You're probably thinking that I went stash shopping or had the satisfaction of eating something that involved chocolate but if that's the case, you'd be wrong! Yesterday afternoon, I hung out the clothes, put my stitching in place, refused to answer the phone, planted my butt down on the couch and...watched the two hour season premiere of PRISON BREAK!!!! Ever since I saw the preview in August, I've been just jazzed about the show starting up again :o) And I have to say, they did not disappoint. Only five more days until the next episode...
DH doesn't like the show and says it's too 'unrealistic'. But what show that's on television these days is???? The reason I love this show so much is that they keep you on your toes. Characters can be eliminated from the show at any time. The writers make you love some characters while making you absolutely hate others. Even the ones you hate, you end up loving. It's been a long time since there's been a television show that has kept my interest for three years running.
It was a super busy weekend and my body is NOT happy. Even though it was, and still is, screaming at me, I'm still managing to get some stitching in :o) As I stated before, the contractors for The Needlework Shop completed the brick work on the foundation -
I've spoken to them since and we've come to an agreement that they will work on the shop a few days a week so you should see some progress in the near future ;o) Contractors! But what can you do? LOL!
Don't like working on linen? If that's you, you should try this Natural Pearl Linen by Zweigart. This is one beautiful material that I guarantee you'll love. It's linen but it has the feel and thickness of Jobelan. There are flecks of color throughout, giving a sort of tweed look to it. Nice, nice stuff. I love it :o)
I know you've all been dying to see Tot...or maybe not ;o) Since the day the fabric arrived, I've been working on her and I'm quite excited with the look that is emerging -
What do you think? Lori at Enchanted Fabrics did a one-of-a-kind piece for me and she captured the image I had in my head to a tee. I'm not sure if you can see the full effect quite yet but there are clouds in the sky, which I'm hoping will make the moon pop, and the ground gives lots of room for the pumpkins to trail their vines. The colors blend so well and have the same hues as her dress -
I've started using the Kreinik but I think I'll leave all the beading until the end, again. LOL! I know Katie has been working on her (and we're STILL waiting for a picture!) and has quite a bit done. Is there anyone else? I'd love to see how others are coming along with their own Halloween Fairy :o)

DH doesn't like the show and says it's too 'unrealistic'. But what show that's on television these days is???? The reason I love this show so much is that they keep you on your toes. Characters can be eliminated from the show at any time. The writers make you love some characters while making you absolutely hate others. Even the ones you hate, you end up loving. It's been a long time since there's been a television show that has kept my interest for three years running.
It was a super busy weekend and my body is NOT happy. Even though it was, and still is, screaming at me, I'm still managing to get some stitching in :o) As I stated before, the contractors for The Needlework Shop completed the brick work on the foundation -
I've spoken to them since and we've come to an agreement that they will work on the shop a few days a week so you should see some progress in the near future ;o) Contractors! But what can you do? LOL!
Don't like working on linen? If that's you, you should try this Natural Pearl Linen by Zweigart. This is one beautiful material that I guarantee you'll love. It's linen but it has the feel and thickness of Jobelan. There are flecks of color throughout, giving a sort of tweed look to it. Nice, nice stuff. I love it :o)
I know you've all been dying to see Tot...or maybe not ;o) Since the day the fabric arrived, I've been working on her and I'm quite excited with the look that is emerging -
What do you think? Lori at Enchanted Fabrics did a one-of-a-kind piece for me and she captured the image I had in my head to a tee. I'm not sure if you can see the full effect quite yet but there are clouds in the sky, which I'm hoping will make the moon pop, and the ground gives lots of room for the pumpkins to trail their vines. The colors blend so well and have the same hues as her dress -
I've started using the Kreinik but I think I'll leave all the beading until the end, again. LOL! I know Katie has been working on her (and we're STILL waiting for a picture!) and has quite a bit done. Is there anyone else? I'd love to see how others are coming along with their own Halloween Fairy :o)

Halloween Fairy looks great! And the fabric is superb.
love love love prison break!!!!!!!!!!
and ADORE your halloween fairy!
