Even with things as busy as they've been, I have been taking a bit of time out to stitch. It took awhile after we moved down but I did it. The night I began one of my latest projects, DH looked at me and commented that I must be comfortable since I finally broke out my stitching :o) LOL! He's right though. It does take time to get that grove going again and being displaced so many times, it interferes with the comfortable rhythm that you eventually settle into.
So before you feel that I'm holding out on you, here is one of my WIP ;o) This is Photobooth Snowmen by Bent Creek -
I love this pattern! It's so cute :o) This is the project that I desperately needed the Roasted Marshmallow GAST for and couldn't find. Thanks to dear Nancy, she is flying a skein up to me as we speak so that's why this one is on hold for the time being. You're a lifesaver girl!
Because this one has been put aside, I just had to start something new... With spring right around the corner, I figured it was time to stitch something with a spring theme and we all know there's nothing more spring like than BUNNIES! At least for me ;o) Here's Dewdrop by Just Nan -
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pattern! The bunny looks so much like my Pickles it's not even funny. The colors are almost identical :o)
I'm using the recommended 30 count fabric but it almost feels like 25 count. I wonder if it's because the weave in the linen is so lose. Has anyone else found this with the WDW linens? Since I couldn't afford the frame for Dewdrop, I figure I'm going to try looking at Winners when he's completed because they have tons of those lovely little decorative frames for only a fraction of the price. It's a terrible thing to have to do but a girl can only spend so much money on stash, especially when she's not bringing in an income :oS
Mother Nature is showing her bad side today :o( It was almost like torrential rains last night, with waves crashing on the rocks below. It was the first time I contemplated whether living right on the ocean was a good idea or not. I think I'd prefer that my house be back a bit from the water's edge...
Yes, that is right at the edge of the front porch!
Today as I sat on the toilet, with the door open, I was able to enjoy watching the waves rolling in. This is a new concept for me since I have bathroom issues and always have the door closed. DH used to do this in the old outhouse at his parents' place and would tell me about it. I always wondered what the attraction was all about. Now I know! I bet I just gave you TMI. Would you expect any less from me though? ;o)
So before you feel that I'm holding out on you, here is one of my WIP ;o) This is Photobooth Snowmen by Bent Creek -
I love this pattern! It's so cute :o) This is the project that I desperately needed the Roasted Marshmallow GAST for and couldn't find. Thanks to dear Nancy, she is flying a skein up to me as we speak so that's why this one is on hold for the time being. You're a lifesaver girl!
Because this one has been put aside, I just had to start something new... With spring right around the corner, I figured it was time to stitch something with a spring theme and we all know there's nothing more spring like than BUNNIES! At least for me ;o) Here's Dewdrop by Just Nan -
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this pattern! The bunny looks so much like my Pickles it's not even funny. The colors are almost identical :o)
I'm using the recommended 30 count fabric but it almost feels like 25 count. I wonder if it's because the weave in the linen is so lose. Has anyone else found this with the WDW linens? Since I couldn't afford the frame for Dewdrop, I figure I'm going to try looking at Winners when he's completed because they have tons of those lovely little decorative frames for only a fraction of the price. It's a terrible thing to have to do but a girl can only spend so much money on stash, especially when she's not bringing in an income :oS
Mother Nature is showing her bad side today :o( It was almost like torrential rains last night, with waves crashing on the rocks below. It was the first time I contemplated whether living right on the ocean was a good idea or not. I think I'd prefer that my house be back a bit from the water's edge...
Yes, that is right at the edge of the front porch!
Today as I sat on the toilet, with the door open, I was able to enjoy watching the waves rolling in. This is a new concept for me since I have bathroom issues and always have the door closed. DH used to do this in the old outhouse at his parents' place and would tell me about it. I always wondered what the attraction was all about. Now I know! I bet I just gave you TMI. Would you expect any less from me though? ;o)

Ooh, I love Photo Booth!
Um, I'm glad you're conquering your bathroom "issues." Thanks for sharing? :)
WOW you are really close! But that will be nice in summer.
