I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I can only imagine what our neighbours thought of this grown woman, in her fleece pyjamas, running around chasing a little black rat. LOL!
I have one thing to confess about Brie though...she does have a drinking problem :o) She's like a magnet to wine and beer. No drink is safe if it's within her reach. A few nights ago, DH and I were getting ready to eat supper in the living room (this is where we always eat) and he went in and placed his glass of milk down beside his chair. What he didn't realize was that he placed the drink 'on' Brie's carpet. Wee One figured since it was on 'her' carpet it was fair game. She did get a time out but it was funny as all get out ;o)
Btw, Happy Anniversary Sweetie! I'm looking forward to many more wonderful years together and I love you :o)

Happy Anniversary!!! What great pictures of Duncan & Brie. Love their nicknames...I might have to try a couple of those out on Sadie Jo & Cash. Cheers, T
Happy anniversary, Cathey, and many happy returns.
Brie and Duncan make a really cute couple as well!
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary to you both!!! We were witnesses at your DH's promised 70 years. We are going to make sure he keeps his promise.LOL Seriously, we are wishing you both many, many more years together. Happy ones!
I forgot what the date was this morning when we were at your place and of course, by the time we got home and got our late supper, I figured you didn't want to be bothered by Mumzy.
Your pics of the dogs are really sweet. You know we love those granddogs.
Have a Great Evening for the rest of it.
{{{Love and Hugs to both of you}}}
Happy anniversary ! YOU GO GIRL!!!! I just discovered my mau mix LOVES wine if he isn't hyper enuf!
Happy anniversary, Cathey!
Happy Anniversary to you both!
What I find absolutely hilarious about this post is it starts out "anniversary talk" "dog talk" and lots of it, (which I love) then.... "anniversary talk". It strikes me funny! LOL
Your dogs are darling. I'm at work right now for another 3 hours and I am now missing my Daisy sooo much. It is going to make the next 3 hours so much longer now.
Happy Anniversary to you both!!
Oh those doggies look so sweet!!
Happy Anniversary
Hope you have many more happy years
Happy Anniversary! Your doggies look like wonderful companions.
Happy Anniversary....
Lovely dog pictures, so sweet.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Cathey! And many more happy years together!
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary!! and many more
Love the doggy pics.
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary, sorry I'm late catching up to posts.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Don't those two look great together. Which one's the boss?!
Love the doggie pixs
Your Duncan and my Robbie must be kindred spirits. My boy is beautiful, but not too smart. LOL. Maybe our boys just get by on their looks, LOL.
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations to both of you, and here's to many more happy years together :)
Oh what beautiful pictures of Duncan and Brie, now that I see Duncan I can tell my Dingo is 1/2Australian Cattle Dog and 1/2 Corgi. The family that gave him to our son told him he was that and he only remembered the Corgi part but knew the other part had something to do with Cattle. LOL How funny we both have this sort of dog and a miniature Dachshund. We have such great taste in dogs don't we. :) and they have great taste in owners. Glad to see Brie getting better and also Happy Anniversary to you.
Ooops... Happy belated aniversary to the most gorgeous couple Canadian couple I know (Guess how many I know Lol!!!).
Great pics of the dogs.
Aww, your DH sounds like a keeper! Happy belated Anniversary!
Cathey...70 years is quite a goal but I'm sure you will make that and several more! Happy Anniversary to you both!
Happy Anniversary!!! Your two little doggies are so cute together.
Happy Anniversary!!
A bit late (I'm behind on blog reading), but Happy Anniversary!
Love the pictures of the puppers. Brie looks great (reminds me of my childhood Dox, Heidi) and my hubby would love Duncan. He wants an ACD so bad, but we have to wait until we get a fence around our yard so the dog would have a safe place to run and play.
I love the book Watership Down. You need to hear the theme song! Makes me cry everytime I hear it. My trademark is the rabbit because I own 4 rabbits!
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