I was going to post about my new stash today but something more appropriate came up ;o) I apologize if this offends anyone. I wonder if my doctor would write me a prescription for these -
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. LOL! I'll post pictures of stash tomorrow, I promise :o)
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. LOL! I'll post pictures of stash tomorrow, I promise :o)

If you get your prescription, send me a couple! LOL
Me, too - me, too! Please share!!! ;-)
I need some too !
Well I'll have one of those and an Easter Creme Egg too....should fix me up good!
lol, So need this pill!
I want some!
I think there is something going around...and it's not pleasant! Excuse me...must run and call in for my prescription!
LOL! I might need the 5000mg time released variety!
I need a prescription too.
Oh I SOOOOO need this Rx lol
hehe just what I need
LOL! Sounds perfect :)
I'm in need of a prescription too!
Yup there are days. In fact, lately there have been quite a few, thanks for the smile. :)
Do I ever need this! Too funny!
LOL! wonderful and I'll take a month's supply!
I could really use some of those. And the mg looks about right too.
Just a fast comment before I go to bed. I'll try to catch up on your blog and emails soon.
Just wanted to say I NEEd this pill NOW, it's urgent!
Many Many hugs.
Thinking of you a lot.
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