Today you've stumbled across a genie of sorts. She is loaded with information and can tell you things that no one else can. You've been given the gift of her knowledge but there's a are only allowed to know one thing. You can only ask ONE question. ONE. Dig deep into your brain and think hard because you'll never have this opportunity again. So, if there was ONE question that you wanted an answer to and this was your ONLY chance to find out, what would that ONE thing be?
For me, there have been many questionable things that I've had in the back of my mind over the years and I'm sure they are quite common with other people as well. Things like, are there life forms on other planets, is there a heaven, does Sasquatch really exist, or how does the caramel really get in the Caramilk Bar? ;o)
But out of all the questions that I have swimming around in my head, the ONE I think I would like to know if I ever had the chance would be...when will I die? Now why in the world would I want to know something like that? Pretty gruesome huh?
Well the reason is kind of two fold...for one thing, it would give me an idea of how much longer I'd have to enjoy life :o) If I knew that (part one), then I would be able to plan how to live my life (part two). What if I had little time left to live? Then I would I have to decided what was important and cram a bunch of things into a short period of time. If I had years ahead of me, then I could pace myself and prioritize what I would want to do or see.
Money would also be an issue. With little time to live, I'd spend it all! LOL! Why not go crazy? I could do things for myself and others and not have to worry about the future. On the other hand, if I had plenty of time to live, then I would have to plan and budget for the years that I would have ahead of me.
Not so silly a question to know ;o) What question can you come up with?
For me, there have been many questionable things that I've had in the back of my mind over the years and I'm sure they are quite common with other people as well. Things like, are there life forms on other planets, is there a heaven, does Sasquatch really exist, or how does the caramel really get in the Caramilk Bar? ;o)
But out of all the questions that I have swimming around in my head, the ONE I think I would like to know if I ever had the chance would be...when will I die? Now why in the world would I want to know something like that? Pretty gruesome huh?
Well the reason is kind of two fold...for one thing, it would give me an idea of how much longer I'd have to enjoy life :o) If I knew that (part one), then I would be able to plan how to live my life (part two). What if I had little time left to live? Then I would I have to decided what was important and cram a bunch of things into a short period of time. If I had years ahead of me, then I could pace myself and prioritize what I would want to do or see.
Money would also be an issue. With little time to live, I'd spend it all! LOL! Why not go crazy? I could do things for myself and others and not have to worry about the future. On the other hand, if I had plenty of time to live, then I would have to plan and budget for the years that I would have ahead of me.
Not so silly a question to know ;o) What question can you come up with?

I want to know why I get only one question ;)
I can't think of one but yours is awesome. My how that would change things for me day to day to know that.
Here's my question:
Eggs: meat or dairy?
I'd ask to know what other people think of me. I try to be a good and happy person, but it's hard to get any perspective on my own life. So, it would be nice to know if I'm doing a good job or not. That, or how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. :)
What are the winning lottery numbers for the next week?
Then I could quit my job, help anyone I wanted, and the kids college would be pd for. We could go anywhere and do anything. And potentially, be able to afford the best health care.
Shallow, I know. But, you asked!
Smiles - Denise
Only one ! Where's that genie in the bottle with three wishes, I could ask for more questions :) I do like yours and your reasons why.
I would want to know what my dad felt before he died; he died of a massive heart attack 5 years ago; I was on the phone w/my mom and I heard him say "Honey, you better come here" so calm, he wasn't sick at all and was only 70, when she walked about 15 feet where he was sitting; he was gone. I miss him terribly.
I don't think I would want to know, what if your time was only till next week or the next couple of days? I think my question would be what am I going to die of? That's what makes me wonder-especially being a nurse. I am terrified of a stroke or being incapacitated. A car accident would be on my list too!
I have to agree with the winning lottery numbers for tonight's Max draw???? LOL, that would be enough for me :)
The first questions that comes to my mind is : "Why are we here for?" or "Why, after thousand years of 'civilization', human kind is still such a destructive species?"
But I have so many unanswered questions to ask that it would be very frustating to be allowed one and only one... :P
humm... I wouldn't want to know my life time, I think I wouldn't be able to take the most of it if I knew exactly when it would end...
But only one question?! :p
I need to think! I'll get back at you in a few days ;) LOL
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