Have you ever had one of those days when things just aren't going right? It's not really "One of 'those' days". It's more like a snowball effect. The day starts off simple enough and then one small thing goes wrong. The next thing you know, there's a continuation, with each new screw up getting bigger and bigger until you just have to laugh at the whole thing because it's unbelievable. Today was a 'snowball' day :o)
I had a job interview at 11 am. My first one in about five years. I was getting a little nervous but when I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty good about it. I had an idea what I was going to wear, I had printed off another copy of my resume and I knew exactly the address and location I was going to. So what could possibly go wrong? LOL!
My shower was uneventful. It wasn't until I started doing my hair that things began to go wrong and it went downhill from there. I ended up dropping the blow dryer on my bare foot. Ouch! To add insult to injury, I decided that I should use my curling iron to make myself look a bit more presentable. What? Stupid idea. The next thing I know, I have a nice burn mark on my forehead :oS Okay, it hurt but it still wasn't too bad.
Next, I went to get dressed. I put on a new pair of dress pants and then the new top that DH had bought me around Christmas time. The overall outfit was grey but the top had some purple in it for a little punch of color. Nice right? Well...I realized that you could see my bra through the back of the top AND it was WAY too big so "the girls" might have made an appearance. Apparently I lost enough weight between then and now for sizing to be a real issue.
I scramble for a new outfit. And take note, I hardly have any clothes since my weight loss. I settle on a nice black blouse with some white stitching in it. Unfortunately it didn't look so hot with the grey pants so I dug out my black pair. Super, I looked like I was headed for a funeral! Maybe I was ;o) I located my shoes only to find that they were covered in a white mould. Ewww! So I run to the sink and pray the cleaner I'm using will not harm the leather.
Just as I'm about to walk out the door, I look down and notice that bare feet between black shoes and black pants does NOT look good. Wonderful! I can't even guess the last time I wore panty hose! Then a light bulb went off in my head and I ran to DH's closet. Awhile back he had bought a HUGE bag of dress socks for 0.25 apiece. Yup, inside I found a black pair :o) Way too big but hey, they worked!
I left in plenty of time and was quite pleased with myself at this point. I had forty minutes. Thirty to get to town and ten to just gather my thoughts. As I drive along the river, there's hardly any traffic and I'm ahead of schedule. Woohoo! I reach the bridge and everything comes to a complete stop! Huh? I look around and see a cop car just up ahead but then I see one on the other side of the bridge. Okay, so they're taking the worst possible time AND place to check over cars in one of their roadblocks.
Turns out I was wrong. As I was sitting there, a truck pulls up beside me. He had just crossed the bridge and rolls down his window so I do the same. Apparently someone is trying to jump OFF the bridge (this is so common here it's almost become a sport). Grrreat! Well, the traffic was moving so I decided to stay with it. At 10:45 I'm about a quarter of the way. At 10:55 I'm still pretty much in the same spot. By this time I'm ready to get out of the car and tell the guy to just JUMP! It was either that or I was going to push him over myself.
Finally, at 11:05 I'm able to turn around as things are not progressing and I've got to do something. I don't have a cell phone and don't wish to have one but they do come in handy in situations like this. I drive to the nearest gas station to use the pay phone. Not working. Oh come on! Luckily the clerk is nice enough to lend me her phone so I can call and explain my situation. I wonder if they've ever heard that as a late excuse before...
I'm told that I can still come and to take the other bridge. I'm sure you can guess by now but everyone that was on this bridge is now going to the other one :oS I get about halfway there when the radio announces that the original bridge is now clear. Figures! I swing the car around and I'm up the hill by 11:30. Hey, only half an hour late for an interview. Not good. At least I left a lasting impression ;o)
Because I was so frazzled, I can't even guess how the interview went. I was thrown completely off my game. It wasn't a disaster by any means but I'll never know if they thought my tardiness was for the real reason. Oh well. I did the best I could. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be and I'm okay with that :o)
***Btw, this post was written with humour in mind. I don't take subject of suicide lightly and unfortunately I don't know the outcome but I'm pretty sure they were able to talk the person down. If I've offended anyone, I apologize.

I had a job interview at 11 am. My first one in about five years. I was getting a little nervous but when I woke up this morning, I was feeling pretty good about it. I had an idea what I was going to wear, I had printed off another copy of my resume and I knew exactly the address and location I was going to. So what could possibly go wrong? LOL!
My shower was uneventful. It wasn't until I started doing my hair that things began to go wrong and it went downhill from there. I ended up dropping the blow dryer on my bare foot. Ouch! To add insult to injury, I decided that I should use my curling iron to make myself look a bit more presentable. What? Stupid idea. The next thing I know, I have a nice burn mark on my forehead :oS Okay, it hurt but it still wasn't too bad.
Next, I went to get dressed. I put on a new pair of dress pants and then the new top that DH had bought me around Christmas time. The overall outfit was grey but the top had some purple in it for a little punch of color. Nice right? Well...I realized that you could see my bra through the back of the top AND it was WAY too big so "the girls" might have made an appearance. Apparently I lost enough weight between then and now for sizing to be a real issue.
