As of yesterday, my workshop was done! I left feeling organized, prepared and empowered; ready to search out the job of my dreams :o) I truly had my reservations about the course before I started but now that it's done, I really miss it. I miss the people that taught it and I miss the people that were in the class.
We had some guest speakers from different businesses around the areas and it was interesting to hear what they offered and what they looked for in an employee. I was completely surprised by the turkey dinner that they set up for us for lunch, topped off with fruit filled crepes! I was SO stuffed, I couldn't wait to get home and unbutton my pants ;o) The meal was catered by a favourite place of ours and as always, it was delish.
On the weekend as I was putting the final touches on my new resume, I heard through the grapevine about a company that would be looking for some new people. They're local, in town, and I was quite familiar with what they did. I had thought about applying there but never did. After the workshop yesterday, I drove over to hand deliver my resume :o)
When I walked in, this little itty bitty thing of a girl came over and I asked who I could give my resume to. She told me it would be herself so then I introduced myself and explained that I had heard they might be hiring. The next thing I know, she's asking me if I can come in for an interview the following day (which is today). I'm sure if I didn't control myself, my jaw would have landed smack on the floor!
So this morning I got up, after sleeping through the alarm clock by nine minutes, and got myself ready. I prepared some potential questions and answers to bring with me as a cheat sheet. I looked and felt professional :o) We went across the street to one of the local restaurants to talk and had a cup of tea. I was very at ease with her and she was so sweet and friendly.
Although it was an interview, we sat and chatted like we were old friends. We had some things in common so it was fun to talk 'shop' with her. All in all, I think the interview went VERY well. Basically, I sold myself. If I don't get the job, it will only be because I don't have the experience that they are looking for, although they are willing to train.
Here's my conundrum...if I don't get the job, I'm not going to feel defeated because I rocked :o) My problem is if I DO get the job! I'm almost crapping my pants again just thinking about it. LOL! Why you ask? Well, it's complicated but I'll share with you part of what is going through my head.
As you know, I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Mitral Valve Prolaspe and General Anxiety Disorder. I haven't worked for a number of years (some of you will remember the huge fight with the disability company, my now ex-employer and Human Rights) and I do get tired quite easily. This would be an 8:30-5pm job, with extra hours. So basically full-time. The job will be stressful. And I'm not sure if it's the right job for me. I worry that if I get the job and accept it (or try it) and fail; I'll have disappointed myself and my employer. Being that this is a small town, you don't want to burn any bridges.
DH has consistently told me that I don't have to work if I don't want to. That sounds like a dream to some of you but we are only living on one income. I love the fact that I have the time to do the things I want but I'm also isolating myself and that is not helping matters. I'm not going to know until Monday what their decision is so I have almost a week to wait. Btw, how much can a person crap out anyway? ;o)
We had some guest speakers from different businesses around the areas and it was interesting to hear what they offered and what they looked for in an employee. I was completely surprised by the turkey dinner that they set up for us for lunch, topped off with fruit filled crepes! I was SO stuffed, I couldn't wait to get home and unbutton my pants ;o) The meal was catered by a favourite place of ours and as always, it was delish.
On the weekend as I was putting the final touches on my new resume, I heard through the grapevine about a company that would be looking for some new people. They're local, in town, and I was quite familiar with what they did. I had thought about applying there but never did. After the workshop yesterday, I drove over to hand deliver my resume :o)
When I walked in, this little itty bitty thing of a girl came over and I asked who I could give my resume to. She told me it would be herself so then I introduced myself and explained that I had heard they might be hiring. The next thing I know, she's asking me if I can come in for an interview the following day (which is today). I'm sure if I didn't control myself, my jaw would have landed smack on the floor!
So this morning I got up, after sleeping through the alarm clock by nine minutes, and got myself ready. I prepared some potential questions and answers to bring with me as a cheat sheet. I looked and felt professional :o) We went across the street to one of the local restaurants to talk and had a cup of tea. I was very at ease with her and she was so sweet and friendly.
Although it was an interview, we sat and chatted like we were old friends. We had some things in common so it was fun to talk 'shop' with her. All in all, I think the interview went VERY well. Basically, I sold myself. If I don't get the job, it will only be because I don't have the experience that they are looking for, although they are willing to train.
Here's my conundrum...if I don't get the job, I'm not going to feel defeated because I rocked :o) My problem is if I DO get the job! I'm almost crapping my pants again just thinking about it. LOL! Why you ask? Well, it's complicated but I'll share with you part of what is going through my head.
As you know, I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Mitral Valve Prolaspe and General Anxiety Disorder. I haven't worked for a number of years (some of you will remember the huge fight with the disability company, my now ex-employer and Human Rights) and I do get tired quite easily. This would be an 8:30-5pm job, with extra hours. So basically full-time. The job will be stressful. And I'm not sure if it's the right job for me. I worry that if I get the job and accept it (or try it) and fail; I'll have disappointed myself and my employer. Being that this is a small town, you don't want to burn any bridges.
DH has consistently told me that I don't have to work if I don't want to. That sounds like a dream to some of you but we are only living on one income. I love the fact that I have the time to do the things I want but I'm also isolating myself and that is not helping matters. I'm not going to know until Monday what their decision is so I have almost a week to wait. Btw, how much can a person crap out anyway? ;o)

Well whatever the outcome will be of the interview you should be proud of all you did and went through alone. It's like a mixed blessing isn't it.
