I know they say that rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck but to have an actual hurricane? That must mean that my SIL and new BIL are cemented for life ;o) LOL! Despite the fact that we did have Hurricane Hanna bearing down on us, the weekend turned out surprisingly nice.
DH and I arrived in St. Andrews on Friday afternoon and checked into our hotel. What a nice place it was too! We had never stayed at the Rossmount Inn before but we will definitely be doing so again. The owners were friendly, the atmosphere was relaxing, the food was delicious and the overall experience was just lovely. The history of the hotel is quite an interesting one but I'm such a sucker for things like that :o) I only wish we had had more time to explore.
Apparently, Fun Cathey made an appearance on Friday evening at the rehearsal dinner. We were at The Gables, out on the patio, but since the wine was flowing (too) freely and it took an hour and a half just to get our salads, it wasn't surprising ;o) The last thing I can remember was the cheesecake. I 'can' tell you that the church rehearsal beforehand went very well. Good thing Fun Cathey wasn't there at that point because I doubt she would have delivered her reading in such an elegant fashion. LOL!
For being part of the wedding, my SIL gave me this gorgeous compact, engraved with my name -
It's definitely going to be treasured :o)
On Saturday, DH and I put on our big boy and girl clothes so we looked somewhat respectable and headed to the church ;o) The ceremony was beautiful and done in both English and French. My BIL's uncle helped with the French part of the ceremony. In the past, he has served at The Vatican! My SIL made her dress along with all the dresses for her Matron of Honour and her Bridesmaids. Her dress was white with a touch of burgundy while the others complimented with a combination of cream and burgundy.
I got a lot of compliments on my dress (and yes the girls stayed in check!). I only wish that we had had someone take a picture of DH and I together though :o( This is the best picture I have and it's cropped from one of the wedding pictures -
This was taken after the wedding so I'm showing lots of signs of being tired. I don't even think my energy level has even registered on the meter today :oS
The reception gave DH and I a chance to catch up with some friends and family members we had not seen in quite awhile. The food was good and the entertainment was second to none. LOL! But hey, the French always know how to have a good time so maybe that's why I come by it honestly ;o)
Yesterday was the brunch at the church hall and the gift opening by the bride and groom. When we arrived, DH and I got to see the effects of the storm that passed overnight. All the basements in St. Andrews were flooded and there were hoses coming out of almost every driveway. On the way to my in-laws, we saw the sides of the road washed out, creating great big craters. We were lucky in that I think that was the extent of the damage. Definitely just a drop in the bucket compared to those that are dealing with the hurricanes down south :o(
So, now we're home again but gearing up for another adventure! I know you are still patiently waiting and guess what? You'll be finding out in the next few days what I'm talking about so don't go too far away ;o)
Before I close, I want to thank my SIL and new BIL for a wonderful weekend and I hope it was as special as they had hoped it would be. Congratulations to you both and DH and I could not be happier for the two of you :o)

DH and I arrived in St. Andrews on Friday afternoon and checked into our hotel. What a nice place it was too! We had never stayed at the Rossmount Inn before but we will definitely be doing so again. The owners were friendly, the atmosphere was relaxing, the food was delicious and the overall experience was just lovely. The history of the hotel is quite an interesting one but I'm such a sucker for things like that :o) I only wish we had had more time to explore.
Apparently, Fun Cathey made an appearance on Friday evening at the rehearsal dinner. We were at The Gables, out on the patio, but since the wine was flowing (too) freely and it took an hour and a half just to get our salads, it wasn't surprising ;o) The last thing I can remember was the cheesecake. I 'can' tell you that the church rehearsal beforehand went very well. Good thing Fun Cathey wasn't there at that point because I doubt she would have delivered her reading in such an elegant fashion. LOL!
For being part of the wedding, my SIL gave me this gorgeous compact, engraved with my name -
It's definitely going to be treasured :o)
On Saturday, DH and I put on our big boy and girl clothes so we looked somewhat respectable and headed to the church ;o) The ceremony was beautiful and done in both English and French. My BIL's uncle helped with the French part of the ceremony. In the past, he has served at The Vatican! My SIL made her dress along with all the dresses for her Matron of Honour and her Bridesmaids. Her dress was white with a touch of burgundy while the others complimented with a combination of cream and burgundy.
