Woohoo! The day is finally here :o) Welcome to the third annual Pumpkin Day festivities! Are you ready to have some fun? I SAID...are you ready to have some fun???? Good because today is all about having a good time!
Did you know that...?
- pumpkins originated in Central America.
- the word 'pumpkin' comes from the Greek word 'pepon' which means large melon.
- Illinois grows more pumpkins than any other state in the US.
- pumpkins were once used for removing freckles and curing snake bites.
Pumpkin Carving -
How many of you are decorating pumpkins for Halloween this year? If you're in need of some ideas, you might want to check out Pumpkin Masters and Hershey's for some really neat (and free) stencils! And if you want to practice beforehand, why not try your hand at Pumpkin Carve, Jack-O-Lantern Creator or Halloween Pumpkin Carve :o)
Recipes -
A party isn't a party without food! Here are some recipes that you might want to try while pumpkins are still in season. Let's begin with some munchies :o) Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are perfect for that. While you're snaking on that, whip up a batch of Pumpkin Apple Soup! Pumpkin Risotto will make a fine entree and for dessert? How about Pumpkin Cremes Brulees! That's definitely one recipe I want to try :o) If you're not a pumpkin fan but still want a fall atmosphere, try Kraft's Great Pumpkin Cake (btw, a Comet Cup is an ice cream cone).
Games -
Who's up for some games???? I've got some new ones this year :o)
Catch as many pumpkins as you can in Halloween Pumpkin Catch.
Pumpkin Patch Blast is pretty much that as well as addicting. LOL!
Squash ghosts and monsters in Pumpkin Push.
Contests -
How good are you at making a Jack-O-Lantern? Are you ready to be put to the test? In order to enter this contest, leave a comment (on THIS post only) with a link to your entry :o) Be creative! Carve a real pumpkin, draw a picture or just take a picture of a stitched pumpkin. Let's see what you've got!
Want to be entered into the second giveaway? It's simple! Either be or become a Pumpkin Stalker :o) Just remember, leave a separate comment (on THIS post only) saying that you are a follower.
In order to give everyone a fair chance, these contests will be open until Monday, October 25 at midnight EST. You can enter one or both contest and I will ship anywhere. PLEASE provide me a way to contact you through you comment. If I cannot, another name will be drawn from the hat.
Of course! A treat bag will be awarded to the winner of each contest :o) What's in them you ask? HA! That's a surprise. Let's just say it's pumpkin themed and will contain stitchy stuff...
Unfortunately there can only be two winners but since this is a party and I feel that everyone 'should' go home with something, I have a cross stitch design by moi for you to take home :o) Just make sure you leave me a way to email it to you.
I hope that everyone enjoyed the day and I want to thank you for coming :o) If you didn't make it over, you still have until October 25 to participate so don't forget! Have fun and good luck!
Did you know that...?
- pumpkins originated in Central America.
- the word 'pumpkin' comes from the Greek word 'pepon' which means large melon.
- Illinois grows more pumpkins than any other state in the US.
- pumpkins were once used for removing freckles and curing snake bites.
Pumpkin Carving -
How many of you are decorating pumpkins for Halloween this year? If you're in need of some ideas, you might want to check out Pumpkin Masters and Hershey's for some really neat (and free) stencils! And if you want to practice beforehand, why not try your hand at Pumpkin Carve, Jack-O-Lantern Creator or Halloween Pumpkin Carve :o)
Recipes -
A party isn't a party without food! Here are some recipes that you might want to try while pumpkins are still in season. Let's begin with some munchies :o) Roasted Pumpkin Seeds are perfect for that. While you're snaking on that, whip up a batch of Pumpkin Apple Soup! Pumpkin Risotto will make a fine entree and for dessert? How about Pumpkin Cremes Brulees! That's definitely one recipe I want to try :o) If you're not a pumpkin fan but still want a fall atmosphere, try Kraft's Great Pumpkin Cake (btw, a Comet Cup is an ice cream cone).
Games -
Who's up for some games???? I've got some new ones this year :o)
Catch as many pumpkins as you can in Halloween Pumpkin Catch.
Pumpkin Patch Blast is pretty much that as well as addicting. LOL!
Squash ghosts and monsters in Pumpkin Push.
Contests -
How good are you at making a Jack-O-Lantern? Are you ready to be put to the test? In order to enter this contest, leave a comment (on THIS post only) with a link to your entry :o) Be creative! Carve a real pumpkin, draw a picture or just take a picture of a stitched pumpkin. Let's see what you've got!
Want to be entered into the second giveaway? It's simple! Either be or become a Pumpkin Stalker :o) Just remember, leave a separate comment (on THIS post only) saying that you are a follower.