Love your WIPs. When I get things done, those are on my list.
***hands over eyes*** I'm NOT imagining Cathey on the toilet...I'm not, not, not...
That Bent Creek snowman has to go on my wishlist ~ too funny! I love your Just Nan bunny rabbit too!
We looked at a couple of places in Hawaii right on the ocean. But since Hawaii is prone to tsunamis, I was glad to get a house up 400 feet. Great view and the ocean is only a few minutes away.
I LOVE how the BC Snowmen are turning out and happy Nancy had the floss that you needed! I have this chart and cannot wait to start on it!
do the waves lull you to sleep? I used to find they kept me awake when I stayed at dads he was right on the seafront as well
hope no one walks by to see you sitting on the toilet looking out LOL they won't do it again in a hurry ;o)
Both my kind of stitching. Love the view
That snowman pattern is really funny. And the Just Nan bunny is a real sweetie.
Maybe the world didn't need to know so much about your private time. But I guess there really is no such thing as privacy anymore. ;-)
Very cool to be so close to the water. I think it would scare me, but it would be exhilarating as well.
That Photo booth is just adorable!! so is the bunny!
I would love to live close to the sea especially in storms, I love storms but then again I bet you have different type of storms to what we get, ours are quite mild really!
LOL @ Daffycat!
Just don't fall asleep where you sit and fall out into the waves! LOL. That is too close to the shore for my liking as well. A little walk away would ease my mind. Our weather can be pretty wild at times.
Great stitches. Glad you are comfortable.
That snowman in the photo booth is just a hoot. I love his pictures, lol.
Nice little bunny. I'm also in a spring stitching mood - bunnies, tulips, crocuses and such. Very intriguing.
I love your ocean view.
Cute cute cute ! Both WIPs are adorable! And stormy or not - what a view :)
Been reading your blog for a while. Love your snowmen & bunny :0) The area that you're living in looks soooo peaceful. I feel peace just looking at the pics you post of the place.
Glad to know you are back to stitching, Love your WIPs, especially JN bunny.
Love love the snowmen and the bunny is so cute.
I would love to sit on my toilet, leave the door open, leave the breeze blow in and have that view, all I get is the laundry shoot, lol. Feel lucky hun! lol
Is it hard to sleep with the waves crashing? my daughter almost bought a house right by railroad tracks, I said, "Nooooo" but with the ocean I think I could adapt very easily. Easier said then done huh?
I love that bent creek design it really is SO cute. Dewdrop I have seen that finished up by a few others and it always makes me smile and think of spring.
WOW you really are very close to the edge of the ocean, I think that is so awesome...I think it would be cool to be able to watch a strom rolling in on the ocean.
Take Care
Beautiful work again. The sea looks dramatic but still wonderful. Just think about what it will be like in the summer.
The bunny does look like Pickles. Cute and so is the snowmen.
You are right about the water coming closer because of the storm. No sandy beach at that point. I hope you are still enjoying living next to the ocean.
{{{Love and Hugs to both of you}}}
That is such a wonderful view! It is great that you have gotten back into the stitching groove...both of your WIPs are adorable :)
Love the snowman piece. Too cute!
Nice view from your toilet, no really the view is lovely, but from the toilet???
I LOVE that BC Snowmen Photobooth! It's going on my wish list for sure! Dewdrop looks very cute! Loved that pic of the cute little Brie on the beach!
Snowman is so cute, and I love DewDrop, so sweet. Good luck with looking for the frame. There are so many lovely small frames available, I'm sure you'll find the perfect one (at a much more reasonable price allowing you more to spend on stash elsewhere). Speaking of stash, your earlier stash post was awesome, very nice additions.
Oh, those snowmen are too cute! Has the floss arrived yet?
I want to be able to look out of my bathroom door & see a view like that! Ok, out ANY door!
Love those photobooth snowmen! I had to laugh about your bathroom issues! I am sure seeing those waves helps you in your bathroom endeavors-LOL
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