For years I've avoided using them, just ask DH ;o) I never liked them to begin with anyway. I always hated the feel and the smell that they left on your hands. At some point they'd develop a hole so what was the sense in using them to begin with? There's no protection at that point! So they were thrown away, never to be used again.
Then my life changed... I was at the drug store the other day and decided to take a look at what they had available on the market now. I was amazed! I just stood there staring at the different kinds and reading the pro and cons of each brand. I imagine people were walking by me wondering why I was putting so much thought into my decision ;o)
I hummed and hawed, wondering if I was going to be crazy enough to spend $4.99 when I could easily find them at the dollar store. Of course the quality would be a lot different and I'd probably be in the same boat as before. Then I thought..."Hey, this is my life and I should get something that feels good to me!"
When I got home, I took them out of their package. There was no smell! I touched them and they didn't even feel like anything I was used to. They provided such a wonderful feel and were so soft to the touch. I was excited! I even told my dad about them :o) I can't wait to tell DH now because he will be pleasantly surprised.
I 'highly' recommend these and trust me; it will never be the same again once you try them. You'll be amazed! Go crazy! Try something new :o) So if you're out one day and want to pick up this product, here's what you look for -
ROFLOL!!!! GOTCHA! Enjoy washing those dishes ;o)
Then my life changed... I was at the drug store the other day and decided to take a look at what they had available on the market now. I was amazed! I just stood there staring at the different kinds and reading the pro and cons of each brand. I imagine people were walking by me wondering why I was putting so much thought into my decision ;o)
I hummed and hawed, wondering if I was going to be crazy enough to spend $4.99 when I could easily find them at the dollar store. Of course the quality would be a lot different and I'd probably be in the same boat as before. Then I thought..."Hey, this is my life and I should get something that feels good to me!"
When I got home, I took them out of their package. There was no smell! I touched them and they didn't even feel like anything I was used to. They provided such a wonderful feel and were so soft to the touch. I was excited! I even told my dad about them :o) I can't wait to tell DH now because he will be pleasantly surprised.
I 'highly' recommend these and trust me; it will never be the same again once you try them. You'll be amazed! Go crazy! Try something new :o) So if you're out one day and want to pick up this product, here's what you look for -
ROFLOL!!!! GOTCHA! Enjoy washing those dishes ;o)

I LOL'd!
You are such a nut case. I'm so glad we're friends!
LOL And here I thought you were talking about rubber boots :)
You had me there,I had thought my gosh is she really discussing 'rubbers' bad girl ROFL!!
Your naughty, lol
I have you in my Google Reader list and only your post title and the frst paragraph or so show up...and after reading the teaser for this entry, I had to click on over to your blog and see if you were really talking about THAT kind of rubber or if this was a joke. :-)
Glad you found some rubbers that will provide comfort along with proper protection. Tee hee...
LMAO! From the way you were talking, you'd think it was the "her pleasure" kind of gloves...LOL
Hook, line and sinker!! LOL!!
There you go again...LOL!!
They are everything you say they are. Now I'll have to get me a pair.
LOL I did wonder why you'd want to do a post about erasers (just in case you don't know, in my corner of the world a rubber is an eraser in your corner)
I hate that chore... gloves and all! LOL :o)
Fun entry, I thought at first you were talking about foot rubbers. Given the nasty weather we are having here, boots/rubbers and related things to keep warm and dry are the first thing to come to mind. Wasn't till I got all the way done reading that an alternate assumption that could have been made hit me, LOL.
Hi Cathey,
Okay big GROANER!!!
I don't wash dishes. That's
what dish washing machines
were made for.
You're too funny!
Cathey, you are so bad! You know my old gutter mind went to-oh you know where! LOL I thought I was about to learn something new-LOL
I honestly sat here, totally disbelieving what I was reading....I thought, my goodness how bold this girl is to be talking about rubbers on her blog! And then I was thinking, what kind of dollar store have you got there because we don't have rubbers at our dollar store and even if we did, I'd be worried about the quality....roflol!
You had me!!
So does this mean you don't have a dishwasher either? ;)
Haha! I will have to try a pair of those once my yellow rubbers die.
Thanks for the laugh!
LOL some of us know you well enough to scroll down before we get caught out now!!!!
You! Oh, you! Baaaad blogger. ROTFLOL
You certainly are silly. LOL
I'm going to have to get me some rubbers to clean the house. My hands feel like sandpaper from the move and now trying to keep things clean.
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