In order to give everyone a fair chance, these contests will be open until Monday, October 25 at midnight EST. You can enter one or both contest and I will ship anywhere. PLEASE provide me a way to contact you through you comment. If I cannot, another name will be drawn from the hat.
Of course! A treat bag will be awarded to the winner of each contest :o) What's in them you ask? HA! That's a surprise. Let's just say it's pumpkin themed and will contain stitchy stuff...
Unfortunately there can only be two winners but since this is a party and I feel that everyone 'should' go home with something, I have a cross stitch design by moi for you to take home :o) Just make sure you leave me a way to email it to you.
I hope that everyone enjoyed the day and I want to thank you for coming :o) If you didn't make it over, you still have until October 25 to participate so don't forget! Have fun and good luck!

And a happy Pumpkin day to you too. Games and contests. Who could ask for more. :)
This post is for contest one. I stitched at least one pumpkin. Received a stitched piece with a pumpkin and took a photo of another next to a pumpkin bucket. See my blog: http://www.kathystitchcomments.blogspot.com/
katkiley @ aol.com
And for a second chance. I am now an official follower, er, stalker. :)
katkiley @ aol.com
Boy, you are up early today. Yes I am a follower so do enter my name in your contests. Since we don't get trick and treaters, we do not carve any pumpkins. You also know where to find me, if I am lucky enough to win. Great blog. You are a wealth of info, and so early too. LOL
{{{Love & Hugs}}}
I am truly a pumpkin stalker -
and therefore deserve an entry for the long hours I have spent on this blog - roflol
Happy Pumpkin Day back at ya !!
What a great post. Learned some things about pumpkins I didn't know...learned some fun things to do...and learned some YUMMY things to do with pumpkin. I always try and make pumpkin cookies this time of year..they taste so goood and make the house smell fantastic. So happy that I am one of the pumpkin "followers".
We can't get a big pumpkin this year but we are getting the Chazman a small one to take to school. They are going to be painting them...can't wait to see what he comes up with.
What fun! Please include me in the follower drawing!
No pumpkin carved yet! But I am a follower!
What a fun idea!! I can't bring myself to cut up a perfectly beautiful pumpkin though, so I will have to pass on that contest...LOL!
I am going to try out those games when I get home from work...they don't let us out to play while we are here...those meanies!!
Be sure to check out my giveaway...lots of goodies up for grabs!
This is what I LOVE about your blog! You are so creative and this is so FUN!
Okay...I'm a pumpkin stalker/ follower ;-) So that one is covered. I'll be back with my post link shortly.
Oh stitchers will ADORE anything you design. I loved stitching last year's design!
Okay...I'm back!
Here's my pumpkin entry/link. I hope it makes you smile. :-D
OOOOO... I'm a Pumpkin stalker for sure. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I'm a pumpkin follower, please enter me in your draw. When I find a pumpkin I'll be back for the other draw. Thanks for all the games and fun pumpkin ideas.
Thx for the pumpkin info :) unfortunately ours wont be carved until the 29th as thx to delinquents who think its fun to smash them.
I am a follower though :) Please include me in the drawing.
I love halloween and pumpkins, check out my blog I have pumpkins there. LOL Please enter me in your drawing hun. I've been a follower for a while and love reading your blog.
Hugs, Shar
My second chance; I'm a follower; have been for a while..
Just ate a piece of my homemade pumpkin pie, and signed on as a Punkin Stalker.
We got one to carve, but it's too early to put it out on the porch. We want to get a tiny battery tea light to put in it.
Please enter me in the giveaway!
trilliumcreates AT gmail Dot com
Here is my pumpkin entry:
My husband made it at our pumpkin painting party earlier this month. Hope it makes you smile!
And I'm a stalker, too!
OMG so much energy so early in the morning! I'm a Pumpkin Stalker of course so please enter me in the "follower" drawing. I'll see if I can post some pics of my stitched pumpkins--lots to choose from there lol.
Yay! Here are my pumpkin entries (yeak I online-carved 2! :D)
Wish I could carve a real one, but here I can't find a single pumpkin, not even a little tiny one... every week I wish there will be some at the supermarket but I'm disappointed each time... thanks to you I can express my artistic skills online! lol
Of course I am a Pumpkin Stalker for way back. Have a wonderful day!
My second chance, I'm a follower too!!! Happy Pumpkin Day!!!
I am a pumpkin stalker too!
I am a stalker...well of your blog at least haha
I would love to enter the 2nd contest! and I would love to have a copy of your pattern too!
Happy Pumpkin Day!!
Happy Pumpkin Day!!!!! :)
Happy Pumpkin day, although won't be doing a pumpkin yet.
