Don't say it! I know, I've been M.I.A. Have you ever had one of those days (weeks, months, years) that were just too much and all you wanted to do was crawl back into your warm, secure bed and shut out the world? N'uff said.
How was my Easter? No egg hunt, no Easter dinner, no bunny :o(
This month marks one year that Pickles has been gone and it was the first Easter in over eleven years that there wasn't a real live bunny in the house. I know Pickles had a good life but I do miss seeing him get all excited when I'd open the fridge door. He knew that was carrot time! I miss his ability to fling one rabbit turd across the floor with one swift movement. This meant that it was time to clean his cage. I even miss his little grunts. That meant "Leave me alone lady!"
What a surprise I had on Tuesday though when I picked up the mail! No, no one sent me a real bunny by mail but it was the next best thing :o) Danielle, the sweet generous girl, sent me the pattern Bunnies Galore by Brittercup Designs!!!! I was so touched by her thoughtfulness and don't think I have forgotten you. In case you are wondering, of course I started one of the patterns. LOL! I am stitching on Queen Anne's Lace Jobelan although it's hard to see in the picture -
For as long as I can remember, I've had an egg hunt on Easter morning. My parents did it for me and DH continued the tradition :o) Am I spoiled or what! There was no hunt this year though. DH felt really bad but it's probably for the best since I have a little stash of ECEs hidden away... If you look down the right side of my Blog, you'll notice that I have passed last years' number ;o) Shhhhh.....
Our dear friends T & K invited us to their place for Easter dinner on Sunday. I was looking forward to it all week and K was excited that we'd get to spend some time together. So Sunday morning I'm eating my breakfast and all I can think is that I must have turned the wrong (right) way because I heard a pop in my back :o( I had pulled a muscle under my left shoulder blade. I couldn't even take deep breaths because there would be shooting pain.
Seeing that I was doped up on muscle relaxants and in bed unconscious, DH made the appearance for both of us. When he got home, he carried in three containers full of food! K had sent enough Easter dinner to last us three nights and it was topped off with cheesecake :o) It was all sooooo good and I couldn't thank them enough.
I guess what I'm trying to say in this post is that, even though life may give you lemons, it's still possible to make lemonade when you have wonderful people around you. I was truly touched by both acts of kindness and one day, I hope that I can reciprocate :o)
As a side note, I am WAY behind on emails and Blog reading so don't give up on me yet! It may take me awhile to catch up but I'll be around to every one of you :o)
How was my Easter? No egg hunt, no Easter dinner, no bunny :o(
This month marks one year that Pickles has been gone and it was the first Easter in over eleven years that there wasn't a real live bunny in the house. I know Pickles had a good life but I do miss seeing him get all excited when I'd open the fridge door. He knew that was carrot time! I miss his ability to fling one rabbit turd across the floor with one swift movement. This meant that it was time to clean his cage. I even miss his little grunts. That meant "Leave me alone lady!"
What a surprise I had on Tuesday though when I picked up the mail! No, no one sent me a real bunny by mail but it was the next best thing :o) Danielle, the sweet generous girl, sent me the pattern Bunnies Galore by Brittercup Designs!!!! I was so touched by her thoughtfulness and don't think I have forgotten you. In case you are wondering, of course I started one of the patterns. LOL! I am stitching on Queen Anne's Lace Jobelan although it's hard to see in the picture -
For as long as I can remember, I've had an egg hunt on Easter morning. My parents did it for me and DH continued the tradition :o) Am I spoiled or what! There was no hunt this year though. DH felt really bad but it's probably for the best since I have a little stash of ECEs hidden away... If you look down the right side of my Blog, you'll notice that I have passed last years' number ;o) Shhhhh.....
Our dear friends T & K invited us to their place for Easter dinner on Sunday. I was looking forward to it all week and K was excited that we'd get to spend some time together. So Sunday morning I'm eating my breakfast and all I can think is that I must have turned the wrong (right) way because I heard a pop in my back :o( I had pulled a muscle under my left shoulder blade. I couldn't even take deep breaths because there would be shooting pain.
Seeing that I was doped up on muscle relaxants and in bed unconscious, DH made the appearance for both of us. When he got home, he carried in three containers full of food! K had sent enough Easter dinner to last us three nights and it was topped off with cheesecake :o) It was all sooooo good and I couldn't thank them enough.