She is looking grogeous. I NOW have to find some fabby for her. I love the colour you are using.
Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.
The fairy looks gorgeous on that fabric. I'm a big fan of Enchanted Fabrics too. Just stitched up a little Halloween ornie for an exchange on cafe mocha flair, one of my favorites.
I don't think the contractors are doing a bad job at all :o)
TorT is lovely and your fabric is just perfect! I got my magazine today with her in too :o) Be a while before I start her as I have to save up for the beads and all that kreinik!
TOT looks super great start,I want to be able to get this magazine NOW lol hopefully they will get it in our stores soon, not sure if we get prison break over here lol , we do not watch much tv never anything I fancy I prefer to watch movies
I love the new pieces you're working. The halloween piece is darling already. I can't wait to see the next update.
OOOO, she is beautiful. I too am going to work on her.. I hadn't bought fabby yet, but I looooovve the piece you have. what is it called?
She is gorgeous. Love her!
Well, another design that has me envious. There will be no unique fairies left for me to create as larger designers work at breakneck paces with a STAFF !! (I actually had a halloween Fairy in mind.) I don't dare even type any of my other ideas, but I'm sure someone else is designing them anyway.
My designer's anxieties put aside... I think you've chosen the perfect fabric and she does look very pretty. Have fun stitching her. I'll look forward to seeing your WIP's. (pass a tissue) LOL
I love the fabric for your Trick or Treat Fairy! Great start!
Your Fairy is really beautiful. Glad that you taped Prison Brake and you know DH and I love that show. When you started your blog, I thought you might have made a pan of brownies - guess not. Glad to hear the contractors are back to work on the brick work. {{{Hugs}}}
Your fabric is gorgeous. I can't wait to see your progress..
I finally someone who was a crazy about Prison Break as I am...I was glued right to my seat for the whole show and can't wait for next week...
both pieces are beautiful Cathey!!! Is your needlework shop done on the fabric you talk about?? I love the look, that is why I ask! I am not a linen fan, which is another reason I ask!! The fabric Lori did for you is great...she is great to work with! Hope you are feeling better!!!
Your HF looks awesome on that fabric. Very nice start on your needlework shop!
Your TOT looks so nice on this fabric, a great start! I am about to start TOT too but my fabric is not so pretty :-(.
The contractors are doing a great job and TOT is looking wonderful, love the fabric.
When you shop is open: can I have the stitching blogger special discount (which is 50 % off on everything in the store? lol) Thanks!
I love your fairy but I still don't have all the material (I ordered from JJ's collectibles and will wait until it arrives.) The fabric is really nice. Lucky you: a special dye just for you ;-)
It's not prison break that you are watchin: it's the guys !!! Please don't fool your husband lol
I thought Halloween fairy was OK when I saw it in the magazine, but on your fabric choice she's amazing! Way to go, now I have another project to add to the list: you will be responsible for all my guilty feelings LOL!
Thanks for the info on the fabric. I hate working on linen, but it looks so much better. I'll have to try that stuff.
Geez, you are MOTORIN'!
Good for you!
I love your progress on both your pieces, and your fabric choice for TOT is faboo! I am really looking forward to seeing more. Keep up the good work!
I hate my fabric choice now!!!! I should have waited until I saw everyone else's...brown is just not right! :) Yours looks gorgeous on that fabric!! Way to go!
Wow! The Halloween fairy is so beautiful!
And I love prison break too:)
Glad the contractors have made a committment to you lol. I look forward to seeing more progress.
AMAZING wips!!!
Catching up on your blog, fav Pumpkin!
Big huge hugs,
Your ToT Fairy and Needlework Shop are looking great! Love the fabrics you chose!
Cathey, your fairy is looking beautiful!
You are so fast!!!
I've got the fabric a few days ago, but I should gather all the threads and beads which I can't buy all together in Japan, so I will be very behind, or I may try her next year! :D
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