But see this one a friend of mine did http://maddy-moo.blogspot.com/2010/10/happy-pumpkin.html
Please note this is not mine but one a friend did
WOW!!!!! Well I have carved a pumpkin this week at work, http://maddy-moo.blogspot.com/2010/10/happy-pumpkin.html It is a happy pumpkin lol. Also I am making pumpkin keyrings and hair clips for halloween too but have no pics i'm afraid :(
Happy Pumpkin Day... it seems to have come around so quick!!
I am now a happy pumpkin patch follower lol!
There's my pumpkin lol, thanks Rach!!!
I'm already a stalker, love to hear what you have to say. I would like your pattern, I'm sure it will go nicely with last years.
oh forgot to mention Happy Pumpkin Day!!!!! lol
Happy PUMPKIN DAY!!! :D uhuuuuuu
Well, I had to play the 3 games :p hehehehe
I'm already a happy pumpkin stalker! LOL
Now I'm going to think in something for the pumpkin contest.. hummm... what will I make.. thinking... thinking.. I hope I'll come up with a winner idea!! :D
I can't wait to have time to click on all those links. I won't be carving this year but will be watching what everyone else does. Please don't enter me in the drawing since I just one one of yours but allow me to wish you a Happy Pumpkin Day! I would love to have your chart. myrast@embarqmail.com
Happy Pumpkin Day! Thank you for the information on those pumpkins. You even have games to play!
I have a pumpkin posted on my blog along with a post about your contest!
Thank you for the chance at such a fun contest!
Leaving a second comment to let you know I am a follower!
I am a follower for sure!
and here is the link to my felty pumpkins...
Thanks!!! oh, I hope I win :-)
Hi Cathey,
Happy Pumpkin Day!!
Reading through the list of
recipes I must say that
pumpkin Apple Soup does
sound interesting. And so
does the Great Pumpkin Cake.
But my all time favorite is
and always will be pumpkin
pie with real whipped cream
and sprinkled with cinnamon.
Oh Boy!!
I would love to enter your
contest as a Pumpkin Stalker
since I've been one for a
few years now. :)
Your Sabrina is looking sooo
beautiful. Such a graceful
lady she is and her gown is
simply stunning!!
A fireplace in your living
room!! That's terrific.
There is nothing like it on
a cold winter's night. You'll
have to pull your stitching
chair right up to it.
For what it's worth I think
that Stargazer and Sabrina
would look amazing on either
side of the fireplace. Go
for it!!
I've been meaning to ask you
if you have any other "Lady"
designs that you want to
stitch once Sabrina is done?
Hope you're feeling better
these days now that you're
home again from your travels
and can rest up a bit.
How is Popcorn doing?? We
haven't seen any pictures
of her lately. I expect
that she's happier now that
the cooler weather is here.
I've been following for a little while now, love the stitchy stuff!! Thanks for the giveaway!
pamgrouette at gmail dot com
My name is Cole and I AM a Pumpkin stalker!
hi cathey! thought you may find this cool! was searching Damien Hirst for research at work - (I'm teaching yr8s about Day of the Dead) and came across this lovely bejeweled pumpkin! http://search.it.online.fr/covers/wp-content/death-worm-for-the-love-of-the-great-pumpkin-2007.jpg Hope you like it! Will post it on my blog too lol.
I knew Illinois was good for something, lol
These post are so much fun.
Please enter me in your contest.
Happy Pumpkin Day to you too.
I'm moving your blog into the top of my reader, lol. I keep missing the good stuff like Pumpkin Day!
I drew you a Pumpkin Graffiti in Facebook...
Dunno if you can see it or not!
Happy Pumpkin Day to you! There is no such celebration in Singapore. I did stitch some pumpkins, one went to my partner for the HoE exchange.
I am a pumpkin stalker, please enter me in your contests.
Ooh, just enter me in the second one Cathey. I;m definitely a pumpkin stalker! LOL Thanks for the cool info on pumpkins-I learn lots of new and interesting things when I stalk your blog.
Was out shopping yesterday and saw these at the Krispy Kreme stand, aren't they cool! Not sure what flavour they are though :( http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s278/sugarmama1987/Photo0953.jpg
This is what I got lol...check it out at www.borderlineexpress.blogspot.co, carved by my son Alex.
I still remember the exact day when I became a "Pumpkin Stalker!" Well, not really, but it was a monumental day in my life :)
I'd love to enter your contest!
And, here is my link to some pumpkins that I just posted on my blog today: http://stitchingdream.blogspot.com/2010/10/favorite-freebie-finishes.html
Look! There are four of the grinning gourds in one little piece :)
Thanks for the fun, Cathey!
Happy Pumpkin Day,Cathey! Thank you for the fun and interesting information!
I'm a stalker, so count me in. And I can't wait to see your cross stitch design!
Some facts that i didn't, happy pumpkin day, i'm way behind with blog reading this week
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