I got a lot of compliments on my dress (and yes the girls stayed in check!). I only wish that we had had someone take a picture of DH and I together though :o( This is the best picture I have and it's cropped from one of the wedding pictures -
This was taken after the wedding so I'm showing lots of signs of being tired. I don't even think my energy level has even registered on the meter today :oS
The reception gave DH and I a chance to catch up with some friends and family members we had not seen in quite awhile. The food was good and the entertainment was second to none. LOL! But hey, the French always know how to have a good time so maybe that's why I come by it honestly ;o)
Yesterday was the brunch at the church hall and the gift opening by the bride and groom. When we arrived, DH and I got to see the effects of the storm that passed overnight. All the basements in St. Andrews were flooded and there were hoses coming out of almost every driveway. On the way to my in-laws, we saw the sides of the road washed out, creating great big craters. We were lucky in that I think that was the extent of the damage. Definitely just a drop in the bucket compared to those that are dealing with the hurricanes down south :o(
So, now we're home again but gearing up for another adventure! I know you are still patiently waiting and guess what? You'll be finding out in the next few days what I'm talking about so don't go too far away ;o)
Before I close, I want to thank my SIL and new BIL for a wonderful weekend and I hope it was as special as they had hoped it would be. Congratulations to you both and DH and I could not be happier for the two of you :o)

You look lovely in the pic. That seems like a great place to have a wedding. Hannah just adds a 'special' memory to the occasion.
Sounds like a lovely way to spend a weekend. Your dress is lovely!
So Glad you had a great time and that the girls behaved!!
What a lovely gift! And your dress is lovely,You look lovely!!
You are a beautiful couple. Sounds like Fun Cathey and Big Girl Cathey both had a wonderful time....now I can't wait to see you! (and bring a bottle of wine *giggle*)
Sounds like a great weekend to cherish. You and DH look very nice.
Your picture looks great even if your were tired out.
LOVE the compact.
Hmmm... taking off so soon? Hope you don't miss something "interesting" while you are away. Muahaha! ;o)
I like the simple yet classy style of your dress and looks like something I would wear if I had to wear one. My legs just aren't meant for dresses. I shoulda been a boy, haha.
So you think it holds true if it started to rain moments after you got married? I hope so, lol.
Sounds like you had fun. No hurricane would stop this wedding! LOL! Hope the couple has many years of joy together. The picture of you and your husband is lovely. Now we see what you look like!
Cathey, the compact is just beautiful and what a lovely keepsake.
You and DH did make a striking couple and I was very proud of the good job you did in your reading at the wedding. It had rained at my wedding, even if it was only in the a.m. before the wedding started, so maybe that is why we have been married for so long. So glad you and DH had a good time. Everything was very nice, the married couple make a beautiful couple too.
Have a good day!
You look lovely, even when tired! So glad you had a wonderful time! Looking forward to hearing your next big news.
You (and the girls) look fantastic! The compact you received is a wonderful present~enjoy! I'm so glad you had a good time and that fun Cathey got to let it all hang out! :op
okay...I'm intrigued! What's going on? LOL ARE YOU MOVING TO MONCTON?? hehe you could join the floss fairies!! You could be the Pink fairy!
Your dress is sweet, and the two of you look so nice!
I would personally love to go out for an evening with the "fun Cathey" LOL
what a lovely photo of the pair of you , glad you enjoyed the wedding
Sounds like you had a fab time. That's a lovely photo of you and your DH.
Cathey, your photo is looking great!
And your dress is so lovely!
It's my taste, too!!
The two of you look great on this pic!
I'm glad the weather didn't spoil the wedding...
You look very pretty and happy, even if you are tired!! I like your dress.
I'm glad you had such a nice weekend. It sounds like a lot of fun!
What a lovely picture of you and your husband! You look great! Happy to know you had a wonderful time.
It sounds like it was lovely affair! Great photo
Your pic looks fabulous and love the dress. Sounds like a great weekend.
I'm glad it all went so well!! Was wondering about you, with the weather.
And we STILL have to wait for the news?!?!? *lol*
Oh what a beautiful picture of you both. You are quite the handsome couple. Thanks so much for sharing, So happy that you had such a nice time. What a lovely compact. xoxo How is our little Brie?
Lovely photo Cathey! Everything sounded wonderful and I am glad the girls were good-LOL
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