I guess what I'm trying to say in this post is that, even though life may give you lemons, it's still possible to make lemonade when you have wonderful people around you. I was truly touched by both acts of kindness and one day, I hope that I can reciprocate :o)
As a side note, I am WAY behind on emails and Blog reading so don't give up on me yet! It may take me awhile to catch up but I'll be around to every one of you :o)

Awww, that was very nice of Danielle to send you the chart! I *just* got this in the mail today. I love it!
Sorry to hear that you didn't have the best Easter but I'm glad there were highlights to your day. What awesome friends!
Pumpkin, I am so glad you like the pattern! What a great start on one of them! I love bunnies. Look forward to seeing more. I have been working steadily on Sabrina and have a bunch more done and will be posting a pic soon. Sometimes we all need a little help from our friends, even those in blogland.
Ah, yes...I thought of you first when I saw this design. :o)
Sounds like it would have been a lovely Easter dinner. Good friends are a blessing.
RIP Pickles.
I'm hording away 3 cadbury eggs as there aren't more in this town! If they kept them in stock I'd probably beat your records!
How sweet for her to send that cute chart....those M&M's are looking good too!
Great start to the bunnies, they look adorable. Sorry you missed otu on your Easter dinner, hope the back is better.
I am so getttng this chart! We used to raise rabbits and I had two as house pets when I was a teenager. One was just a grump and the other was freaked out by everything. I only had them for a few years, but I still love rabbits.
Hope things pick up for you soon: spring is a hard time for feeling good, I find. I wish I could send you one of my cookies!
Take care!!
I think that we have all felt that way at one time or another (or another and another and another). What a sweet bunny pattern and it is looking great. Hope the spring sunshine brings much warms and continued love to you - things will look rosey soon!
Take care my blog friend!
Sorry to hear about your muscle spasm - it sure hurts a lot.
Sounds like you had a nice Easter dinner.
Your bunnies are so sweet.
Love the chart. Hope your pain goes soon.
Let's hope there are still Cadbury creme eggs next year now they have been taken over by Kraft :(
Nice to have good friends to help you get over these things. Love the Brittercup bunnies... they could cheer up anyone.
It must've been awful to have missed having a meal with your friends. I hope that your back gets better quickly.
I really love the chart and do hope you are feeling better than you did last Sunday.
I just wanted to let you know that i have given you an award on my blog.
Lots of love
Patti xxx
How sweet to get such a sweet design, great start on it too.
Congrats! on the eggs.
I hope your shoulder recovers quickly,that's too bad you missed the Easter dinner.
It doesn't take long to get behind in blogging
Take Care!!
Ouch, poor you, I hope you are feeling better! Enjoy the lemonade... ;o)
Feel better soon!
First of all congratulations on surpassing the Cadbury egg record from last year! How do you manage that and not gain weight, Cathey?
Hope your shoulder is feeling better each day--can you still stitch? That was so nice of your friends to send you Easter food and cheesecake--yummmmmm... Some people really do come through for you and that is when you know they're true friends!
Oh ouch...what a way to spend Easter! I hope you are feeling better now. *hugs*
Such adorable bunnies! And so sorry you lost your little sweetie!
What wonderful friends you have!! Hope you are on the mend soon...
Sorry you didn't have the best easter. I hope your shoulder is better now.
My latest discovery is Cadbury's creme egg ice cream! Ohhhh! it's to die for!
So sorry to hear that you couldn't go to see your friends on Easter. I hope you are steadily getting better. And I hope you can stitch again. This lovely little bunny chart is waiting for you, lol.
oh you had a real bunny =)
I can unserstand your bunny love :) sorry to know that he's gone =/
Lucky girl!! :D What a wonderful gift you received! A great person, has great friends ;)
I hope that your muscle is back in place!
Have a great weekend :) big hug!!
What thoughtful friends you have. I hope you are not in any more pain ((Gentle hugs))
Awww, hang in there. I'm so glad that you have people there to lift you up when you're feeling down. I hope you're feeling better soon!
Sweetie, looks like life is a little too demanding on you these days. I understand that, as I also have GAD...
I wonder if the inability to go ahead and "forget" (just a little) about our furbabies is not related. I mean I always feel such a pang when I think of them, and it's about a dozen times a day...
Hold on, keep your back hunched, the storm will soon pass...
Many comforting hugs your way,
That is such a cute chart!
I hope you are feeling better.
So sorry to hear about your back, but I'm glad that you're starting to feel better. Congrats on the egg count, I love watching your numbers. I've been pretty good, but with so many stores having Easter goodies marked down now that we are past Easter restraining myself is really hard.
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