Woohoo! It took two car trips to NB to do it but I finally got the first completed project under my belt :o) Here is The Merry Skater by LHN -
I don't think I've EVER frogged so much on one piece before in my life! I'm going to attribute that to stitching in the car. Yeah, that's sounds good...
I made two small changes. First off I changed the color of her hair so that it matched mine a little better :o) Then I only used one strand of floss to backstitch the ribbon she is holding.
Now that I have done the Happy Skater and The Merry Skater, I'll have to make some time to finish them into ornaments. Yes, I'm a little late in doing this but at least they should be done and on my ornament tree this coming Christmas ;o)
So that means I have completed one of my 2011 goals and got one of my WIP's out of the way. Ahhhh, that feels good!
Next up will be Christmas Rules by LK. I want to have the heading and the first block done by the end of January. I'm doing this as a SAL with Nia. We've already decided that we're going to do the new Halloween Rules together in 2012 :o) I mean, how CUTE is this new series????
I want to thank everyone for their kind comments on our loss. The memorial service was very lovely and it was so nice to see friends that we haven't seen in quite awhile. DH and I left a white NB with snowflakes flying but arrived back home in NS under twilight skies with bare ground. Yes, we do live in a small oasis ;o) Until this morning that is -
It looks like the s-n-o-w followed us home >:o(
I don't think I've EVER frogged so much on one piece before in my life! I'm going to attribute that to stitching in the car. Yeah, that's sounds good...
I made two small changes. First off I changed the color of her hair so that it matched mine a little better :o) Then I only used one strand of floss to backstitch the ribbon she is holding.
Now that I have done the Happy Skater and The Merry Skater, I'll have to make some time to finish them into ornaments. Yes, I'm a little late in doing this but at least they should be done and on my ornament tree this coming Christmas ;o)
So that means I have completed one of my 2011 goals and got one of my WIP's out of the way. Ahhhh, that feels good!
Next up will be Christmas Rules by LK. I want to have the heading and the first block done by the end of January. I'm doing this as a SAL with Nia. We've already decided that we're going to do the new Halloween Rules together in 2012 :o) I mean, how CUTE is this new series????
I want to thank everyone for their kind comments on our loss. The memorial service was very lovely and it was so nice to see friends that we haven't seen in quite awhile. DH and I left a white NB with snowflakes flying but arrived back home in NS under twilight skies with bare ground. Yes, we do live in a small oasis ;o) Until this morning that is -
It looks like the s-n-o-w followed us home >:o(

Merry Skater is adorable. I like your idea of using 1 strand of floss for the ribbon. Congrats on your 201l finish. Can't wait to see the start to Christmas Rules by LK.
Sorry to hear of the passing of a family friend. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs))).
I am so glad I "discovered" you. It seems like I am being drawn to Canadian stitchers . . hum, wonder why?
Lovely new stitching in new year :) congratulations!
Happy skater, Merry skater....sounds like you need to lace up the skating shoes and take a spin on the ice~~ ~Yikes!! I dont like icey roads and that is what they are calling for us tomorrow.....remember, I am in the south and we cant handle things like that~!!!
Seriously, nice job on all your recent finishes...I have been following them and too lazy to comments...Keep up the great work~
Lovely finish! The little skater is adorable!
Great finish Cathey, you have given me some idea's about my Merry Skater, might I kept staring at the ribbon, hadn't realised it was done with 2 strands. I also have never frogged a piece so much either :D but cannot blame it on a car trip. So sorry about your friend. The snow looks soo pretty.
LiBBiE in Oz
Lovely finish Cathey. The US Figure skating championships are here this month - maybe you should come down? ;o) I like that you changed her hair color - cute!
Great finish !
Wow... once again you're off to a flying start. Congrats on your first finish, it's a cute one.
Very cute, and totally appropriate for this time of year.
Let me know when you want to start the snowmen...
Great stitching!!
And the S N O W...followed you home big time!LOL....I think you left a bunch in my neighbourhood that you forgot to take with you as you passed by!!!!
Have a great evening...great evening to stay inside and stitch..
Yipee! A finish and a goal completed! And 2 ornies for the tree next year! Wow, never knew one finish could do so much!
Sorry about the snow - at least you aren't in Georgia - they are getting 7" and ice! Brr!
merry skater is charming...love your blog...i am your newest follower...and happy to be here...
kary and teddy
Kudos on your first finish! Can't wait to see your LK Rules... I know I will never stitch it so I can "live" through yours!
Happy stitching....stay warm!
She's adorable. Congrats on your finish of the year.
Ow! That's a lot of snow. Makes me shiver just looking at it. Cute finish :)
Merry skater looks lovely... As does the snow to those of us in West Oz where the temps are going up and up and no rain in sight!!!
Look forward to seeing your next project update
Great job! I look forward to seeing the finish!
Merry Skater is lovely, i dont know how oyu can stitch in the car!
Your Merry Skater is darling! The earmuffs crack me UP! LOL
A pretty snowfall! I like the red "barn" in the distance. Is that your shed or is it actally a barn?
Oh, she is darling, Cathey! Isn't it frustrating how some of the smallest pieces seem to be the ones we end up frogging the most. That is happening with one of my PS pieces right now--ugh!
Love the SAL you are doing with Nina and the Halloween Rules is so cute--the best "rule" is "Mind Your Mummy!"
Glad you got back home safely, even if you were a magnet for the snow... We're due for some tomorrow to add to the few inches we already have.
Very cute ornament :)
Donna in WV
What a great way to start your 2011, your ornament looks adorable!!
Can't wait for next week! It will be so fun to do this SAL with you :D
brrrr--rrr--- I'm feeling the cold just for looking your photo! Here it's raining.. still! =/
Lucky you to be able to stitch & frog in a moving vehicle. I can just manage looking at a map briefly before my stomach starts to turn.
Sorry to hear of the loss of a dear friend. Glad you could celebrate his life.
You're so adorable in that white dress and skates! ;)
Your off to a great start! It's an adorable and I like the changes!
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