We got the official news this morning! Woohoo! DH and I plan to take off for PEI tomorrow to go and pick up the Little One :o)
On Friday night, the student called to tell us that Brie could sense touch on her hind end! When they went to touch her back foot, she would pull it away. Excellent sign! Yesterday, the doctor called and informed us that Brie had been transferred out of ICU and was eating and drinking on her own. That was also a really good sign since Brie 'loves' to eat :o) He also stated he was pretty sure that she had continence control but they weren't 100% positive yet. When the student called this morning, she confirmed that Brie actually did so that's wonderful!
That still leaves us with one more hurdle and that's to get Brie to walk again. She is showing all the positive signs but she has yet to use her hind legs. They have been using physiotherapy and that will have to be continued when we bring her home. To be honest, I'm scared to death :o( Brie is progressing much faster than I expected but I know I'm going to break down when I see that she still can't walk. I will try to be strong for her though. I'm just so happy that she's finally coming home :o)
DH and I went out for a bit of a walk last night and lo and behold, we came across another visitor to our property -
DH has been going on and on about seeing a rabbit in the apple orchard but every time I would go down to look, there was never one there. I guess he was telling the truth ;o) Surprisingly enough, this wild bunny was quite friendly and even jumped towards us a few times, even with Duncan there (he was on his leash). The little guy wasn't scared at all and we eventually just let him be.
We have seen our deer again but now the field is so tall that you can barely see the tops of her ears! Unfortunately, Ms. Doe has been nibbling on my apple trees >:o( Between her and the crows, I may not see any apples again this year so I took a picture just to prove that we did have some at the beginning -
LOL! Since we planted those trees, we've never been able to enjoy their fruit because it's always gone! There seems to be quite a good crop on the trees this year so maybe we'll be lucky enough to get one ;o)

On Friday night, the student called to tell us that Brie could sense touch on her hind end! When they went to touch her back foot, she would pull it away. Excellent sign! Yesterday, the doctor called and informed us that Brie had been transferred out of ICU and was eating and drinking on her own. That was also a really good sign since Brie 'loves' to eat :o) He also stated he was pretty sure that she had continence control but they weren't 100% positive yet. When the student called this morning, she confirmed that Brie actually did so that's wonderful!
That still leaves us with one more hurdle and that's to get Brie to walk again. She is showing all the positive signs but she has yet to use her hind legs. They have been using physiotherapy and that will have to be continued when we bring her home. To be honest, I'm scared to death :o( Brie is progressing much faster than I expected but I know I'm going to break down when I see that she still can't walk. I will try to be strong for her though. I'm just so happy that she's finally coming home :o)
DH and I went out for a bit of a walk last night and lo and behold, we came across another visitor to our property -
DH has been going on and on about seeing a rabbit in the apple orchard but every time I would go down to look, there was never one there. I guess he was telling the truth ;o) Surprisingly enough, this wild bunny was quite friendly and even jumped towards us a few times, even with Duncan there (he was on his leash). The little guy wasn't scared at all and we eventually just let him be.
We have seen our deer again but now the field is so tall that you can barely see the tops of her ears! Unfortunately, Ms. Doe has been nibbling on my apple trees >:o( Between her and the crows, I may not see any apples again this year so I took a picture just to prove that we did have some at the beginning -
LOL! Since we planted those trees, we've never been able to enjoy their fruit because it's always gone! There seems to be quite a good crop on the trees this year so maybe we'll be lucky enough to get one ;o)

I am so glad to hear that Brie is improving! I've been keeping her in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to do so!
Thanks for keeping us posted on Brie. Give her a big hug from all of us tomorrow when you pick her up.
That's some great news on Brie
Oh thats great news Brie is coming home, I am sure she will walk when the time is right , just think how happy she will be to see you
Oh that is just fantastic news! Woooohooooo! Well done Brie :o) Well done to all of you for getting through this. ((((BIG HUGS))))
Oh, Cathey! What wonderful news! How on earth are you going to be able to sleep tonight?
I'm sure Brie will be able to learn to walk again quickly...it's just a hiccup right now.
LOL...DH planted a "Red Delicious" apple tree one year. The following year it grew the most beautuful "Granny Smith" apple you ever saw. Poor DH doesn't like tart-sweet apples. :o( Your baby apples look a treat!
Wonderful news on Brie, all of you will be so much happier when she's home. Hopefully being in her own place and with her family her healing will progress even quicker. {{hugs}}
Oooh, you must be so relieved, nothing but good news on Brie!! Break down all you want... She's coming home!!!
That's great news!! Can't wait to see future pics.
Nice to hear Brie is coming home !!
Cathey, I'm happy to hear of your great news on Brie's progress.I'm sure her recovery will be that much speedier once she is back in her home. Loved the apple photo...perhaps there will be some pie photos later this fall!
What great news Cathey...bet you can't wait to get her home where she belongs....I am sure she will get lots of tlc..
Wonderful news !! Looking forward to hearing how she is doing.
Hi Cathey,
Whoo Hoo!! Brie's coming home!!
Hurray!! I am so happy for you.
It's going to be hard at first I
would imagine but just take things
one day at a time and I'm sure
you'll be fine. Her recovery has
been so excellent, I'm sure she'll
improve even more when she's home
with you again.
Loved seeing the picture of the
bunny. We haven't seen our
bunnies around here for awhile
but that may be because the
neighbours got a new dog in May.
The picture of your apple tree
turned out really well. Very
nice composition and clarity.
Would look nice blown up and
put in a white frame.
That's wonderful news! I'm very happy for you and Brie!!
Fabulous news Catney! I am thrilled for you guys. Keeping my fingers crossed that Brie will walk again soon.
Happy news! I am so glad!
Yay! She's coming home! I am so happy for you!
How wonderful that little Brie is coming home! I'm sure you will all feel much happier that she is home and you can give her all the TLC she needs.
I'm sooooo glad to hear Brie will be coming home!!! Sending you some GREAT BIG HUGS!!!!
How's Brie??? She did come home? You're in my prayers!
I'm so happy for you! I can only imgine Brie's excitement when she sees you and DH.
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