It took years but we finally got one!!!! I know it isn't a LNS but at least it's a craft store and somewhere that I can buy DMC at a reasonable price. Yesterday they opened their doors for the first time. I didn't think I was going to be anywhere near the store so I hadn't planned on being there. Someone must have been smiling down on me because I was dropped off right in front of the store :o)
As soon as I got to the floss section, lo and behold there was Carolyn! She wasn't kidding when she said she was going to be there the first day they opened. We had a quick chat and then I picked up some floss. Out of all the floss that I have, I couldn't believe it when I only had one 451 in my stash! That's always the way though isn't it? LOL!
Well, the contractors are finished! The building for The Needlework Shop is complete -
There were times when I didn't think they were going to finish their job but they came through and worked steadily all week ;o) Now I have some time off while I hunt down a landscaper so it's back to stitching Tot. I wonder how hard it is to get a landscaper at this time of year. Anyone know?
DH and I had some company this weekend :o) Mom and Dad arrived Friday evening and work started on the bathroom right away. Because we'll be putting the house up for sale as soon as possible, we're trying to get some of the remaining renovation projects completed. One of those projects was the main bathroom. It was really dated with the grey fixtures so it just needed a makeover ;o) This was the progress by Saturday morning -
No more grey fixtures (okay, except the sink) and no more gross flooring :o) GONE! Woohoo! This is the status as of today -
Have you ever seen a redneck's shower before? Well it probably looks something like this ;o) LOL! Toilet and tub are in as well as my new floor. We ended up falling behind but not because of something we did. DH and I had picked up the roll of flooring a few years ago and on the label it stated - "6 ft x 9 ft, approximate size (minimum size 6' x 8'9")" but when we rolled it out, it was only 6' x 6'. Hmmm...where did the other 3' go???? Grrrr! Sooooo, DH had to run back into town to get new flooring.
I'm really pleased with the work that got done this weekend though and I've got to thank Dad and DH for their hard work. Mom did her share of the work though and ended up babysitting Brie the majority of the time. LOL! I'm sure if you asked her though, she'd say she doesn't consider it work when it comes to her grand-dog ;o)

As soon as I got to the floss section, lo and behold there was Carolyn! She wasn't kidding when she said she was going to be there the first day they opened. We had a quick chat and then I picked up some floss. Out of all the floss that I have, I couldn't believe it when I only had one 451 in my stash! That's always the way though isn't it? LOL!
Well, the contractors are finished! The building for The Needlework Shop is complete -
There were times when I didn't think they were going to finish their job but they came through and worked steadily all week ;o) Now I have some time off while I hunt down a landscaper so it's back to stitching Tot. I wonder how hard it is to get a landscaper at this time of year. Anyone know?
DH and I had some company this weekend :o) Mom and Dad arrived Friday evening and work started on the bathroom right away. Because we'll be putting the house up for sale as soon as possible, we're trying to get some of the remaining renovation projects completed. One of those projects was the main bathroom. It was really dated with the grey fixtures so it just needed a makeover ;o) This was the progress by Saturday morning -
No more grey fixtures (okay, except the sink) and no more gross flooring :o) GONE! Woohoo! This is the status as of today -
Have you ever seen a redneck's shower before? Well it probably looks something like this ;o) LOL! Toilet and tub are in as well as my new floor. We ended up falling behind but not because of something we did. DH and I had picked up the roll of flooring a few years ago and on the label it stated - "6 ft x 9 ft, approximate size (minimum size 6' x 8'9")" but when we rolled it out, it was only 6' x 6'. Hmmm...where did the other 3' go???? Grrrr! Sooooo, DH had to run back into town to get new flooring.
I'm really pleased with the work that got done this weekend though and I've got to thank Dad and DH for their hard work. Mom did her share of the work though and ended up babysitting Brie the majority of the time. LOL! I'm sure if you asked her though, she'd say she doesn't consider it work when it comes to her grand-dog ;o)

your needlework shop looks great Cathey!!! I love how it is looking!
Oh my! I feel for you with the bathroom all tore up! But, you will love it when it is done!
Don't forget to sign up for Michael's newsletter, they send out coupons this way and this week it is a 50% off. Needlework shop is looking good.
