Gee, that's quite a title isn't it? You just KNOW that there's a story in there somewhere ;o)
Here is my progress on Gingerbread Tree by LHN -
My stitching mojo has gone out the window lately but I've been slowly plugging away. In reality, this should have been finished by now.
I did change some things with this pattern. Again, I went with the 32 count Light Mocha linen (because I had another cut piece prepared) but I also mixed up the colours a bit. Instead of DMC 712 (I thought this was a weird choice), I went with DMC B5200 and instead of DMC 937, I went with DMC 3363. I am contemplating changing the DMC 221 to DMC 3722 but I'm not 100% sure yet.
Btw, I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments on my cube finish. It really made my day :o)
On Wednesday night I was woken up at 3:30 am by thunder and lighting. My first thought was that I had to get up and close the windows! As I ran out of the bedroom, I banged into Duncan out on the landing. He was in a state with his tongue almost hitting the floor. You see, he absolutely HATES thunder and lighthning. He was running around like a mad dog when I noticed that he had peed on the hardwood floor just inside the TV room and was tracking it all over the place :o(
Once I was able to corral him into the basement, I was hit with the lovely bouquet scent of s*$@. Yup, he had pooped on the dining room hardwood floor. This did NOT make me a very happy camper >:o( So guess what I did from 3:30-5:30 am? I scrubbed floors. Yes...I was on my hands and knees for two hours cleaning the worst areas. I figured I would deal with the rest in the morning. Well, basically later that day.
Now poor Popcorn was in her own terrible state. I can only imagine how she felt when this 55 pound mad dog came running up the stairs and up to her cage in the dark :o( She was scared stiff. Literally. I had to sit there and pet her until she calmed down enough that I could go back to bed. The poor thing. Needless to say, the three of us were quite tired the whole day.
So yesterday and today I've been hobbling along, stiffer than a wooden board. My Fibro has flared up and the pain is intense :o( Thankfully we had a break in the humidity and I was able to get out and take some photos, therefore stretching out some muscles. Now today looks like another stinker. I think I'll wait until a little later before I stick my nose out the door. It might do me some good to lay down and watch a well deserved movie ;o)
Here is my progress on Gingerbread Tree by LHN -
My stitching mojo has gone out the window lately but I've been slowly plugging away. In reality, this should have been finished by now.
I did change some things with this pattern. Again, I went with the 32 count Light Mocha linen (because I had another cut piece prepared) but I also mixed up the colours a bit. Instead of DMC 712 (I thought this was a weird choice), I went with DMC B5200 and instead of DMC 937, I went with DMC 3363. I am contemplating changing the DMC 221 to DMC 3722 but I'm not 100% sure yet.
Btw, I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments on my cube finish. It really made my day :o)
On Wednesday night I was woken up at 3:30 am by thunder and lighting. My first thought was that I had to get up and close the windows! As I ran out of the bedroom, I banged into Duncan out on the landing. He was in a state with his tongue almost hitting the floor. You see, he absolutely HATES thunder and lighthning. He was running around like a mad dog when I noticed that he had peed on the hardwood floor just inside the TV room and was tracking it all over the place :o(
Once I was able to corral him into the basement, I was hit with the lovely bouquet scent of s*$@. Yup, he had pooped on the dining room hardwood floor. This did NOT make me a very happy camper >:o( So guess what I did from 3:30-5:30 am? I scrubbed floors. Yes...I was on my hands and knees for two hours cleaning the worst areas. I figured I would deal with the rest in the morning. Well, basically later that day.
Now poor Popcorn was in her own terrible state. I can only imagine how she felt when this 55 pound mad dog came running up the stairs and up to her cage in the dark :o( She was scared stiff. Literally. I had to sit there and pet her until she calmed down enough that I could go back to bed. The poor thing. Needless to say, the three of us were quite tired the whole day.
So yesterday and today I've been hobbling along, stiffer than a wooden board. My Fibro has flared up and the pain is intense :o( Thankfully we had a break in the humidity and I was able to get out and take some photos, therefore stretching out some muscles. Now today looks like another stinker. I think I'll wait until a little later before I stick my nose out the door. It might do me some good to lay down and watch a well deserved movie ;o)

The ornie is looking good. I like the true white better than 712, but I guess 712 was supposed to have that slight yellow tint to go with the brown in the gingerbread men.
And I think you deserve a big bowl of ice cream for going through all that. If bunnies like ice cream, then give some to the Popster too!
That was one bad night! Glad you all through it. My sammi also hates thunder. The ornie looks good.
Wow that stinks--figuratively and literally too I guess :) Having grown up in the Northeast I miss thunderstorms living here in CA, but my pups probably would not appreciate the noise and I have enough trouble dealing with them just on the 4th of July!
Oh your poor furbabies!
Sorry to hear your fibro is acting up - stupid stuff. And cleaning the floors at that time of the morn - ugh! I feel your pain.
Hopefully your stitchy mojo will come around. The piece is looking good.
Today the wind is actually blowing - hopefully (fingers crossed) we can catch a break from the heat.
Hope you have a great weekend - Denise
Poor kiddos. I know how you feel, we don't get a lot of thunder storms but when we do Tiger goes beserk and yes I have had to do some clean up as well :)
Oh dear that sounds like an awful night! I agree take some time to rest and recover! It's only 41 degrees here today so maybe I will run that marathon??? ROTFL, na i'll stay in the air conditioning and stitch :) I agree with your color changes on the LHN ornie and am off to write down your choices for when I stitch it.
Nice ornie! I need stitch this one and add it to the collection this year. I think I will change a few of the colors as well to go with the other LHN ornaments I've already done.
Sorry about the poo. I've got two dogs, neither of which are totally housetrained. I'm constantly scrubbing the floor!
Poor puppers! My dog is terrified of storms too. He's an outdoor dog, so kind of like kids, the first hint of thunder and we wake up and bring him in.
Sorry you had such a bad night. I hope your mojo comes back soon.
I hope that you get your fibro flare up under control. Poor Duncan and Popcorn. Our dogs hate thunder also. I had one of our dogs on my lap when a loud clap of thunder boomed overhead, he didn't stop shaking for about half and hour and was very reluctant to leave my lap.
Guess what one of the projects was that I chose to take to the beach with me, Cathey?! Yep--this same one!!! Not sure if I'll get to it, but at least I can be inspired by yours...
What a night you all had and I'm so sorry to hear you're in such pain. This weather has got to stop--not sure how much more any of us can take.
Hope your weekend is better for you...
I guess you were lucky it wasn't on the carpet! hope you get your mojo the ornament.
Ugh. That's the pits. Poor lil bugger and poor lil you too! lol Thankfully our animals aren't afraid of the storms to THAT degree. Poor Maggie will run around crying but she just loses control of her mind - not her bladder. lol
I think your mojo found my mojo and the two of them must be hanging out somewhere :) Gotta be the heat & humidity I have here right now.
I hope your fibro flare up gets under control again really quickly and the thunderstorms stay far, far away!
sorry to hear about your fibro ~
My two large dogs is affraid of storms also.. they like to hide in the bathtub. The little dog does not care one bit!!
I love love love the gingerbread .. your making me what to stitch something.
oh my!! What a 'party' you had in that night! =/
You know it's a bad night when you are scrubbing floors in the wee hours. Poor you. Duncan must have been scared sh*tless!
Jennifer at Confessions of a Serial Starter recently gave a tip about "DAP" which I have been trying out on Sheba during thunderstorms. I figured it was worth a try! So far, it seems to help a bit. Maybe it might help Duncan as well?
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