I'm not a sports enthusiast. Football...yawn. Baseball...double yawn. Golf...snorefest! Before I met DH, I used to watch hockey and the Montreal Canadians will always hold a place in my heart ;o) From time to time, I'll watch a bit of show jumping but that's about it.
The only time watching sports becomes a part of this household is during the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. FIFA is being held in Africa this year. DH and I have been watching since the beginning. I didn't think I had a favourite team but deep down, I guess I was hoping Germany would make it to the finals.
That was not the case yesterday after they lost to Spain :o( They played defence really well but so well that I think they forgot to score some goals during the game. So now it's Spain vs. The Netherlands in the finals on Sunday, July 11.
In a way, I would like to see Spain win since they have never gotten this far in The World Cup before. But I don't think they possess the combined talent that The Netherlands bring to the game. I've watched Spain throughout the weeks and to me, they're not consistent enough.
If I were a betting girl, I would say that The Netherlands are going to win. Have you been watching FIFA too? Who would be your pick for The World Cup?
The only time watching sports becomes a part of this household is during the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. FIFA is being held in Africa this year. DH and I have been watching since the beginning. I didn't think I had a favourite team but deep down, I guess I was hoping Germany would make it to the finals.
That was not the case yesterday after they lost to Spain :o( They played defence really well but so well that I think they forgot to score some goals during the game. So now it's Spain vs. The Netherlands in the finals on Sunday, July 11.
In a way, I would like to see Spain win since they have never gotten this far in The World Cup before. But I don't think they possess the combined talent that The Netherlands bring to the game. I've watched Spain throughout the weeks and to me, they're not consistent enough.
If I were a betting girl, I would say that The Netherlands are going to win. Have you been watching FIFA too? Who would be your pick for The World Cup?

Well so was I hoping for Germany...now it's for SPAIN all the way!
I have 0 interest in this event, although even normally uninterested people in the U.S. showed interest in this, especially when the US was doing well.
I only follow
Washington Redskins football (no matter how bad the team is - I'm not a fair weather fan).
I too wanted Germany to win it all. I'm going to root on the Netherlands. Spain beat Germany so I'm holding a grudge!! Lol
England usually but they played like crap! I hate football with a vengeance. Ok that's my spin on it.
Patti xxx
Not a big sports fan, so no I havn't been watching.
Nope. Compared even to slow baseball, soccer is boring!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I would have rooted for New Zealand, but only if they were playing rugby.
Well.. I was hoping for Portugal in the finals! :p Lol!
We lost to Spain also =/
Althought I don't want Spain to win (they kicked us out!!! lol!) I think they will, they're playing really strong.. I think they will beat the orange guys :p
I pick popcorn ;)
not much of a soccer fan and while those darn wossysellas or what ever the heck they are called are making the man who makes them a flippen fortune, they drive me flippen crazy. I'll stick to the Habs but with a tad of reflectance this year since they traded their best goalie to St. Louis. Thank God for stitching.
Be always in stitches.
I'm not much of a football fan, and haven't watched many of the World Cup matches, but with our street rapidly turning orange with streamers and vuvuzelas and with the neighbourhood kids getting all excited (and loud), there's only one team I can root for... ;o) So imagine me this Sunday evening in front of the television with a bowl of red, white, blue AND orange M&M's... LOL!!
Like Annie with her Redskins, I am truly a Philadelphia fan, whether it's the Eagles, Phillies, Sixers, or Flyers. Beyond that, I don't pay attention. I was glad to see the US do as well as they did in the World Cup, if only because I am tired of the smirks that accompany the "well, the US is the only country in the world that doesn't play football" comments I've received. Now I just have to find out when they were out of contention so I can say that next time I get the comment. LOL
We're not big into sports here either but my DUTCH neighbor has been keeping us updated. He had money on Germany, lost the bet but is thrilled that his homeland is in the finals.
Soccer is not my thing so I haven't been keeping up with it. However show jumping is my thing and I just love this time of the year when Spruce Meadows starts up! The best part of this year is the World Equestrian Games are on in September! That's my Olympics when I watch nothing but equestrian all day long :) I can't wait!
And so Spain won... Lol! ;)
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