I can't believe I am three weeks into Sabrina already! As promised, here is a picture update -
See, I told you I was bad ;o) I just couldn't resist putting some bling on her! And I did all the backstitching except for her gloves. In the chart, it says to backstitch her eyelashes with three stands of DMC 3371. I have to say, I tried doing her whole eye in two strands and she came out looking like a skank! Sabrina is no skank ;o) So, I outlined her eye in one strand and what I considered her eyelashes in two. What do you think?
I see her as much more sophisticated this way :o) I'm curious to hear how others have done her eye. To me, that is one of the more important areas to get right. When I was stitching Stargazer, I saw some finishes that made her look so angry. I made sure my Stargazer looked serene because that's how I want to feel when I look at her. Did I just share too much of my demented thinking with you? LOL!
There were a few people who were curious to see a picture of my wedding dress :o) I was cleaning out the Tickle Trunk the other day and so I knew exactly where to get my little hands on the picture of it -
Gotcha! This is the actual magazine page but just imagine me in the dress ;o) To be honest, I'm not 100% sure where our wedding photos are at the moment so it was easier this way. I even have the receipt for the dress buried somewhere in the TT. It's kind of funny because I was away with my HTB and my in-lawsTB when I found my dress. We were in Truro, NS and we went into this little bridal shop and there it was! I felt really bad that my mom wasn't there so I called her to make sure it was okay that I bought it without her :o)
As already mentioned, I'm not a froufrou girl but this is one dress that I would love to still wear again. DH asks me why I'm keeping it but I just can't let it go. My mother still has hers. Do you still have yours? I'm curious to know how women view their wedding dresses now :o)
See, I told you I was bad ;o) I just couldn't resist putting some bling on her! And I did all the backstitching except for her gloves. In the chart, it says to backstitch her eyelashes with three stands of DMC 3371. I have to say, I tried doing her whole eye in two strands and she came out looking like a skank! Sabrina is no skank ;o) So, I outlined her eye in one strand and what I considered her eyelashes in two. What do you think?
I see her as much more sophisticated this way :o) I'm curious to hear how others have done her eye. To me, that is one of the more important areas to get right. When I was stitching Stargazer, I saw some finishes that made her look so angry. I made sure my Stargazer looked serene because that's how I want to feel when I look at her. Did I just share too much of my demented thinking with you? LOL!
There were a few people who were curious to see a picture of my wedding dress :o) I was cleaning out the Tickle Trunk the other day and so I knew exactly where to get my little hands on the picture of it -
Gotcha! This is the actual magazine page but just imagine me in the dress ;o) To be honest, I'm not 100% sure where our wedding photos are at the moment so it was easier this way. I even have the receipt for the dress buried somewhere in the TT. It's kind of funny because I was away with my HTB and my in-lawsTB when I found my dress. We were in Truro, NS and we went into this little bridal shop and there it was! I felt really bad that my mom wasn't there so I called her to make sure it was okay that I bought it without her :o)
As already mentioned, I'm not a froufrou girl but this is one dress that I would love to still wear again. DH asks me why I'm keeping it but I just can't let it go. My mother still has hers. Do you still have yours? I'm curious to know how women view their wedding dresses now :o)

What a beautiful dress. I still have mine, too, and I never even got it cleaned and preserved. I really mean to get to that ASAP. After all, it's been almost 7 years now! I know I'll never wear it again, but I just can't "get rid of it." I'm too sentimentally attached to it.
Sabrina is lovely as is your wedding dress! And I still have mine as well...unclean, unpreserved and now almost 11 years old...I hope to one day use some of the fabric in it for something - with no daughters I'll have to come up with something for daughter-in-laws :-)
Sabrina looks lovely with her bling. Keep it up.
What a beautiful dress. I still have mine it is 2,500 miles away packed in my dads ceder closet at his house along with many of my other wordly possesions. I have not looked at that dress in over 6 years, I wonder what it looks like. It is just put away in the bag it came in.
I will post a photo of my dress on my blog. I think everyone should :)
Take Care
Your dress is beautiful!