WOOHOO on a Micheal's coming to town!
The bathroom renovations look fun - NOT!!!! I don't want to go back there for a very long time! Looks great though!
I get behind in reading and you're just exploding with news. Congratulations on the upcoming move and DH's new job. How exciting that all sounds. Good luck with the renovations and stuff you are doing to get ready. The bathroom looks to be off to a great start, what a bummer on the flooring though. I'm so glad the wedding went well and your dress was a sucess. TOT is looking awesome, I love the fabric you picked to do her on. Good luck too with your Bucket list. I haven't seen the movie, but making a list of the various goals sounds like a good plan, and it sounds like you've achieved quite a few. Your Breast Cancer Ribbon finish was lovely.
Oops, forgot to add enjoy your new Michaels. While it isn't a LNS, it sure is handy for some things when you don't have a LNS. My LNS if over an hour away, so for DMC and such Michaels has come in very handy. Watch for their coupons too, they have good sales, and when they run the framing sales it can really add up.
the bathroom is looking great , as is the stitching
I'm sure Brie loved having Granny looking after her
Who need a needlework shop when you have a Michael's ? lol Well, let me tell you I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of you as I am missing a lot my Michael's and my Hobby Lobby !!! :cry: I miss the cheap DMC ... I don't know if I'll ever come back to your blog !!! lol
Are you planning on buying a bigger or smaller house?
It is really handy to have a nearby Michaels. I'm sure you will visit often. And I have a bathroom in need of renovation if your parents are looking for something else to do!
My bathroom is in despirate need of a make-over.
I'm sick to death of pink bathtubs!! I grew up with them and when we moved into this house, there was one here. Unfortunately it's STILL here! I hate my bathroom.
Congrats on the Michaels--just in time for you to move! LOL!
Good luck with your bathroom. I'm sure it'll be great!
Oh, and your Needlework Shop is looking great too!
Yay for Michaels! When it comes to the DMC floss, it's nice to have them or Joanns nearby. Needlework shop looks great so far...glad the builders are back.
You have had an eventful weekend. The contractors on the needlework shop did a great job. don't you love having a Michaels close. Ours is about 5 minutes from the office and it's nice to be so close! Your bathroom looks like our bathroom did in 2005, only ours took 2 years to get put back right when it was only supposed to take a weekend, LOL.
It was great to see you Saturday at Micheal's-I wish we could have talked a little longer..there were so many people there it wasn't even funny.
Your bathroom renovations look great so far...what a big job.It will be so nice when it is done..
By the way your Needlework store is AWESOME!!!! I love it:)
Eeeewwweee...a bathroom renovation! *lol* Yours is looking great!
Congrats on the stitching progress...
Your pics look good and stand as proof of what was accomplished on the weekend.
Of course, taking care of Brie was great - she is still the sweetest little dog ever.
Dad and I have a nice weekend and were only too happy to help.
I think this is my 1st visit to your blog. I found the link on Carolyn's Corner. Great blog.
From my expirience I know renovation is not fun but how great everything looks after it is over.Your contractors did am amazing job! Congratulation on your Micheal's.
Congratulations on the Michaels!
Remodeling isn't a lot of fun but the results are impressive. Your needlework shop looks great!
Cathey, don't renovate...just move instead! LOL I have been working on this house - which started out to seem such a simple project - for over a yr and a half now and still no closer to finished. Maybe I need your family to come work on it instead???
You will like Michaels. We have them and Hobby Lobby here, and Michaels is by far the better of the 2. As someone else said, get the newsletter and coupons...the one here takes competitor coupons too, but you'll have to check yours to see if they do.
Needlework Shop is looking good. I love LHN designs.
I've been out of touch...I'll try to remedy that soon!
Take care,
Cathey, glad to see the Needlework Shop looks great after that quick build! Hope there weren't any cost over runs...that's unfortunate about the flooring being too small but hopefully you found something just as pretty and budget friendly! Weren't parents the greatest, especially when they pitch in to make light work of your reno projects!
The shop looks great! How nice that you have a Michael's now.
Oooh... the needlework shop is coming along... looking good!!
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