The majority of you wanted to see green, so green has been added to My Lady's Quaker -
What do you think? I'm quite happy with it myself :o) This is Green Olives by Valdani threads -
She is just so lovely and I really am enjoying stitching her. I'm still worried that I won't have enough Chimney Dust but I'm trying to think positive. There are two sets of alphabets underneath her though :oS Maybe I should cross my toes too.
I'm SOOOOOO excited because I was one of the winner's of Jolene's last October giveaways :o) I really feel sorry for my post office because I'm going to be stalking them big time! DH thinks I'm nuts when it comes to mail anyway. But who doesn't like a bit of stash in the mail from time to time? Or what about a nice card or letter? It's so much better than bills :oP I'm not sure which prize I won but I'll be sure to share it with you when it arrives. Thanks again Jolene for a month of F-U-N!
What do you think? I'm quite happy with it myself :o) This is Green Olives by Valdani threads -
She is just so lovely and I really am enjoying stitching her. I'm still worried that I won't have enough Chimney Dust but I'm trying to think positive. There are two sets of alphabets underneath her though :oS Maybe I should cross my toes too.
I'm SOOOOOO excited because I was one of the winner's of Jolene's last October giveaways :o) I really feel sorry for my post office because I'm going to be stalking them big time! DH thinks I'm nuts when it comes to mail anyway. But who doesn't like a bit of stash in the mail from time to time? Or what about a nice card or letter? It's so much better than bills :oP I'm not sure which prize I won but I'll be sure to share it with you when it arrives. Thanks again Jolene for a month of F-U-N!

She's just beautiful. Looks like real fun to stitch.
I had stitchy mail waiting for me at the front desk of my condo this weekend and the desk worker called me at 9:30 Sat. night to let me know. She knew I'd be down in a wink to pick it up! So I know about mail anticipation!
She looks so pretty ! If you don't have enough thread, maybe leave off the letters or do them in a different color.
Your lady just looks so lovely and good luck in having enough Chimney Dust.
Congrats on your win of stash. I know you really enjoy receiving surprises. That's my girl!
{{{Love and Hugs}}}
Pumpkin, this looks so great! I can't wait to start mine. I am going to go ahead and use green also just like you and see how it turns out. What a great idea you had! I am using Crescent Colours Black Coffee and Carrie Berry as the main colors, and the green will be Wasabi.
Love it!
I got a new kit. I can't wait to show my stitching to all you pros. My skills, or lack there of, will give you all a good laugh! LOL
Oh, so lovely! Green was definitely the right touch. :o)
She does look just beautiful! Dianntha
Oh the green is perfect. Just the right color too. You've a good eye. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your threads to hold out!
My husband and daughter are a little bit jealous of all my mail. Of course I'm at the post office just as often mailing out!
Sooooo pretty! I thought she was quite nice before, but the green really adds a lot to the piece!!
I love the green too. Very pretty with the red. Crossing my fingers too that you have enough thread!
Oh, she's so pretty. I haven't stitched in forever but I saw this and immediately bought it. I have no idea what colors to use but seeing your progress on her is making me want to hurry up and decide so I can get busy. I've been a reader of your blog for quite a long time and always enjoy keeping up with and reading your blog. I should have commented more but I was usually at work so I was ninja reading ;)
That shade of green is just perfect--what a beauty you have there!
I am so glad you went with the green, it looks fab-u-lous girl!!! I have seen so many beautiful versions of this pattern stitched and yours is definitely one of the prettiest ones. You crack me up....stalker....I hope you love your mystery gift. Happy Day!!!
Green definitely suits her!
Oooh, I love mail (except for the horrid blue envelopes the taxman sends, yikes!).
Oh yes, that olive green was a great choice.
And yes, letters and cards are much nicer to receive than bills or adverts. When I was a child I wanted to become mailwoman because then you can distribute lots and lots of letters, lol.
Oh she's pretty, Damn blast I am on the stash wagon...there is always next year..LOL
Oh lucky you yes it is always lovely to get nice mail!!
now this I like and I can't say that about many designs right now lol
WOW! She's beautiful! You're making great progress on the lady! Mine is in neutral gear. I have stained the fabric and need to have it cleaned before I decide if I go on with it... or start it all over again. :((((
Hugs, fav Pumpkin!
She is beautiful! The green looks really good with the other colors.
Love her & the green. All of the colors blend really nice.
She is absolutely fabulous. You are doing so good with her. I NEED to stitch.
Patti xxx
She is looking fabulous Cathey! Congrats on your win-it is so much fun to win.
Wow, she looks great! Congrats on winning the giveaway. I hear you about mail... I always like to be home to get it, and I like to be the one to actually go through it. My family doesn't even attempt to beat me to the door now. LOL
Your little lady is lovely!
I miss stitching. Maybe some day I'll find my way back to my needle - some day.
I love getting mail that is fun mail, like the mail you send to me that I've yet to thank you for publicly. I know you don't expect that, but it will get done. The picture of the goodies has been taken, just need to get the post together!
Have a great day!
Each progress picture of this makes me want her more! ;o)
Thank you for your comments on my blog! You're always such a sweetheart!
I love receiving letters from my friends :) I also send a lot! I should be associate with the post office so I could have some discount on quantity! lol!
Your work is getting very pretty! Beautiful colors! :)
Wow you are so creative! I know nothing about stiching! And congrats on your recent win.
I just stopped by to Thank you for stopping by my blog and wish you best of luck in my giveaway!
Good job ... I doubt I'd have the patience to do it.
Your "My Lady's Quaker" looks so lovely in the green.
Love the green
Your Lady is looking lovely, sounds like you had a lovely quiet time on the beach, that is something that I need more of, quiet me time.
She's looking very pretty!! My threads just got here an I'm using 4.
I thought you told me you weren't stitching! LOL... looks like you are to me ;o) Looks great too.
How do you like the Valdani threads? Which size did you get, where did you get them and is there a color chart out there I can look at? Did I ask enough questions? LOL
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