I totally hear you about anxiety....woo hoo...I can write a book about all the things I don't do because of it.
My stomach would be in knots, I am sure. I have no advice as I was nearly 30 before I began working outside the I've only ever held two jobs.
You can not only climb this mountain (job) but you can reach the top and fly! Never sell yourself short even though you have some medical issues. You can do anything you put your mind to. I believe in you.
Now that the 'Disney' moment is over, it would be nerve racking for sure. LOL
I do say go for it and you should know that it's okay if it doesn't work out. At least you can look for something else part-time while employeed there if it doesn't fit your needs.
Good luck on the job. If you don't get it, you have still had the experience of an interview and what to expect in one these days.
I have only had my one job, my whole adult life, Cathey! How weird is that! But, I love it and I love working part-time. I hope this works out for you and even if it doesn't, be proud for going and nailing the interview. (I can't imagine how I would perform on a job interview--I'm not good at "thinking on my feet.")
Keeping fingers crossed for you!
Way to go and what a ego boost! That takes "balls" to walk in and come out with an interview. You go girl!
If you get the job, give it a try!!!!
aww good luck on getting the job! If you do get it though find out if there are other options available to you, like working from home or reducing some hours or something like that. I don't know much about the job but you could always try it out for a while and see how you fair you might surprise yourself too!
Well, lookie lookie, sounds like you handeled the interview with confidence and surely when you get the job you will provide the employer with the very confident, professional and efficient manner in which we all know you have inside you. Good luck and I am sure with a job like this you will begin to feel some of the health issues taking a second place in your day to day life. We all know you can do this and I am sure you do too.
Be always in stitches.
Congrats to you for walking in and getting an interview, that is awesome in itself! If you get offered the job I'd give it a try too :)
Good luck Cathey! Whatever outcome is going to be, I hope you are comfortable with it.
Sounds like that workshop gave you a real confidence boost. Nice to hear about an interview like that. Interviews can be so stressful in and of themselves. Hope you get a job offer, but now you know you've got the chops to pursue other offers if this one doesn't pan out. Good luck whichever way the wind blows!
WOW! Good for you! My only thought was job-sharing...not sure how open minded this business is but some places will let you find or they will find someone who works hand-in-hand with you at the same job and then you work the hours you are able and they pickup the slack...just a thought! Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Whatever happens, be proud you tried. I see lots of jobs I'd probably be good at, but I'm too scared of the "no" to apply. Companies today make lots of accomodations for employees who have health issues. If they really want you, this company will make those.
We only fail if we don't try! Don't be worried or affraid to be accept, go there and give your best ;) No one can fail this way :D
Good luck!!!
For sure you have reasons to be proud :D I'm happy for you!! You go girl!!!
Wow, Cathey you have been a busy girl. I think that if you got the job you would learn to make adjustments. Don't sell yourself short! It is always overwhelming to think of these things all at one time. Just take it as it comes. Best of luck to you!
I will keep you in my prayers and if this is the job for you, it will all work out. God is in control. I"m proud of you for even trying. You can never succeed if you dont put forth the effort and try. Bravo so far. Take care,Kimberly
I wish you all the best of luck. And even if you don't get the job you made it this far and you can be proud of it. But I think you will make it!
One day at a time and one hurdle at a time. You are honest and candid about the things that may hinder or help in your doing this job. It will be appreciated by the employer if it turns out to be too much for you.
Good luck with however it turns out for you.
Big hugs!
I wish well with the job. If you do get the job and then your health suffers I am sure that your employer will understand. Your health needs to come first, who knows they may even decide that you are too valuable and work some flexibility into the hours.
Good luck with the job. I know the prospect of going back to work can be scary (I went through it 2 years ago), but it is good to be out there and with mine being under threat again, I know I would really miss it. I'm sure it will all work out for you. Try not to get too worked up about it.
Well, so sorry it's been a while since I visited. You have said that I'm brave... but you are too!! I'me very excited along with you. Can't wait to hear the ending to this cliff hanger, LOL. Gonna write in the desert soon, LOL, so look for life update there.
I understand about the anxiety, too. Here's the thing. Taking the job isn't a life sentence. You can try it and if you don't like it or it's too stressful, you can resign and be no worse off for the trying. As for the worry and the what-ifs..well, that's just the GAD talking. If you weren't worried about the job, you'd worry about something else instead! ;) It's the nature of the thing. So let it jabber on in the background of your thoughts, and do what you want to do in spite of it. (easier said than done, of course). Good for you for even landing the interview!!
I wish you luck and that the outcome you get will be the best situation for you. In any case, be proud of going out there & trying.
Hi dear!! :)
I hope you had a sweet Easter weekend :D
Big hug to you!!
I also am a stay at home mom/wife. My dh let me choose if I would like to work or not. I think if your dh is willing to let you stay home and you really wanted to there is no reason why you shouldn't. In my opinion, what you gain (freedom to explore and do almost anything you want, time with loved ones, and decrease of stress) is worth much more than the income. Just an opinion from a reader.
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