This post is long overdue, although I don't have 'a lot' to show you but hey, stash is stash right? LOL!
For my shopping treat during our USA trip, I opted to stop at the Yankee Cross Stitch shop in New Hampshire. Now, I have been there once before and was not happy with the service but I thought I would give them a second chance. I shouldn't have wasted my time :o( I was the only person in the shop and I wasn't even greeted, acknowledged or asked if I needed help. They didn't have any-thing on my list either but I did manage to pick up two things -
If you ever get the chance, it is definitely worth it to go and look at all their display models. There's a lot of enabling there but it doesn't really work if you don't have those items in stock :oS
I also got DH to do a detour just so that I could visit Where Victoria's Angels Stitch. It's a shop in New Jersey and I had never been there. Talk about disappointment when I saw the closed sign on the door :o( They had taken a few days off 'before' Christmas instead of after.
I was browsing on ABC Stitch one day and came across a few charts that I couldn't resist since they were on sale for really good prices -
Do you realize that the Family Reunion pattern is actually a 46 page book? I'm really looking forward to personalizing this one :o)
Christmas did not disappoint either, as far as stash goes. My parents bought me the rest of the silks I needed for The Shores Of Hawk Run Hollow! Yipee :o)
I also tracked down the latest issue of the Cross Country Stitching magazine because I wanted to continue my collection of their snowman pieces. Lori from Enchanted Fabrics sent me some more gorgeous fabric and the Mirabilia you see, My Lady's Garden, was found at a used book store the other day :o)
Oh, and if you haven't realized already, my Stash Diet went out the window long ago ;o) LOL!
For my shopping treat during our USA trip, I opted to stop at the Yankee Cross Stitch shop in New Hampshire. Now, I have been there once before and was not happy with the service but I thought I would give them a second chance. I shouldn't have wasted my time :o( I was the only person in the shop and I wasn't even greeted, acknowledged or asked if I needed help. They didn't have any-thing on my list either but I did manage to pick up two things -
If you ever get the chance, it is definitely worth it to go and look at all their display models. There's a lot of enabling there but it doesn't really work if you don't have those items in stock :oS
I also got DH to do a detour just so that I could visit Where Victoria's Angels Stitch. It's a shop in New Jersey and I had never been there. Talk about disappointment when I saw the closed sign on the door :o( They had taken a few days off 'before' Christmas instead of after.
I was browsing on ABC Stitch one day and came across a few charts that I couldn't resist since they were on sale for really good prices -
Do you realize that the Family Reunion pattern is actually a 46 page book? I'm really looking forward to personalizing this one :o)
Christmas did not disappoint either, as far as stash goes. My parents bought me the rest of the silks I needed for The Shores Of Hawk Run Hollow! Yipee :o)
I also tracked down the latest issue of the Cross Country Stitching magazine because I wanted to continue my collection of their snowman pieces. Lori from Enchanted Fabrics sent me some more gorgeous fabric and the Mirabilia you see, My Lady's Garden, was found at a used book store the other day :o)
Oh, and if you haven't realized already, my Stash Diet went out the window long ago ;o) LOL!

Ooooh... nice stash enhancement you've had recently.
Ha... I was wondering how long the stash "diet" would last!!
The silks for Shores of HRH must be gorgeous together... there are so many of them...
Wonderful stash accomplishments.
You had to change your resolution, to stimulate the economy, riiight? riiight? LOL. ;oD hehehe
Cross Country stitching is the only magazine I get regularily. I have nearly every one since they first published. (ssshhhh... I don't lend my treasure, hehehe)
I really like your Frost on the Pumpkin :-) You have a nice stash.
Nice stash !
Nice stashing even though the shop was disappointing. Love frost on the Pumpkin
It's so sad that the world of the LNS is shrinking away. I used to have 5 needlework shops within walking distance of my home years ago. Now I have none.
But I think you have enough new goodies to play with for a while! I'm a big fan of Cross Country Stitching and Enchanted Fabrics.
Great stash, good find on the Miribilia
nice stash.... look forward to seeing some of it stitched up !
Great looking stuff! I really like the family reunion chart.
Oh my...46 pages! Um, that should keep ya outta trouble...for a few minutes anyway ;P
Great stash! That's too bad that you didn't have much luck with your LNS stops.
Great stash!
I hate it when shop owners are not friendly, cuz I think we really want some kind of bonding, lol.
46 pages and I thought I did big ones, you go girl!
Hi Cathey,
Ohhh.... Lovely stash. Pretty
stash. Wonderful stash. There's
nothing like a little retail
therapy to brighten one's day.
It's sad that the one X-Stitch
store is so lacking in customer
service, not to mention manners.
How do they expect to stay in
Your little Alphabet With Hare
is so cute. I love it. Both
the colour of the thread that
you stitched it with and the
design itself. I like the bunny
being the same colour as the
Looks like you and your DH had
a wonderful time in New York.
It was great to see your
pictures. I really like the
one of the back of the Statue
of Liberty.
My ultra favourite Cadbury Eggs
are the little, candy coated
ones in the pastel colours.
They crunch when you bite them.
I could eat the whole bag in
one sitting. Yum!!
Do you know where I can get
a few doses of those pills???
Great stash Cathey! Forget the diet ;-)). The description of your visit to Yankee Cross Stitch reminded me of my local cross stitch store.
Diet? Is that a real word???
Great stash! I'd love to get you down here to the Silver Needle...oh Lord, the fun we'd have...
I guess you being by yourself makes it easier to go off your stash diet. You deserve it, right? At least, it will keep you occupied and out of trouble. LOL
Great stashing, Cathey! Have you ever been to ABC Stitch in NH? I stopped in before they moved, so .. 2 years ago? Anyway, LOTS of enabling there!
Excellent choices : )
I'm sorry about that shop. Sometimes places like that make me wonder.... do you think they sit around trying to figure out why business is so bad?
Good stashing nonetheless!
That is a pretty good installment of a stash enhancement.
Great stash, you have some wonderful goodies. My favorite was Frost on the Pumpkin, very cute. Sorry about the first shop. I don't understand how some places can have such poor customer service. You'd think they'd want to go out of their way to make you welcome and want to come back.
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