Oh Karen! Lori-Ann! Lookie what I found today -
Just in case some of you didn't know, I'm OBSESSED with Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs :o) I just LOVE them! Love, love, love them! One of my favourite gifts last year was a basket full of a dozen pink flowers, each with its own Easter Cream Egg inside. Drooool :oP'''''
I know two years ago my record was 40 eggs but for the life of me, I can't seem to find my total for last year :o( I think it was 50. I know it was more than 40, let me put it that way ;o)
So...from now until they're gone, you'll see my total eggs consumed being tracked on my side bar. Anyone else up for the challenge or are you too chicken???? ;o)

Just in case some of you didn't know, I'm OBSESSED with Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs :o) I just LOVE them! Love, love, love them! One of my favourite gifts last year was a basket full of a dozen pink flowers, each with its own Easter Cream Egg inside. Drooool :oP'''''
I know two years ago my record was 40 eggs but for the life of me, I can't seem to find my total for last year :o( I think it was 50. I know it was more than 40, let me put it that way ;o)
So...from now until they're gone, you'll see my total eggs consumed being tracked on my side bar. Anyone else up for the challenge or are you too chicken???? ;o)

I am trying to lose weight, and you're not helping! I love the cadbury caramel eggs. Candy in stores never stops, does it?
I love creme eggs too but I think I'll leave that challenge to you.
I'll encourage you to eat all you can, but will have to pass on the challenge.
Oh Yesterday I saw the first Cadbury's GOO commercial this year,and I thought of you and Karen
and DH says they are in the shops!!
Are you gonna beat your record!!
DH loves loves loves them too. But he said that the mini ones don't taste the same. He really loves the caramel ones as well.
Oh, yum! I can't join the challenge though...I can barely button my pants as it is. Oh, but they looks tasty, maybe just one?
Not too chicken, just too fat! LOL
I played along with you last year and only came in at a measly 13 or 15, somewhere thereabouts. I can't play along this year, as much as I would love to.
LOL! Which are your favorites? I found they had chocolate and have to fight to stay away!
I'm still trying to get used to there being Valentines candy out in the stores!
Mmmm... yum. I don't know that I would want to keep count of the ones I eat though, lol.
I have enough challenges, thank you. But I'll be you cheerleader if you like!
Your counter should say: 2, no? Have fun eating them or you are just collecting them ? lol
I know (hanging my head in defeat)... I saw them at Walmart last Friday. I almost bought some.
Yes... I'm pretty sure you hit 50 last year. I was amazed. Some of us (me) can't seem to get rid of them once they are consumed, though. WHY?? do they have to be so good?? :o(
I saw some in my supermarket the other day. I knew I knew someone who would be pleased. Of it was you LOL Happy munching
Dear old Mom would love to take on the challenge but unfortunately, I have to fight with my weight unlike you. I never have tried them because I was afraid I would have to add them to my "Do Not Eat" list. Have fun with them though, you don't have to worry about your weight.
{{{Hugs & Love}}}
As much as I would love to share that challenge, I can't eat that many
I love the creame eggs but the diet... I forget about it when I see the eggs ..ahhh
I've proudly had two Cadbury Easter Creme Eggs already....one right after the other and I'm blaming DH for buying them for me! He says he likes to watch me eat them...weirdo. Yeah, yeah, I can't help that I bite the top and then lick the cream out but isn't that what you're supposed to do ? ;P
hahaha I have had 3 already started before Christmas LOL and had one twisted bar which is a creme egg but in a bar I must try and send one to you it will have to be in a box I think
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