As most of you know, I was lucky enough (thanks to Mom & Dad) to fly out to Regina, Saskatchewan to attend DH's graduation :o) So, EARLY, on Wednesday morning, March 4, I boarded a plane for the first time in twenty years and started my journey west. All in all, it wasn't too bad. Okay, except for the pat down and extra attention to my butt. Also, I have to admit, I think they make planes MUCH smaller than they used to! I might have left fingernail marks in the armrest but I arrived in one piece.
It seemed like forever before DH showed up to meet me. He was all decked out in his uniform when he walked through the doors and it was WOWZERS! Hummana-hummana! Unfortunately there was not enough time to admire it properly as we were on a time schedule :oP Motto learned at Depot...never pass up a meal or a bathroom break. Well, I think I could have passed on lunch from their cafeteria ;o) No wonder DH stopped eating there towards the end of his stay.
Before the church service that evening, I got to meet some of the guys, and gals, that made up the troop. There were 19 altogether and they were being stationed from one end of the country to the other but with the majority here in Nova Scotia. Thursday was graduation and while I was waiting for the ceremony to start, I got to meet some of the other wives :o) It was interesting to hear of their stories and sacrifices that were being made but we all knew in the end that our families would be much better for it.
Alright, are you ready ladies? Are you sure you're going to be able to handle the sight of an extremely handsome man in uniform? Are you absolutely sure? Here we go....
Now...try to tell me that he isn't drop dead gorgeous ;o) LOL!
The whole troop did very well and I felt so proud when I got to see DH accept his badge. A little miffed it took him awhile to show it to me but still proud ;o) During the dinner that evening, I got to meet instructors, facilitators, supervisors and other people within the Department of Fisheries & Oceans. I only have one thing to say...there was not one person that didn't make you feel like family. It was not only a good feeling but a comforting one as well.
Luckily, DH and I were able to return home sitting together on both flights. There was no way he was getting out of my sight by this point :o) On the last leg of our trip we almost had an 'incident'. We were all boarded when the flight attended got on the speaker and stated that the captain wasn't sure he was going to be able to land in Fredericton due to weather and that we might be re-routed to Sydney, Nova Scotia. HUH? Thankfully that man must have heard me swearing underneath my breath because even though the runway was barely cleared of snow, he did manage to get DH and I home safe and sound :o)
You didn't think I was going to end this post without posting a picture of the two of us did you? ;o)
It seemed like forever before DH showed up to meet me. He was all decked out in his uniform when he walked through the doors and it was WOWZERS! Hummana-hummana! Unfortunately there was not enough time to admire it properly as we were on a time schedule :oP Motto learned at Depot...never pass up a meal or a bathroom break. Well, I think I could have passed on lunch from their cafeteria ;o) No wonder DH stopped eating there towards the end of his stay.
Before the church service that evening, I got to meet some of the guys, and gals, that made up the troop. There were 19 altogether and they were being stationed from one end of the country to the other but with the majority here in Nova Scotia. Thursday was graduation and while I was waiting for the ceremony to start, I got to meet some of the other wives :o) It was interesting to hear of their stories and sacrifices that were being made but we all knew in the end that our families would be much better for it.
Alright, are you ready ladies? Are you sure you're going to be able to handle the sight of an extremely handsome man in uniform? Are you absolutely sure? Here we go....
Now...try to tell me that he isn't drop dead gorgeous ;o) LOL!
The whole troop did very well and I felt so proud when I got to see DH accept his badge. A little miffed it took him awhile to show it to me but still proud ;o) During the dinner that evening, I got to meet instructors, facilitators, supervisors and other people within the Department of Fisheries & Oceans. I only have one thing to say...there was not one person that didn't make you feel like family. It was not only a good feeling but a comforting one as well.
Luckily, DH and I were able to return home sitting together on both flights. There was no way he was getting out of my sight by this point :o) On the last leg of our trip we almost had an 'incident'. We were all boarded when the flight attended got on the speaker and stated that the captain wasn't sure he was going to be able to land in Fredericton due to weather and that we might be re-routed to Sydney, Nova Scotia. HUH? Thankfully that man must have heard me swearing underneath my breath because even though the runway was barely cleared of snow, he did manage to get DH and I home safe and sound :o)
You didn't think I was going to end this post without posting a picture of the two of us did you? ;o)

awesome pictures!
Cathey, your husband is gorgeous! I'll have you know I tried to click to make that picture bigger-LOL Congratulations to you both and you both look wonderful together!
Congratulations to the gorgeous couple! Now a new and bright future is ahead for both of you.
Take care!
Wowzer! Honey, you got yourself a keeper there! And you make such a nice couple, too. Awwww!
I agree with airplanes...either they are making them smaller or my rear is four times as big...oh, wait!
Congratulations to your DH ! Great pictures, especially of the two of you together.
Hubba hubba!! LOL
You both make a handsome couple!!
congratulations to youre DH , lovely photos
O M G ! your hushand is very handsome ! :-o I'm not sure I would have left alone for so long ... lol What does he do? I'm so happy that now you are together again!!! Enjoy your new life !!!
You two make one good-looking couple. I'm so glad everything went well on the trip. Congrats!
what great pictures! Congratulations. You both are beaming.
great photos
How exciting to be reunited with DH and for him to look like that.... oh swoon!
Something about a man in uniform! Phew.
In all seriousiness, I'm so happy for you to be finally be with DH again and to take on the challenge and adventure of this new life.
I remember when I first found your blog, that DH was out of work and to see how things are coming together for you, is heart warming.
You two make a wonderful couple. Honey! He looks to be a keeper.
Lovely pictures. He is very handsome in his uniform!
mmmm, he sure is a handsome lad!
What a nice looking couple!
They are lovely photos Cathey. You must be so proud of your DH. So glad that you are back together again, it must have been difficult for you both.
You both look wonderful. May your future hold all the elements to make your dreams come true!
Sweetie, you know that Dad and I are very proud and very happy for both of you. You both seem to be very happy and very excited about your future in your new location and we hope continue that way - no reason why it shouldn't. Have a fun and happy life there. Will be talking to you soon.
{{{Hugs and Love to both of you}}}
Your right, absolutely dropdead gorgeous! You two look wonderful together! Glad you made it home safe and sound. And congratulations on his graduation!
Great pictures! Congratulations :)
you've been awarded! chack out my blog!
Congrtulations. Glad you had a good trip and the uniform certainley does suit him.
Well well well..... Mr. Pumpkin is quite the looker, isn't he? :-)
Let me add, Hubba-hubba to your Hummana-hummana, LOL he is quite the hunk and you are quite the beautiful girl too, you look so perfect together. You must be so proud of him.
Hi there pretty couple! :D
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