As most of you know, I'm a breast cancer survivor...of nine and a half years :o) Therefore, this is a very important month to me. Throughout October, you'll see money being raised for breast cancer research but it's just as crucial that awareness accompany that to the same degree.
People always think that it will never happen to them, and I have to admit, I was one of them. But breast cancer does not discriminate. Whether you're talking race, history, gender or age, it doesn't matter. I was a 28-year-old white female who didn't drink (excessively) or smoke, with no history of breast cancer in my family. Can you see why I thought I would be one of the last people to worry about it?
Did you know...
People always think that it will never happen to them, and I have to admit, I was one of them. But breast cancer does not discriminate. Whether you're talking race, history, gender or age, it doesn't matter. I was a 28-year-old white female who didn't drink (excessively) or smoke, with no history of breast cancer in my family. Can you see why I thought I would be one of the last people to worry about it?
Did you know...
- that in 2009, it is estimated that 22,700 women in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer?
- that in 2009, it is estimated that 180 men in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer?
- that in Canada, a woman has a 1 in 9 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime?
- that the current 5 year survival rate in Canada is 87%?
According to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's web site, there are five steps to being breast aware -
- Know how your breasts normally feel and look.
- Know what changes to look for.
- Look and feel for changes.
- Report any changes to your doctor.
- If you are of the appropriate age, or it is recommended by your doctor, go for a mammogram.
There are ways that 'you' can help fight this awful disease. Whether it's walking/running, donating or raising money or awareness, you'll be contributing to the whole. I make my donation on a monthly basis. If you have the time, be creative! Tammy certainly has :o) And I'm going to join her! So, as my gift to you, I have designed another breast cancer pattern. I have two criteria to obtaining this pattern must leave a comment (with a means to contact you) on this post only and...spread the word :o) I hope you enjoy!
There are ways that 'you' can help fight this awful disease. Whether it's walking/running, donating or raising money or awareness, you'll be contributing to the whole. I make my donation on a monthly basis. If you have the time, be creative! Tammy certainly has :o) And I'm going to join her! So, as my gift to you, I have designed another breast cancer pattern. I have two criteria to obtaining this pattern must leave a comment (with a means to contact you) on this post only and...spread the word :o) I hope you enjoy!

Well, Sweetie, it is hard to believe that it has been 9 1/2 years. You certainly are a trooper and I am very, very proud of you. The Breast Cancer Association is at the top of our donation list.
You can put my name in the draw for your gift. Congrats girl on your being a survivor and a fighter.
{{{Love and Big Hugs}}}
Thanks for the reminder.
I'm glad you're okay :)
Hi Pumpkin,
I did not know about your earlier 'bout with cancer...I am so glad you kicked it!!! What a great reminder that we are all human and it doesn't matter our backgrounds. I lost both of my parents to cancer....a very difficult thing to endure and go through. Watching loved ones is just as hard.
Early detection is a very important step in the "be aware" program. Thanks for the post and reminder of just how precious and fragile life can be.
A great post for a great cause... which reminds me that I've been sent for a mammogram almost one year ago and still haven't done it... I will this month.
I'm thankful for plp like you because it gives plp like my mom "hope" :o)
I'll spread the words for you !!! ;-)
Congratulations on your survival. How awesome! I am spreading the word on my blog. I also let others know about your blog as well as Tammy K's. Your story is hope for many.
Every time you share another part of you, my respect just continues to grow
You are an amazing person and a great fighter against this terrible . Thank you for doing this for us all.
please put my name down for your draw
Cathey, you're an amazing survivor!
I would love to have a copy of your new design...I will stitch it for my friend Cindy who had her surgery in July and is now undergoing chemo. thanks..
Thanks for sharing...I am part of the Relay for Life team at school. We raise a great deal of money towards the cause every year through casual days, pot lucks, golf tournaments, etc. Would love to get the breast cancer pattern.
Evelyn in Newport News...
I'm working on a pink theme to spread awareness. Thank you for the reminder, though, because I really need go and get mine done.
Great post, love the information ans too can happen to you. So far I've had clear mammograms but right now my dear friend is in the diagnostic stage...just waiting for her biopsy date...and we are all on pins & needles.
Think Pink and spread the message about early detection!
Well said !
Thanks so much for that info, Cathey.
I wonder what great design you have thought up. I love the last one you did! Hugz!! so glad you are in the 87%
I am so sorry, I don't know how I missed this post.
Wow! 9-1/2 years, hooray! Celebrate!!!
I know many close lives that has changed because of this evil thing.
Hi! I just found your site through another blog that I was on. Congrats that you are a survivor. I just finished stitching ornaments for Donna at Stitching for a Cure who is making ornaments for a tree that will be raffled at a Relay for Life in Texas. I also stitch quilt squares for Quilts for Breast Cancer. I am always looking for new patterns to stitch for these sites so please consider sending me your pattern. Thanks Janet Stanko
Hey Cathey. I'd love to see your new design. There is a huge history of breast cancer in my family & some survivors like yourself. I've always done all I can to raise funds & awareness. I would hope that I could incorporate your new design on a round robin that I'm doing.
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