I am planning on keeping mine in case my children want to wear it or use it. After all, I've worked so hard to find it, LOL.
Sabrina is looking quite gorgioso. Lovely eyes.. I agree, the most important and trickiest part to get right on stitched faces.
Never been married so know wedding dress stories here. Yours is quite the beauty. I bet there's some bride-to-be out there somewhere who would just love to have it.
Sabrina looks great. Your dress is beautiful. I kept mine too...and still haven't gotten it cleaned and preserved. Its on the to do list...almost 9 years later.
Well honestly I made my first and it was right out of a vouge business suit section , guess that says something right there. It's long gone but the second one I made with all the lace and beads I desired. I still have it and love it to death. It was a two piece with a full flowing skirt and poofy lacy sleeves double breasted jacket. Along with it I also made a pair of very ellegant trousers, so I could choose to wear it again for another occasion which I have and I fall in love and would marry him again every time I have it on.
Sabrina looks wonderful.
Be always in stitches.
LOL I have my dress still ...Uncleaned and unpreserved as well, mine was 8 years ago. Yours is gorgeous!!
Sabrina looks lovely!!
Great stitching and beautiful dress. I was 7 months pregnant so didn't wear a real wedding dress :) But my mom and sister both have theirs
Cathey-Sabrina is really coming along:)
Love your wedding dress it is so you...I still have my dress in hopes that the girls might one day want to use it but it would need a lot of updating seeing that I got married 100 years ago as Stephanie says..-teenagers-gotta love em.lol..
I thought if they didn't want to than I would get someone to take it apart and make 2 christening dresses for any future grandbabies that may or may not happen... but as of now it still sits in my closet in the box the dry cleaner packed it in.
Sabrina is looking lovely, the eyes look perfect. Gorgeous wedding gown.
I think Sabrina is beautfiul with all her bling and her eyelashes
That dress sure is purty, lol
I don't have mine anymore. I had some pillows made and gave them away.
Sabrina looks wonderful, I love the work you did on her eyes.
Your wedding dress is so beautiful! I also keep my wedding dress (cleaned :-) ) though I am not sure I would ever use it again - just a sentimental memory...
My mother-in-law has my wedding dress (cleaned and preserved) in her hall closet. I probably would never have kept it, as I threw away my high school year books. I am NOT a saver. Since we have no children, I have no idea what will happen to it. The christening gowns sound like a good idea.
I still have my dress too. It was crocheted by my sister as were the adult bridesmaid . It was quite different for the time.
Love your Sabrina inc bling.
Kathey, Sabrina is almost as beautiful as that dress. Mine? My dress was rented for the day. That was the thing back then here in the U.K. but if I had had a dress like that I would never have given it away. It is just stupendously gorgeous.
Patti xxx
Sabrina is gorgeous! And so is your wedding gown. Since I have never been married I don't have one. But if I had I would definitely still have it. :)
wow! your work is beautiful!! Sabrina is really pretty :)
I always use one strand for the backstitch, even when the chart says more! With 2 or more... I don't like! With just one strand we get a much more delicate work :)
I don't have a wedding dress because I'm not married yet :p But, if I did, for sure I would keep it :D
Your dress is lovely! =)
Sabrina is looking just perfect, Cathey--her face is so delicate and lady-like!
And what an amazing dress--I can see why you kept it. Mine just got so yellowed and moth eaten in my mom's attic that I ended up throwing it away about 5 years ago. Having only sons made that decision much easier! I did keep a bit of the lace from it, though.
Sabrina looks great. Although I'm surprised by the blue beads in her hair!
As for a wedding dress, I'm not married and my ideal wedding (if I ever got crazy enough to get married) would be jeans at the registrar's office. I haven't worn a dress or a skirt in about 5 years. I'm sure my mother has other plans though...
Sabrina is looking good! Keep on stitching!.
You were quite right to make that adjustment so Sabrina didn't look like a skank! You have better taste in friends than that!
