Sigh! I have some sad news to share with you all. It's something that I had been fighting with for months and finally I had to make a decision on what to do.
Yesterday I took Popcorn back to the shelter :o( This was not an easy thing for me. I SO wanted a bunny back in my life but for some reason the special bond that I was looking for never developed between us.
As sweet as Popcorn could be sometimes, she was quite aggressive most of the time. She loved to be petted but hated to be picked up. The whole time she was here was basically a training period and I've never had to put that much work into a bunny before. Please don't take that the wrong way! Most relationships happen naturally but I would have continued to work with her if I thought things would have changed.
I was so hurt when the shelter told me that "Adopting a pet is a huge responsibility and it takes time, patience, love and commitment..." Yes there have been a few times when pets have not worked out for me but the majority of the time they have. I had my bunny Scooter for almost seven years and Pickles for eleven. They were both with me until they died. If that's not commitment, I don't know what is.
But that bond that I was hoping for with Popcorn just wasn't there, even after seven months of work, and it's not something you can force. I just didn't feel that maternal instinct. I had it with Scooter, with Pickles and most of all Brie. It was so strong that I would have killed if someone harmed them.
In the end though I am disappointed in myself because I feel like I have failed Popcorn :o( I hate seeing animals shuffled from home to home and I only hope that they will find the right home for her next time. If there is one blessing in this it's that Popcorn totally made herself at home when we got to the shelter :o) That was the very last thing I expected of her! It made it a 'bit' easier to leave her behind.
I am missing her and keep looking for her. I want to call out her name when I walk into my craft room. It will take some time to adjust. For now our house will remain bunnyless but at least the memories will still be there :o)
Yesterday I took Popcorn back to the shelter :o( This was not an easy thing for me. I SO wanted a bunny back in my life but for some reason the special bond that I was looking for never developed between us.
As sweet as Popcorn could be sometimes, she was quite aggressive most of the time. She loved to be petted but hated to be picked up. The whole time she was here was basically a training period and I've never had to put that much work into a bunny before. Please don't take that the wrong way! Most relationships happen naturally but I would have continued to work with her if I thought things would have changed.
I was so hurt when the shelter told me that "Adopting a pet is a huge responsibility and it takes time, patience, love and commitment..." Yes there have been a few times when pets have not worked out for me but the majority of the time they have. I had my bunny Scooter for almost seven years and Pickles for eleven. They were both with me until they died. If that's not commitment, I don't know what is.
But that bond that I was hoping for with Popcorn just wasn't there, even after seven months of work, and it's not something you can force. I just didn't feel that maternal instinct. I had it with Scooter, with Pickles and most of all Brie. It was so strong that I would have killed if someone harmed them.
In the end though I am disappointed in myself because I feel like I have failed Popcorn :o( I hate seeing animals shuffled from home to home and I only hope that they will find the right home for her next time. If there is one blessing in this it's that Popcorn totally made herself at home when we got to the shelter :o) That was the very last thing I expected of her! It made it a 'bit' easier to leave her behind.
I am missing her and keep looking for her. I want to call out her name when I walk into my craft room. It will take some time to adjust. For now our house will remain bunnyless but at least the memories will still be there :o)

Sometimes these things have to happen.
I was having bunny cuddles at a frieds this morning, they have just adopted a new bunny after theirs passed away in December
((Hugs)) - I appreciate the honesty in your post. I'm struggling with the same thing with a cat at the moment, and its good to know that there are others out there who struggle with the same issues.
You did the right thing with Bunny. I know it was a hard thing to do. (((Hugs))).
I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You must be hurting, but for you to give her up means it truly wasn't ever going to work out. You would never turn an animal away if it wasn't absolutely necessary!
Oh, I'm so sorry, Cathey but I would say you certainly gave it a valiant effort. An aggressive animal is not fun.
Sending hugs to you! I'm sorry you had to make this decision. I completely understand though. Sometimes these things just don't work out. Give Duncan an extra hug!
I'm so very sorry but I do understand. I never shared our bunny story with you.
My daughter wanted a mini Rex and she got a female for her birthday several years ago. I had enjoyed rabbits as an older kid and I knew she'd be good to one.
Her rabbit HATED people. It bit us, scratched us, and was just overall a grouch. We spent a LOOOONG time trying to coax a postive response from her but never got one.
We rehomed her with a lady who had many bunnies that said she'd love to have her no matter her quirky mean behavior. She actually thought the other rabbits would put her in her place.
Bottom line for sharing this is I want you to know I get it. We are quite an animal loving family and I thought we could 'couquer all' but I was not able to do this with our rabbit.
Many hugs your way. I hope as your heart heals you will find a way to open your heart to another fur baby someday. I suggest a Guinea Pig. I've never owned such wonderful animals! Truly..a Guinea piggie is precious!
I can tell what a truly difficult decision it was for you to make (((hugs))). My daughter and her fiancé just went through the same thing with a cat they had for almost a year. They just heard Norah (the cat) has been adopted by a new family and it is going great. As I said to my daughter... there's a lid for every pot! :^)
I guess that's just the way it goes. I'd say you tried your hardest and you had to do what works best.
You did not fail... sometimes this happens. Not just bunnies. Someone will come along that is the right person for Popcorn. I just know it.. You did try.. You have a big heart !
That would be a hard decision to make. Who knows what dictates animal behavior, esp. when she had such a loving home. I had a bunny just like that once: a beautiful, black lop eared bunny who didn't like us. He refused to be cuddled or picked up. He wouldn't even come around you if you had food. All he ever did was try to escape outside, and once he succeeded that was the end of him unfortunately.
