Oh my, I can't believe that no one guessed what my new WIP was even with a piece of the puzzle right there in front of you! I know I didn't give you much stitching to go by but if your eyes just veered to the right hand side of my Blog, you would have seen the answer ;o) LOL!
So now that I have spilled the beans, here is another progress picture of Growth Rings by Ink Circles -
I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I really didn't take into account just how big this piece really is but I just can't seem to put it down! I just might end up with two large pieces completed for 2009 at this rate.
I'm using Carrie's new silk threads and OMG they are a delight to use! No tangles or fraying and they are so soft. If you haven't tried them yet, I suggest you do. I'm sure you can find something to stitch with them ;o)
I want to take a moment to apologize (profusely!) to those who have given me awards in the past month. I have to admit that I have been very neglectful and now I can't remember what I got and where they even came from :o( I am very humbled that you have thought of my Blog and enjoy reading it :o) I'm sorry and I hope you will accept this apology.
I've had a few people ask me if my Avatar is supposed to be me as a Fishery Officer. Yes, that is true. I'm trying to 'emulate' DH. LOL! The only problem is...they refused to give me a gun. Hmmm...I wonder why. It's not like I wouldn't pass the psychological tests ;o)
So now that I have spilled the beans, here is another progress picture of Growth Rings by Ink Circles -
I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I really didn't take into account just how big this piece really is but I just can't seem to put it down! I just might end up with two large pieces completed for 2009 at this rate.
I'm using Carrie's new silk threads and OMG they are a delight to use! No tangles or fraying and they are so soft. If you haven't tried them yet, I suggest you do. I'm sure you can find something to stitch with them ;o)
I want to take a moment to apologize (profusely!) to those who have given me awards in the past month. I have to admit that I have been very neglectful and now I can't remember what I got and where they even came from :o( I am very humbled that you have thought of my Blog and enjoy reading it :o) I'm sorry and I hope you will accept this apology.
I've had a few people ask me if my Avatar is supposed to be me as a Fishery Officer. Yes, that is true. I'm trying to 'emulate' DH. LOL! The only problem is...they refused to give me a gun. Hmmm...I wonder why. It's not like I wouldn't pass the psychological tests ;o)

Lovely thread indeed! :)
Looking great.
The Ink Circles piece is looking great. I just never can attempt those BAP's!
Maybe 1 Fishery Officer is enough in one household. Wouldn't want you to arrest any fish on false pretences. ;-)
Oh gosh!! I love the colour you are using for it, I haven't found a colour I want to use yet ,so haven't started mine yet!
Sweetie, I have to admit you do look good in the Avatar outfit.
I don't know where you are going to find the time to do a lot of stitching with everything that is going on. Glad you are enjoying it at the moment though.
{{{Hugs and Love}}}
great start. Have fun!
A gun ! lol lol ! They are afraid you would kill some fishes ! lol
Good luck on your huge project ;-) I never tried those threads .
Growth Rings looks fab, that thread color is gorgeous! Sorry, I can never guess anything...even if the answer is right in front of me.
Great colors!
Cathey, you do not need a gun. Let them give you a couple of needles and scissors - that's your tools!
Great start! Me likey those theads!;)
"Growth Rings" is going to be beautiful, Cathey! Carrie does make wonderful floss ...
Hmmm ... no gun? That's so not right! *lol*
Growth Rings looks great. Love the colour choice.
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