The post you are about to read has some 'not-so-nice' words in it. If you think you'll be offended, please do not go any further.
Dear Credit Card Stealing $hithead,
Thanks to a complete fluke, my DH and I were notified that you somehow confiscated our credit card number and decided to use it at your own discretion. Why you felt the need to do this, I will probably never know. HOW you obtained our card number is even more of a mystery.
I take it since you charged four $220.00 phone withdrawals that you must desperately need the money. My heart goes out to you...NOT! Did you ever stop to think about the people that you stole from? Just because we have a credit card does not make us rich. We are a one income family and a low one at that. Usually if we need money, we go to 'the bank'. Did that ever cross your idiotic little brain? Maybe this is a new concept for you but one you should consider you $hithead.
My money's on the fact that you feel like you just plain deserved it. How selfish and mighty you are. What I find quite amusing though is that you probably think that what you did was just brilliant; that you were so smart to use the credit card over the phone and therefore there would be less chance of you getting caught. That just goes to show how incredibly stupid you are. Thankfully our credit card company was alerted right away to your 'brilliant act' and knew it was not in our nature to make withdrawals with our credit card. Luckily we will not owe the money but you have made this quite an inconvenience for us.
Have you ever heard the saying "What goes around, comes around"? You might just want to keep that in mind when you're doing another selfish act like this. Fate has a way of levelling the playing field...
Oh, and another thing you coward, why don't you try and be like the rest of us and get a real fucking job! Enough said.
Thanks to a complete fluke, my DH and I were notified that you somehow confiscated our credit card number and decided to use it at your own discretion. Why you felt the need to do this, I will probably never know. HOW you obtained our card number is even more of a mystery.
I take it since you charged four $220.00 phone withdrawals that you must desperately need the money. My heart goes out to you...NOT! Did you ever stop to think about the people that you stole from? Just because we have a credit card does not make us rich. We are a one income family and a low one at that. Usually if we need money, we go to 'the bank'. Did that ever cross your idiotic little brain? Maybe this is a new concept for you but one you should consider you $hithead.
My money's on the fact that you feel like you just plain deserved it. How selfish and mighty you are. What I find quite amusing though is that you probably think that what you did was just brilliant; that you were so smart to use the credit card over the phone and therefore there would be less chance of you getting caught. That just goes to show how incredibly stupid you are. Thankfully our credit card company was alerted right away to your 'brilliant act' and knew it was not in our nature to make withdrawals with our credit card. Luckily we will not owe the money but you have made this quite an inconvenience for us.
Have you ever heard the saying "What goes around, comes around"? You might just want to keep that in mind when you're doing another selfish act like this. Fate has a way of levelling the playing field...
Oh, and another thing you coward, why don't you try and be like the rest of us and get a real fucking job! Enough said.

I TOTALLY AGREE. And how true about what goes around, comes around. One day their ship will come in. To bad whoever it was did not take time to pull up his/her big person panties and pay their own way. What a total DICK
Be always in stitches.
Oh gawd, so sorry this happened to you. Something similar happened to my dad twice! Since he's an old folk, it was up to me to clean up the mess. It was a pain. Now I am ever vigilant about my credit card and especially my debit card. It's good to hear the bank is working with you. *hugs*
We have something to watch our identity but it could happen to any of us, even with the helpers out there. Thank goodness your credit card company was watching out for you!
Let's find them, string them up by their toes and throw cross stitching needles at them until they have a needle poke for every dollar that they attempted to steal!
Times are getting hard and people are taking drastic measures
Just like all the viruses and trojans lately, people must not have anything better to do.
oh yeah and BTW!
Your background reminds me of my pillow I just put together, funny!
Had the same thing happen to me last year. Except it was 4 tickets to Africa and a washer and dryer. Boy it was nusense
I am so sorry you are dealing with this.
OMG Cathey, I have had this happen 3 times to me. Every time BMO was alerted as it was not something I would purchase, like a computer on-line 2 days in a row. Unfortunately our laws are not strict enough if they do get caught. I do like Parsley's idea, but I don't think I would waste my needles on them :)
Awww, that sucks. We have had that happen before. At least the credit card people watch for unusual activity and let us know!
I think of it this way...the more one works in this life the more leisure one gets in the next ~ and vice versa. They will get their own back, right?
We've had this happen to us twice, Cathey--we think both times our card was compromised at a restaurant. We are very careful now to use cash only when we eat out. It is a pain, but since then, we haven't had a problem. Sorry to hear that you've "joined the club" so to speak :(
I am sorry this happen to you,,it also happen to us,,the hotel we stayed at in colorado stole our number and cid number and started charging,when I notice a luggage purchase on our statement I notify the bank and it seems there where over 4500 dollars worth of charges..lucky we didnt have to pay for it and we got reimburst for the charges..I even had a name and address for the guy and the bank didnt want the information said it would cost to much to prosecute them..hopefully your bank cancelled your card and issured a new one..good luck..
I had my debit swiped once...a pain to deal with, but luckily they weren't able to get much. My friend had his credit card stolen. As a student, he only had a 300$ limit. The thief first stocked up on smokes and then went out for a $500+ dinner...except the card was declined. The guys at the credit card company were able to tell him that. It was the least the criminal deserved we thought
You said it the way you felt it - WELL DONE!
Sorry you have to go through this. It happened to us as well, and the loser opened up several accounts on "adult" websites using our bank account! It was lots of fun trying to explain *that* to the bank. Ugh. Hopefully they will catch the bum that did this to you one way or another. Some day he will get his.
Amen sistah to your letter!
Our credit card was used on line and used to within $5.00 of the remaining available credit. I think that bothered me more than anything, because it was as though the person knew the amount of money available.
Glad to hear your credit card company is dealing well with your situation. The company that allowed the fraudulent charges, on my account were ridiculously rude and blamed us for allowing it to happen.
I hope and pray really deep down that the saying is right and that what goes around comes around in most instances and certainly in this one. You are absolutely 100% right in what you wrote. WELL DONE YOU!
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
I'm sorry that happened to you =(
It's incredible how people can do that! I'm astonished!!!
I'm so sorry. It is a real pain in the a$$ to deal with. Thankfully, more and more banks are having fraud units to contact folks when "weird" activity starts to occur. I'm outraged to hear from one of the other comments that the bank declined an address etc. because "it would cost too much to prosecute"!! My Goodness, don't they know that if the crooks know that they will be treated like this, that there is absolutely no incentive to stop!!!
I'm feeling the same way about the ner do wells that feel it is necessary to put trojans, viruses and other $hit out on the net. We really need stronger laws/punishment for those SOBs too.
I am a believer of karma, they will get what they deserve.
Sabrina is looking gorgeous, looking forward to next weeks progress picture.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. These people are a PITA but quite obviously they are everywhere. It's a shame that it's less hard to steal money from other people than work and earn their own money.
sorry that this happened to you , we had this a couple of years ago and spent over £8.000 GBP what a pain in the arse that was, all debts were cleared but they made us jump through hoops :O(
Some people really just don't get it. They feel entitled to take and take and take without earning. I'm sorry you had to be one of the victims, but at least thankfully you won't have to pay for it.
Take care,
Oh no what a bummer, glad you will not have to foot the bill for someone else's spending spree.
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