...because if I'm dreaming, I don't want to know ;o)
I blinked once, I blinked twice and then a third time but the same email stared right back at me. I've read it again and again but it still says the same thing...
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! I can't believe it! I just can't stop smiling either :o) I will receive THE FULL SET of their silks. How many is that? I think 180. Can you say heaven? Sweet!
It's funny because on Saturday, DH was watching television while I was working out my answer to the question that was asked for the contest. I kept asking DH questions about Australia until he finally looked at me strangely and asked me what the heck I was doing. When I told him and then interjected that it was approximately $700 worth of silks, realization hit but he still shook his head ;o) I NEVER thought I would win. EVER!
I'm hoping this is a good omen because (early) tomorrow morning I have to go for my yearly mammogram :o( I'm officially in my eleventh year now so hopefully it will all go down smoothly. I was at Frenchys (used clothing store) and bought this T-shirt -
Appropriate, yes? LOL! I know I've done this for ten years now but it still doesn't get any easier. Even though I'm trying not to think about it, it's still in the back of my mind and probably a good reason why I don't feel so great this week. Fingers and toes crossed :o)
I had another WONDERFUL surprise last night when I got an email from my dear friend Irene. She FINISHED stitching the Happy Pumpkin Day 2010 pattern! She's fast ;o) I hope she doesn't mind me 'borrowing' her picture -
Please visit her Blog though to see how she finished the back. I'm tickled pink because it came out better than I had hoped :o) Great job Irene!
I blinked once, I blinked twice and then a third time but the same email stared right back at me. I've read it again and again but it still says the same thing...
OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! I can't believe it! I just can't stop smiling either :o) I will receive THE FULL SET of their silks. How many is that? I think 180. Can you say heaven? Sweet!
It's funny because on Saturday, DH was watching television while I was working out my answer to the question that was asked for the contest. I kept asking DH questions about Australia until he finally looked at me strangely and asked me what the heck I was doing. When I told him and then interjected that it was approximately $700 worth of silks, realization hit but he still shook his head ;o) I NEVER thought I would win. EVER!
I'm hoping this is a good omen because (early) tomorrow morning I have to go for my yearly mammogram :o( I'm officially in my eleventh year now so hopefully it will all go down smoothly. I was at Frenchys (used clothing store) and bought this T-shirt -
Appropriate, yes? LOL! I know I've done this for ten years now but it still doesn't get any easier. Even though I'm trying not to think about it, it's still in the back of my mind and probably a good reason why I don't feel so great this week. Fingers and toes crossed :o)
I had another WONDERFUL surprise last night when I got an email from my dear friend Irene. She FINISHED stitching the Happy Pumpkin Day 2010 pattern! She's fast ;o) I hope she doesn't mind me 'borrowing' her picture -
Please visit her Blog though to see how she finished the back. I'm tickled pink because it came out better than I had hoped :o) Great job Irene!

Good luck for tomorrow!! What a fabulous prize, you'll be floss fondling for a long time to come... LOL!!!
SHUT. UP!! How crazy lucky are you?! That is amazing. :)
Congratulations, oo that is a stitcher's heaven!!
Hugs for early morning!!
Cathey, you lucky stitcher, you! Congratulations on winning such an awesome prize! I can't wait until you post about receiving them. Actually, I'm just looking forward to a photo of you wallowing in silks...lol!
Your freebie is DARLING all stitched up! Congrats to Irene on such a cute finish!
Congratulations! What a great win!
Congrat's on your SUPER win! I know how excited you must be!Have fun using all those wonderful threads!
What amazing news!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your awesome win!
Good luck for tomorrow!
Your design is really very pretty!
Congrats on your win!! I took a glance at that contest but was far too lazy to go through all the floss names, and I know precious little about the Aussies anyway.
You are one lucky stitcher! Won't that be fun to get all that floss in your mailbox.
Irene's finish is adorable too.
Best of luck tomorrow!
Congrats on winning the floss.
I'm sure you will do well tomorrow. It's just jitters. Think positive! I LOVE your shirt. I wish I had one.
I love your Happy Pumpkin Day.
Oh my gosh!You lucky person! How cool! Have fun with all those silks.
Irene did an awesome job with the freebie. Very Cute!
Good luck tomorrow!
Oh good golly, that's such an awesome prize!!! Good for you!
Sending you positive vibes for tomorrow!
YEAH! I am so glad that you won those silks. Good luck tomorrow. Love the shirt.
