How many Ghosts and Goblins will be at your house tonight? DH and I aren't sure because this is the first time that we've lived in the vicinity of children. It should be interesting...NOT! I've been assigned the door >:o( DH doesn't have the last laugh though because I'm chaining him downstairs with me ;oP
When I was out this week, I bought candy and chocolate bars. Gotta have a balanced diet, right? LOL! I know that whatever we have leftover we'll eat and that's probably not a good thing so maybe I should be hoping for a good number of Trick or Treaters :o)
Yesterday, DH and I went to a farm and handpicked our pumpkins. We used to carve a Jack-o-Lantern every year for Halloween when we first went out but then our tradition went by the wayside and I have no idea why. Anyway, last night we were elbow deep in pumpkin guts and then this morning DH carved them out. Here's his -
And this one's mine -
DH said it looked like me so that's why the tongue is sticking out ;oP LOL!
You want to know something awesome???? We have Pumpkin TV!!!! I'm not kidding -
About every five minutes, the pumpkin changes :o) DH says we're NOT watching it. I say he'd better be nice to me or else he'll be handing out the candy tonight...
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween! I'm off to hunt down some horror movies :o)
When I was out this week, I bought candy and chocolate bars. Gotta have a balanced diet, right? LOL! I know that whatever we have leftover we'll eat and that's probably not a good thing so maybe I should be hoping for a good number of Trick or Treaters :o)
Yesterday, DH and I went to a farm and handpicked our pumpkins. We used to carve a Jack-o-Lantern every year for Halloween when we first went out but then our tradition went by the wayside and I have no idea why. Anyway, last night we were elbow deep in pumpkin guts and then this morning DH carved them out. Here's his -
And this one's mine -
DH said it looked like me so that's why the tongue is sticking out ;oP LOL!
You want to know something awesome???? We have Pumpkin TV!!!! I'm not kidding -
About every five minutes, the pumpkin changes :o) DH says we're NOT watching it. I say he'd better be nice to me or else he'll be handing out the candy tonight...
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween! I'm off to hunt down some horror movies :o)

Happy Halloween from me to you and your husband. Hope you get lots of trick or treaters, but not too many that you won't have any treats left over for you. XOXO
I just love your pumpkins. I assume you are putting these just outside your front door.
You should not have a hard time to find horror movies on today. They certainly are on our channels here.
Happy Halloween to you and DH!
{{{Hugs and Love to Both of You}}}
Those are really good.
His made me grin because it looks like it's on really good drugs.
Yours made me snort because it looks like it's bored of Halloween!
Awesome pumpkins! We haven't even carved ours yet, and since it's
3 pm. I don't think we're likely to!
Have a great Halloween - I hope you have leftovers!
Love your pumpkins ! Because of the busy street we live on we don't get any kids. Just in case I'm always prepared with my favorites and they always end up tasting great :)
Love your pumpkins, Cathey! The one you carved is hilarious!
Happy Halloween!
I'll probably have around 5-10 - all cousins mind you :o) My brother brought his chihuahua dressed as a turtle this morning. He got 2 doggie treats. Totally love both carved pumpkins. Great job you 2!
What great pumpkins! We usually only get about a dozen trick-or-treaters so there are plenty of goodies left for me and my husband. YUM :)
Happy Halloween!
You pumpkins are adorable! Happy Halloween!
Those pumpkins are a riot! No trick or treaters here. I live in a high-rise.. they aren't allowed. So more candy for me! Hope you're having a lot of Halloween fun.
That's awesome! No pumpkins for us this year. DH and I were too sick last weekend to take the kids pumpkin picking. *fingers crossed* better luck next year.
Love your pumpkins! They are very very scary!
Love the pumpkins! I have never tried to carve one.
I hope all the kids in your neighbourhood came and took all those chocolate and candy off your hands, so you needn't do this special diet, lol.
Love your carved pumpkins.
Fun pumpkins, love the tongue sticking out. Hope you had lots of little trick or treaters. I had more this year than last, so many more I ran out of candy only a little over half way through the assigned trick or treating period. I felt bad, but at least I didn't have a lot left over like last year (of which I ate way to much of). However, I sure thought I would have had plenty to pass out, don't know where they all came from.
I love your pumpkins. Happy Halloween!
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