MVP...usually what's associated with Most Valuable Player but I like to refer to it as Most Valuable Patient :o) In this case though, I'm also referring to my Mitral Valve Prolapse. Early yesterday morning, DH and I drove to the Big "Town" where I had my Echocardiogram. My new Cardiologist, Dr. C, wanted to check up on my heart since it hasn't been done for a number of years. He was hoping this test would be good enough so that I didn't have to swallow that damn camera again >:o(
The results came back positive in that I'm still in the "moderate" rage (the rating system ranges within low, moderate or high) and my heart is working alright even though it's got a bum valve ;o) I got to do the usual fun stuff like watch my valve on screen and then seeing how much blood got regurgitated back. The woman doing the test was telling me that things have come a long way since I was diagnosed back in 2005. If I was rated a high moderate at this point, my valve could be repaired. That works for me! I'll take repair over replace any day :o)
When we returned home, we picked up the mail and I was so excited because there was a package there for me. It was my birthday order from SNT -
Ahhhhh... It was pure bliss going through and touching my new stash. It's been a long time since I've seen a decent haul. The Crossed Wings fabric is just gorgeous! Expensive but gorgeous! Thank you girls for making this happen :o)
I've been a little bad and started a new project about a week ago :oS I really have to examine my head again and see just how many holes I have in there... This is my start of Birds & Berries by The Prairie Schooler -
It looks a little bland right now but I hope once I get the leaves and berries put on there, it will spruce things up a bit.
That leaflet contains four bird patterns and I'm going to stitch them one on top of the other. I hope it will look good when complete.
One last thing before I go, check out Jolene's current giveaway! Now who doesn't like Jane Austen? Good luck!
The results came back positive in that I'm still in the "moderate" rage (the rating system ranges within low, moderate or high) and my heart is working alright even though it's got a bum valve ;o) I got to do the usual fun stuff like watch my valve on screen and then seeing how much blood got regurgitated back. The woman doing the test was telling me that things have come a long way since I was diagnosed back in 2005. If I was rated a high moderate at this point, my valve could be repaired. That works for me! I'll take repair over replace any day :o)
When we returned home, we picked up the mail and I was so excited because there was a package there for me. It was my birthday order from SNT -
Ahhhhh... It was pure bliss going through and touching my new stash. It's been a long time since I've seen a decent haul. The Crossed Wings fabric is just gorgeous! Expensive but gorgeous! Thank you girls for making this happen :o)
I've been a little bad and started a new project about a week ago :oS I really have to examine my head again and see just how many holes I have in there... This is my start of Birds & Berries by The Prairie Schooler -
It looks a little bland right now but I hope once I get the leaves and berries put on there, it will spruce things up a bit.
That leaflet contains four bird patterns and I'm going to stitch them one on top of the other. I hope it will look good when complete.
One last thing before I go, check out Jolene's current giveaway! Now who doesn't like Jane Austen? Good luck!

Thanks for the message-leaving tips, I am so new to this blog stuff but it is FUN! Your Birds and Berries start looks gorgeous, I can't wait for another update. I hope you get time to work on it this weekend!
PS: Don't have a Google account so I may be "anonymous" for now, how mysterious! hehe
Awesome new WIP! I look forward to seeing more. Love the nifty stash too!
That's great news on your check-up, Cathey!
Glad you got good news on the testing of your valve, amazing how fast medicine learns new ways of treating things. Wonderful stash, and your little bird is so cute. Can't wait to see him progress and the others start too.
Goods news about the positive results, hooray!!
You have some really nice stash there. Is that woodpecker a chart? I have been trying to get my hands on that PS. It must be rare, what number is it? I will be looking for progress on that one.
I think they will look great stacked.
Good news on the MVP. Love your new stash, the woodpecker looks like a big project, is it ? I have the PS Birds & Berries, "if" I ever get around to it I thought of doing them 2 over 2. With the amount of WIPS and UFOS I have, your holes are nothing compared to mine :)
Glad your heart is okay ;-)
Stash is always good !!!!!! I need to show my new ones (yes, I've been weak again .............. lol)
Nice start ! By the way, why don't you use hand dye fabbie? Will add something to your pieces ;-)
So glad that your test results came back and that it was good news. Take care of yourself ((((HUGS)))). Birds and Berries is looking great, the bird is cute.
Congrats on good results of the test!
Your stash is wonderful and your new start looks so lovely, can't wait to see more!
Glad you got on ok with the cardiologist , nice start I like that
Glad to hear your test went well, and you got to swallow a camera again!! 8-/
Ooo I love getting new stash as well,enjoy it!!
That birdy looks lovely,it is certainly worth you being bad!! LOL
How you getting on with the two ink circles?
Good to hear your test results were good. Those doctor visits can be really stressful so I think you deserve all the new stash and the fun of starting a pretty new project.
Oh, this is really a great start. I love birds and love PS and this is one of my favourites.
I hope you are feeling good after all.
Yay for valves that are still doing their job! So good to hear that news.
Your stitches look great, and I love the beach cottage. Very fitting for your location.
Congrats Ms. Moderate! :)
Nice timing on the sash. It's like Fate planned it for you to come hoem to a lovely surprise.
I can't wait to see your PS birds develop -- that first one is adorable!
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