Happy dancing down here in Pennsylvania with you, Cathey--that is one amazing prize!!! Make sure to photograph it all for us to see when it arrives :)
Your little pumpkin freebie is so cute and Irene did a great job on it--thanks for sharing your chart with us "Pumpkin Stalkers!"
Lucky girl, Congratulations ! I'm sure you must be daydreaming about all the designs you'll be stitching with them. Good luck tomorrow.
Whoa! Congratulations on winning such an awesome prize!!
Congratulations on the prize. I too just won a $100 gift certificate from ABC Stitch Therapy. I order a few charts and a bunch of threads. I will be posting them on the blog when I receive them. Lucky us...
Wow! You need to play a lottery or something. Bound to win!
Your pattern is adorable! Go you!
Now about the yearly squeeze -- 10 years down and another 50 to go. You've kicked cancer's butt and it's going to stay kicked! Heads up and go in there like it's the dentist.
Smiles - Denise
Oh wow! Congratulations! That is some prize and I can't wait to see a picture. You have been so generous with your giveaways it is only fitting that you should win. :o) I will be sending good thoughts and prayers with you to your appointment tomorrow. I saw Irene's finish on her blog - just adorable.
Wow! Congratulations! Be sure to show pics when the silks arrive. Love that tshirt. It's great!
Hi Cathey,
Congratulations on winning that
amazing prize from Dinky Dyes
of a full set of their silks!!
OMG!!! You have to take a
picture when they arrive so
that we can see all that
wonderful silky goodness in
one place. I'm so pleased
for you.
Your Pumpkin Day design looks
fabulous as stitched and
finished by Irene. What a
thrill it must be to see
something that you designed
brought to life (so to speak)
by another stitcher.
I'll be thinking of you
tomorrow and sending good
vibes your way while you go
through your mammogram. And
a little prayer or two as
Hugs!!! Judy
I'm so happy for your lovely win -
I'm believing for a good report on your tatas - Hey you said it first - lol
My prayers are with you
Take Care :)
OMG....kudos on such a great win! I'd be so excited too. Will keep you in my prayers and hope all goes well.
Cathy!!! So glad for you!!! Fellow BlueNoser here. Hope your exam goes smoothly...been having probs in that department and dr is sending me to a specialist...hope it is nothing serious!
Anyway back to the point CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How lucky are you!!!!!
OMG, Cathey!! Seriously you won! I'm happy dancing for you :) That is heaven as far as I am concerned, please share a picture with us so we may all "drool" over it! I have my fingers and toes crossed for your Mammo tomorrow, I can imagine it wouldn't get any easier to deal with. Love the Pumpkin Day finish, the chart is super cute!
*fans self*
I'm feeling faint FOR you, just thinking about that prize. Man, oh man, that is just too awesome. I would be sitting by the mailbox every day until it comes. (And then I would spread them out on my bed and possibly roll around in them. MAYBE. I'm not saying I WOULD. I just think all of the lovely colors might make me a little 'Double Rainbow'ish. lol)
That's awesome! Good luck today:)
OMG! What a fabulous prize! Lucky!!!
Congratulations, Cathey! You will have so much fun with the silks. I won the full set last year through the crossword puzzle contest on Stitcher's Village and I just love stitching with them.
Cathey congratulations on winning such an awesome prize, you deserve it. Hope everything went ok for you today, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Wow what a great prize. congrats to you. Hope all went OK today. Thoughts with you.
WOW congratulations. You are just SO lucky.
Patti xxx
Congrats! I am so glad to know someone actually wins those doorprizes. I think you are the first person I know who has ever blogged about them! Enjoy the silk!
Congratulations lucky girl!!!! That's awesome!! :D
How was your mammogram exam? I hope everything is ok *my fingers are crossed*
Cool design :)
I want to stitch your design too!! :) It's so cute!
I didn't had the time to stitch all I wanted for halloween =/ I have to start early next year!
Congratulations on your win. That is fantastic! Enjoy them! Woo hoo!
Oh wow! Congratulations! That's AMAZING!
Wishing you all the best with your mammogram results!!
OMG, that is so great! Congrats!!! I didn't hsvr time to count the Australian names this year, but I doubt I had found them all! Enjoy!!!
Congrats on the fabulous win, its always nice when you know the person who wins one of these competitions.
OMyGosh!!! Congrats!!! you lucky duck you!!!!
Wow! I think I would have to pinch you-LOL What awesomeness! Congratulations!
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