You did all you could, and everyone here knows how much you love your animals.
I'm so sorry it didn't work out! Sometimes it just doesn't work the way you want it to. I also had a bunny for 11 years (until she died) and she was a joy to have. The rabbit before her I only kept a few months because, like Popcorn, she was too aggressive and disruptive to the household. I had to weigh the needs of all the animals in the house vs. just her needs, though it wasn't easy to do. You gave it an honest go so don't be too hard on yourself. Some things weren't meant to be. *hugs*
Sorry things didn't work out for you , but it seems that you really did try your best and give it your all . Sometimes these things just aren't meant to be , but that's not to say it won't happen next time .
Take care . XXX
A hard to decision to make, in the end a right one. Sounds like Popcorn would be suited to a petting zoo for children where she doesnt get picked up.
I'm so sorry that things didn't work out for Popcorn. You gave it your best effort and I guess the only way to think of it is that sometimes two people (or a person & a bunny) just don't click.
Sending you a big hub, Cathey... I'm sure this decision did not come easily to you, but if the bond hadn't formed by now, it probably never would have. I know you tried your hardest...
I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm sure a bunny is a lot of hard work. I'm sure she'll be fine.
For the most part, the pets I've had have worked out but there have been those that just didn't "fit" in. Don't feel gave it a good long try and when it didn't work you placed her somewhere safe. THAT is responsiblity and commitment in my book. *hugs*
ROFLOL I never read others' comments until after I leave mine or I mess mine up...
Parsley mentioned maybe trying a Guinea Pig ~ that was one pet that didn't work out for us! GP's think Jess & I are yummy! We got one when I worked in the pet shop and it started biting, then biting harder! OUCH! The breeder couldn't believe it ~ Guinea Pigs never bite. Then I realized EVERY GP I held at work would start biting me! We found ours a new home ASAP.
My heart goes out to you. Sometimes we just have to accept that a relationship isn't right and that applies to all living things. Popcorn will be the right fit for someone and it is good that you realized now that someone isn't you. If you had kept working and trying and it still wasn't right, resentment would have set in and that wouldn't have been good for either of you. I think it is great that you could be honest about this, both with us but especially with yourself.
So sorry that it didn't work out with Popcorn. I now that must have been a difficult decision to make. Take some time for yourself and the right bunny will hop along.
Cathey, my heart goes out to you and I can completely understand how you must feel right now :) You did the right thing in the end and you tried for such a long time to get her to turn around but it just wasn't meant to be.
I'm gonna email you in a bit. Hugs :)
You had Popcorn for 7 months, I think that's a VERY long time to try and decide if you can keep a pet. It's not like you only had her for a few weeks or a month. I've gotten almost all of my dogs and cats from shelters or rescues and I support what they do, but you deserve credit for realizing things weren't working out and it sounds like Popcorn was happy to go back (I'm hope that doesn't hurt your feelings, I'm not trying to). I once returned a kitten that we had for only 3 days because this thing was possessed. It had bitten every one of my 4 kids, you couldn't hold him or pet him. The shelter made me feel horrible when I returned him but I knew this was not going to work out and that it would be best for everyone...ourselves...our other cats....and our kids to return him before anyone bonded with him and would overlook the aggression in him. Sorry to go on and on but I hope someday you'll find another bunny you can love.
A hard decision but it sounds like you did the right thing, hugs!
I'm sorry to hear about that. It sounds like you did what was best for both of you, though :)
I know how hard you tried to bond with Popcorn and so I am sorry it did not work out. You are such an animal lover. It was nice talking to you yesterday and look forward to our next chat.
I'm so sorry things didn't work out with your bunny. What you did giving her up must of been a very hard decision for you to make but the best one for both you and Popcorn.
Hugs Crystal
So sad for you Cathey, it's a loss for you and I know how that hurts.
Only you could know what the right decision was and from your experience and happy times with your other beloved bunnies this sounds as though it was the right one xxx
Awww...big hugs. That's not an easy decision to make.
What a difficult decision to make, but it sounds like it was the best thing for both you and Popcorn. You tried for a very long time and not all relationships are meant to be forever. Now Popcorn has another chance to find the right home, and you can open your heart to another bunny when the time is right. Treat yourself gently - this is a loss for you even though you chose this path. Take care.
So sorry to hear that it didn't work out despite all that months is a lot of time to put into trying to make things work. You didn't fail. Failing is not ever trying. You tried hard and, with luck, Popcorn will find the right place for her. And the right bunny will come along...
It takes a loving hear to want more for a friend, human or furry. She probably understood that you weren't the match you wanted so much for it to be. {{{Hugs}}}
I'm so sorry things didn't work out w Popcorn. I know how you love bunnies and how difficult a decision it was. Shelters just say the same thing to everybody, it's not a reflection on you. {{{Cathey}}} Hopefully Popcorn will find a more compatible owner.
I can imagine that wasn't an easy decision to make.. I undestand you sweetie. And I think you did well, you decided what was best for Popcorn and gave her another chance of finding a family to bond better.
Huge hug to you =)
I had a bunny once, I kept her a few days and she was just too aggressive. Perhaps my dog made her nervous, I have no idea. She just kept biting and wouldn't stand being touched at all... So I had to give her back and I felt very badly about that. Never told anybody because I felt ashamed.
Your courageous post just shows that these things happen, even to the best of us.
Lots of hugs, Cathey.
There is wisdom in knowing things need to change - Popcorn needs to find her perfect place & now she will have that opportunity
It's ok
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