I know, I know, I'm a little late with this one :oS I think I've teased you long enough so here is La-D-Da's Alphabet With Hare sampler -
I believe it was Debbie who had the first correct answer :o)
To be honest, this finish has been giving me fits for over a month. My original idea was to stitch the rabbit a different colour, namely brown, and I did. But the only brown silk I had that would go was too close to the colour of the fabric so I had to rip it out :o( So, I started stitching him with the Poison Apple silk and didn't Mr. Frog come to visit. Grrrr! I have come to the conclusion that when the frog comes a knockin', that's an indication that I put my stitching down and come back to it at a later time. Maybe I'm getting smarter in my older age ;o)

I believe it was Debbie who had the first correct answer :o)
To be honest, this finish has been giving me fits for over a month. My original idea was to stitch the rabbit a different colour, namely brown, and I did. But the only brown silk I had that would go was too close to the colour of the fabric so I had to rip it out :o( So, I started stitching him with the Poison Apple silk and didn't Mr. Frog come to visit. Grrrr! I have come to the conclusion that when the frog comes a knockin', that's an indication that I put my stitching down and come back to it at a later time. Maybe I'm getting smarter in my older age ;o)

Oh, it's darling! What a gorgeous finish, Cathey!
I LOVE that! I am a rabbit collector and love bunnies! Could you post the info about the color you used and the fabric it is stitched on? Do you know if the pattern is still in print, and if not, are you interested in selling yours? I have to have that one.
Your Hare sampler turned out just fine even if the bunny isn't what you originally wanted. I meant to mention to you that your new Avatar must be to welcome Pickles home. Really cute. Brie probably feels left out now.
{{{Hugs & Love}}}
Sooooo pretty!
I like the colour you used for the rabbit.
That is lovely,How are you finishing it?
Great finish !
Really a beautiful finish ;-)
Lovely finish! The thread colour is beautiful :)
It's lovely, I hadn't seen that one before. Sorry the frog was such a pain. However, I think it looks lovely just the way it is, so maybe he was just trying to give you color advice?
Hey, we'll take finishes when we can! This is lovely-beautiful color too. Not long after you posted the actual title-I got this little freebie with an order! I was excited-who knows when it will ever get stitched!
What a wonderful finish! There is nothing like a little visit from Mr. Frog to take the wind out of your sails on a piece. I think that he is responsible for most of my UFOs :)
Very pretty finish!
lovely finish
That's a pretty sampler. The bunny (whatever his color) adds just the right touch.
That's pretty.
Oh, look it warmed up and is now a blizzard! LOL ;o)
That looks wonderful.
What a pretty piece! I love the colors!
You made it for me, right? *lol* I so like alphabets ...
I love the colours!
I LOVE your sampler finish!! Very pretty silk!!
Where did you get this, I absolutely love it!
Love the rabbit finish, I have it in my stash. I really have to pull it out! Thanks for sharing.
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