Well its official...my status of photographer has been achieved! On Saturday, I sold 15 photos to a gift shop at a popular hotel down the coast :o) They loved my stuff and felt that it would definitely sell.
This is such a positive start to my pursuit. I realize that not everyone is going to like my photos and I accept that. I'm just hoping that the people who do love it will outnumber those that don't ;o) LOL!
Now there is more footwork to be done! I've got lines on shops, craft co-ops, flea markets and craft shows. Busy, busy, busy! But this is supposed to be a good thing right?
This is such a positive start to my pursuit. I realize that not everyone is going to like my photos and I accept that. I'm just hoping that the people who do love it will outnumber those that don't ;o) LOL!
Now there is more footwork to be done! I've got lines on shops, craft co-ops, flea markets and craft shows. Busy, busy, busy! But this is supposed to be a good thing right?

Congratulations, Cathey! I'm so pleased for you. Best of luck to you.
Congratulations, Cathey! It hope this turns into a fabulous business opportunity for you. :)
That's fabulous, Cathey, congratulations!!!
Congratulations !! Sounds like a great start.
Cathey...great to hear that EVERYTHING is falling into place for you & DH.
You have been inspired to the nth degree and all good things are coming your way!
Congrats that is wonderful!
Congratulations!! That is AWESOME!!!
Wow! That is so cool. 15 photos seems like a lot. Best of luck as you continue with this endeavor.
congratulations on your photos selling ;o) does that mean I know someone famous?
Congratulations on selling your photos! Great start!
A great big CONGRATS to ya Cathey! Hope they sell like hot cakes :o) Love your new background too.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wish you all the best on your new business venture!!
congratulations Cathey, that is wonderful for you. things just seem to be getting better and better!
Yeah!!! That is soooo cool! Congrats on your first sale of pictures. I am sure you will get/sale alot more to come!
Oh well done Cathey! That is incredible news!
Great news and so exciting!
That's wonderful! Congratulations and good luck!
Congratulations! What a great start. That should really inspire you to keep going. Well done and good luck!
That is wonderful news, I am sure more people will take an interest in your photography.
Congratulations Cathey!!! Good luck with your new venture!
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