Yes after almost 35 years I still have my wedding dress. It was in Mom's cedar chest when they had a house fire and for so unknown reason it never got cleaned. When I seen it ans was looking it over ...and smelling the smoke from years ago...I decided I couldn't keep it like that and threw it in the washer on the delicate cycle...it was a plain taffeta dress - simple like me. I figured there was nothing to lose and didn't it come out almost pristine! I was on cloud nine!!!! Sometimes you just have to have faith and jump right in.
Sabrina is beautiful and I think you got her eye just right!
The wedding dress is gorgeous! I was three months pregnant when I got married but still only weighed about 110 pounds. My mom made my dress and I loved it then, as I do now. I still have it and can't believe how tiny it is. Nobody had a clue I was pregnant except for our immediate families. That is one thing I will never get rid of.
Lovely progress on Sabrina! Your wedding dress is beautiful and I will just echo the many comments that I still have mine and can't ever see selling/giving it away!
Hi Cathey,
Sabrina's face and her eyes are
lovely, and I'd say that your
thread choices were spot on. This
is too delicate and graceful a
design to allow for heavy handed
accents. Don't blame you for
adding a few of the beads etc.
Love her earring.
I have my wedding dress in the
crawl space downstairs. It was
cleaned and boxed for me while
I was on my honeymoon. I am
pleased to think that because
of Weight Watchers I could put
the dress on and it would fit.
Next May is our 20th wedding
anniversary and my goal was to
be able to wear my dress again.
I still love my dress too.
Your dress was gorgeous!! Keep
an eye out for those pictures
because we'd love to see them.
Did you wear a similar veil too?
Surely a wedding dress is as marriage itself, for life! My mom still has hers and my parents got married 45 years ago!
Sabrina's eyes look delicate and lovely, not one hint of skankiness... ;o) Great job!
Sabrina is beautiful. Your wedding dress is stunning, I still have mine. No idea what I will do with it, just not ready to part with it yet.
what a beautiful dress. and yes, after 25 yrs, I still have mine. It's at my mom's and my neices will play dress up with it occasionally. I wore it in 1985 and my brother's wife borrowed it in 1987. so me and my SIL wore it; got my $$$'s worth, LOL. I'm sure no one would want it now; it's got big puffy sleeves!!! (80s all the way!!!) LOL
Gorgeous wedding dress. I still have mine too - my DH thinks I should keep it. I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet.
Sabrina is looking great!
I think Sabrina looks great, and you're right. She ain't no skank. LOL Her gown and gloves are too elegant to be looking like she needs to be standing on a street corner!
I love your dress! I still have mine. I had it dry cleaned and preserved, which knowing the dry cleaners probably meant that they stuck it in a box that cost me an extra $20. It's up in my attic now. I have two girls and I'd love for them to wear it but if they don't, I am perfectly fine with that, too. I just coulnd't get rid of it.
Sabrina is really lovely & the eyes look perfect. I can't imagine how 3 strands would have looked!!!
Love your wedding dress, I still have mine but then I only got married last July. Mine is Ivory at the top & black at the bottom. There is a photo on my blog 15th July 2009 but not sure it does my dress justice :-)
Sabrina is looking stunning. I can't wait to see more progress. Well as far as the Wedding Dress, well you did get us good didn't you?
wow she looks great,I need to do some stitching lol
I love the wedding dress
Cathey, please come and get your Beautiful Blogger Award from my post: http://blueribbondesigns.blogspot.com/
Happy Friday!
Your wedding dress is awesome. I never had a white wedding dress because I didn't want one, I just bought a nice dress and that was it.
Very nice progress on Sabrina. I love her eye as it is on your piece.
I think you did a perfect job on her eye! Well, and the rest of her too. I love your wedding dress!!
Sabrina is looking fabulous :)
Your wedding dress is awesome...so elegant! Mine was from the 80s, so quite silly looking in retrospect. I did hang onto it for a while, but got rid of it several years after D-day. I didn't see any need to hang onto it after that, since the only reason I could think of needing it in the future would be to dress up like the Bride of Frankenstein on Halloween...LOL ;)
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