I scramble for a new outfit. And take note, I hardly have any clothes since my weight loss. I settle on a nice black blouse with some white stitching in it. Unfortunately it didn't look so hot with the grey pants so I dug out my black pair. Super, I looked like I was headed for a funeral! Maybe I was ;o) I located my shoes only to find that they were covered in a white mould. Ewww! So I run to the sink and pray the cleaner I'm using will not harm the leather.
Just as I'm about to walk out the door, I look down and notice that bare feet between black shoes and black pants does NOT look good. Wonderful! I can't even guess the last time I wore panty hose! Then a light bulb went off in my head and I ran to DH's closet. Awhile back he had bought a HUGE bag of dress socks for 0.25 apiece. Yup, inside I found a black pair :o) Way too big but hey, they worked!
I left in plenty of time and was quite pleased with myself at this point. I had forty minutes. Thirty to get to town and ten to just gather my thoughts. As I drive along the river, there's hardly any traffic and I'm ahead of schedule. Woohoo! I reach the bridge and everything comes to a complete stop! Huh? I look around and see a cop car just up ahead but then I see one on the other side of the bridge. Okay, so they're taking the worst possible time AND place to check over cars in one of their roadblocks.
Turns out I was wrong. As I was sitting there, a truck pulls up beside me. He had just crossed the bridge and rolls down his window so I do the same. Apparently someone is trying to jump OFF the bridge (this is so common here it's almost become a sport). Grrreat! Well, the traffic was moving so I decided to stay with it. At 10:45 I'm about a quarter of the way. At 10:55 I'm still pretty much in the same spot. By this time I'm ready to get out of the car and tell the guy to just JUMP! It was either that or I was going to push him over myself.
Finally, at 11:05 I'm able to turn around as things are not progressing and I've got to do something. I don't have a cell phone and don't wish to have one but they do come in handy in situations like this. I drive to the nearest gas station to use the pay phone. Not working. Oh come on! Luckily the clerk is nice enough to lend me her phone so I can call and explain my situation. I wonder if they've ever heard that as a late excuse before...
I'm told that I can still come and to take the other bridge. I'm sure you can guess by now but everyone that was on this bridge is now going to the other one :oS I get about halfway there when the radio announces that the original bridge is now clear. Figures! I swing the car around and I'm up the hill by 11:30. Hey, only half an hour late for an interview. Not good. At least I left a lasting impression ;o)
Because I was so frazzled, I can't even guess how the interview went. I was thrown completely off my game. It wasn't a disaster by any means but I'll never know if they thought my tardiness was for the real reason. Oh well. I did the best I could. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be and I'm okay with that :o)
***Btw, this post was written with humour in mind. I don't take subject of suicide lightly and unfortunately I don't know the outcome but I'm pretty sure they were able to talk the person down. If I've offended anyone, I apologize.

You had a pretty big snowball going there. If nothing else, the interviewers will certainly remember you - it could be a big plus for you. I wonder if anyone else got in the same situation. You seem to have an accident thing with hair dryers. Hope you have a better evening and a better day tomorrow.
***giggle*** I can just imagine you in DH's socks with the heel flopping somewhere about mid-calf!
Hope your interview pays off!
Hope your job interview was okay despite being late :)
It takes me *forever* to managed to get dressed and out of the house in the morning. Some days, I stand in the closet and just stare for a while...hoping that an acceptable outfit will somehow materialize!
I think it was one of those days cuase I had the same snowball affect hit me today too. I knew I should have listened to the voice in my head and stayed home today.
I hope that your interview went well and that you get the job.
Don't you just hate days like that? And it never happens that just 1-2 little things go wrong...it's always several that pile up and feed off each other, leaving you a discombobulated mess at the end. I'm sure the PTB (powers-that-be) just sit back and laugh at us humans when this happens...they're probably pulling the puppet strings to entertain themselves at our expense...LOL
Don't you just love those days where everything goes wrong (not).
I hope the days following are much better.
yikes, you know when the day starts like that...... good luck on the interview
Since it was written with humor, I have to admit I was laughing out loud when the curling iron branded your forehead. Did you have any flash backs to the 80's? LOL
Sorry it was not fun to live through, but it makes a great funny story to retell!
Hope today goes better .
What a day - you can't make that stuff up!!!! Who knows, maybe despite all the day's distractions, you landed the job because the real you just can't be hidden away. Let us know if you get a call back.
wow that certainly was one of those days, I hope the interview went well.
What a day?,
Poor you (Hugs),and you never know maybe they liked you anyway!!
Cathey, that was a crappy way to get started. However, I think you should give yourself a pat on the back for pushing through each little setback. You made it in the end!
Oh my! You had a difficult time. Me, in contrast, my 18th June is one of the best days of my year (& has been since 1986 when my Living Doll, the middle princess was born), even when it's an absolutely crap day. Have a great weekend!
What a day, Cathey! I'm sure the interview went well, even though you were frazzled. I know days like that. You mean everything to be perfect, and it just isn't. I wish you the best of luck!
You didn't offend. It was just another addition to your ever growing snowball.
Good luck with the job.
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