I've been holding out on you ;o) I was bad and started 'another' new project. Here's My Lady's Quaker by Jardin Prive -
Isn't she just lovely? I'm having so much fun stitching her! Since the majority of you preferred to see her stitched on 32 count Antique White linen, I went with that and to be honest, I'm glad that I did :o)
Although I just LOVE the colors that I picked out, I can't say that I'm as enamoured with the quality of the threads :o( The Atalie threads that I wanted were going to cost a small fortune so I went with Valdani. Yes, their colors are just gorgeous but working with their threads is a nightmare! They knot so easily and they fray. Boy, do they fray :o( I hope that I have enough grey to get me through to the end of this project. I was hoping that I would have enough to do the Quaker Gentleman too but that's not going to be the case. Grrrrr!
As of right now, I've used Old Rose and Chimney Dust. Here are my thoughts...I can continue to use just these two colors OR I can introduce a third color called Green Olives. My idea was to use Green Olives for the greenery in this piece. What do you think?
Did everyone download the new issue of The Gift of Stitching? I was really looking forward to it because it's their annual Christmas ornament issue but boy was I di-sa-ppoin-ted :o( How many snowflake ornaments can one stitch???? Is that as creative as some of those designers can get? There are a few that I just loved and I was thrilled to see Stitchy Kitty in there. Michelle and I have been exchanging emails over the past year and I told her to contact TGOS about getting an ornament put in there. She really wants to get into the JCS ornament issue and there is no reason why she should not be invited. I love Michelle's designs. They are fun, colourful and have bones to them!
I want to thank everyone for their kind words regarding my ten year anniversary :o) It really warms my heart when I read those comments. I have a few ideas in mind, for myself and for others so I'll keep you posted.
Isn't she just lovely? I'm having so much fun stitching her! Since the majority of you preferred to see her stitched on 32 count Antique White linen, I went with that and to be honest, I'm glad that I did :o)
Although I just LOVE the colors that I picked out, I can't say that I'm as enamoured with the quality of the threads :o( The Atalie threads that I wanted were going to cost a small fortune so I went with Valdani. Yes, their colors are just gorgeous but working with their threads is a nightmare! They knot so easily and they fray. Boy, do they fray :o( I hope that I have enough grey to get me through to the end of this project. I was hoping that I would have enough to do the Quaker Gentleman too but that's not going to be the case. Grrrrr!
As of right now, I've used Old Rose and Chimney Dust. Here are my thoughts...I can continue to use just these two colors OR I can introduce a third color called Green Olives. My idea was to use Green Olives for the greenery in this piece. What do you think?
Did everyone download the new issue of The Gift of Stitching? I was really looking forward to it because it's their annual Christmas ornament issue but boy was I di-sa-ppoin-ted :o( How many snowflake ornaments can one stitch???? Is that as creative as some of those designers can get? There are a few that I just loved and I was thrilled to see Stitchy Kitty in there. Michelle and I have been exchanging emails over the past year and I told her to contact TGOS about getting an ornament put in there. She really wants to get into the JCS ornament issue and there is no reason why she should not be invited. I love Michelle's designs. They are fun, colourful and have bones to them!
I want to thank everyone for their kind words regarding my ten year anniversary :o) It really warms my heart when I read those comments. I have a few ideas in mind, for myself and for others so I'll keep you posted.

Well, thanks a LOT, Pumpkin!! Now I have to go and buy this pattern!!!! Ha, ha. Yours looks great. I would do the third color, the green. I think it would look cool.
She gorgeous. I think a touch of green would be perfect. Too bad about the threads. Kind of takes some of the fun out of it. But the end product is proabably worth it.
I love your new project!! It's good to know about the Valdani threads because Mira seems to be using them constantly now :(
I think she looks great. Thanks for letting us know about those threads--I'll have to remember that.
What a beautiful lady! Bummer about the threads - but keep on keepin' on, she'll be gorgeous!
Like your colors and I think the green will be pretty. I am stitching mine in blues but seem to have hit a wall! Can't wait to see your progress.
Oh Cathey I just love the colors and yes a touch of green would be nice. I was also disappoingted in the TGOS issue, but also loved Stitchy Kitty's. Maybe we should all send a request to JCS to invite her :)
Oh yes, do introduce the olive. That would be lovely. What a great WIP.
I love this, and I want this, and I'm glad I don't own it, but I want it, and your color choices are beautiful. I don't know if I'd add the Green Olive (don't know what it looks like, heh), but I'd be tempted to do so for the greenery.
I agree with you. The Gift of Stitching ornament issue was a disappointment to me,too. I only saw about 2 ornaments I might stitch.
It's looking beautiful! :)
I'm not familiar with those colors.. here I only stitch with DMD threads =/
Since I'm new to stitching I have a question, 'What's a WIP? '
I've been slowly working on a project here. I am off pattern a little but I guess it will turn out okay for a beginner.
Hey Pumpkin, I say go for the green!!!!! It will look great. I have an idea to help with your thread problem. If you are interested, shoot me an email and tell me how you have your needle threaded. Oh, by the way, Quaker Lady is lovely and I like your color choices.
What a beautiful project... love the colours but feel your pain for working with threads that knot easily :(
I think you should definitely do something to celebrate the 10-year mark. You should not feel guilty about that at all... it is a milestone.
Oh, your Quaker Lady is looking lovely! Doesn't that drive you crazy when threads "misbehave?!" I think the green would be a great addition to the piece--can't wait to see it finished :)
She is cute. I am not familiar with the threads you used.
BTW I got nominated for a blog award and you are among those I chose to pass it on too. See my new post for details
What a nice project. I love this French designer and also have some of her designs.
I am SO far behind in blog reading - for which I apologize! - and that makes this probably a lengthy "comment". *lol*
Your stitching is, as always, so very beautiful, Cathey! I really love this particular piece - I still have my crush on Quakers!
Your pumpkins on Halloween were too cute! Did you get lots of trick or treaters? We had our normal amount - lots of cute little kids! But we didn't get any pumpkins carved this year. :-( Time just got away from us. (Where does it go???)
As for your mammo results: YEA!!! Congratulations! As others have said, we should celebrate every day, every moment of life - and I'm glad you do! However you choose to celebrate, if I can participate in any way, I'd love to! Maybe I can donate something I make - for you to give away or auction or whatever? Let me know! (Boy, is that presumptious or what? If you'd LIKE something from me, please let me know.)
T's up in the Whites this week - wave down to him for me, please? *lol*
Awesome colors! I think the green would be cool. I have wondered about those threads-that fraying and knotting would drive me nuts-but it will be gorgeous.
Woohoo! Beautiful project. Thanks for your opinion on the threads. I haven't tried them before but have been tempted. I have enough threads and wasn't sure if I wanted to add another to the line up... now I think I'll wait. I hope you have enough to get her done! ;)
Cathey ~
I felt the same way about GOS ornament issue and thought it was only me. I love the JCS ornament issue though. I will do a lot of those. I agree about Stitching Kitty also.
I love your color choice for Quaker Lady bummer about those threads but you would never know form looking at the front.
Your backs are soooo improved I am impressed. My little sister is a stitcher and her backs have always looked like yours now. Mine are also like that but I am a framer and you would not believe what comes into the store. Dirty, knots, and worst of all strings all over the place. The bad part is when you stretch those pieces the strings show through to the front side. I cut them off so the piece looks better. But honestly, some just have way too many threads to cut off and I have to leave some.
I do love your blog and I will be back and so glad your poop finally came out OK!!!
Take care and God Bless your stitching fingers. Now I am on to check out that store and those threads.
Tootles ~
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