This is a picture of Brie shortly after we brought her home -
The actual day we brought her home she was only two pounds and four ounces. She was such a little peanut :o) DH and I had such a hard time getting used to her because she was so small that you never noticed when she got within kicking range. Needless to say, she had her share of bumps and that's probably why she eventually became such a tough cookie. LOL!
Brie got through the MRI just fine. All they had to do was put her under so that she was still. I talked to the doctor this afternoon and I didn't realize that he wouldn't have the results right away :o( He said it would be at least another 24 hours. So you guessed it, we have more waiting and Brie is away from home just that much longer.
The doctor did mention that Brie has been a model patient :o) He was even hoping that she would teach some of her good ways to another Doxie that is there. I told him that Brie is one special puppy and she really is. There is not a single mean bone in her body. She can make the grumpiest person smile and she can make the coldest of hearts melt :o)
Things are pretty quiet around here. Even Duncan is very subdued. He must know that something is going on. Because I know that she is doing well and not in pain, I have been able to pick up my stitching again and Stargazer is looking fabulous :o) It won't be long now and I'll have the finale picture up. My hope of her being my entry to the fair is now a pipe dream but I'm not upset that this has to be sacrificed. Brie comes first :o)
I'm sorry there hasn't been much stitching news on here lately. I did receive my current issue of JCS and there are a few ornaments that will make their way onto my to-do list. I really do love the one by Country Cottage Needleworks (btw, have you seen their new pattern - The Needlework Shop?) I'm quite anxious to see the Halloween issue they're coming out with next month. What a great list of designers!
I want to thank everyone again for all their concern and support for Brie. Honestly, I can't thank you enough. If Brie could meet you, she would give you a HUGE doggy kiss. LOL! You've also helped through your Blogs because they have given me something to do to keep my mind off of things. Yes, I'm a little behind but I am catching up and leaving comments when I can :o)

The actual day we brought her home she was only two pounds and four ounces. She was such a little peanut :o) DH and I had such a hard time getting used to her because she was so small that you never noticed when she got within kicking range. Needless to say, she had her share of bumps and that's probably why she eventually became such a tough cookie. LOL!
Brie got through the MRI just fine. All they had to do was put her under so that she was still. I talked to the doctor this afternoon and I didn't realize that he wouldn't have the results right away :o( He said it would be at least another 24 hours. So you guessed it, we have more waiting and Brie is away from home just that much longer.
The doctor did mention that Brie has been a model patient :o) He was even hoping that she would teach some of her good ways to another Doxie that is there. I told him that Brie is one special puppy and she really is. There is not a single mean bone in her body. She can make the grumpiest person smile and she can make the coldest of hearts melt :o)
Things are pretty quiet around here. Even Duncan is very subdued. He must know that something is going on. Because I know that she is doing well and not in pain, I have been able to pick up my stitching again and Stargazer is looking fabulous :o) It won't be long now and I'll have the finale picture up. My hope of her being my entry to the fair is now a pipe dream but I'm not upset that this has to be sacrificed. Brie comes first :o)
I'm sorry there hasn't been much stitching news on here lately. I did receive my current issue of JCS and there are a few ornaments that will make their way onto my to-do list. I really do love the one by Country Cottage Needleworks (btw, have you seen their new pattern - The Needlework Shop?) I'm quite anxious to see the Halloween issue they're coming out with next month. What a great list of designers!
I want to thank everyone again for all their concern and support for Brie. Honestly, I can't thank you enough. If Brie could meet you, she would give you a HUGE doggy kiss. LOL! You've also helped through your Blogs because they have given me something to do to keep my mind off of things. Yes, I'm a little behind but I am catching up and leaving comments when I can :o)

AWWW!! Baby Doxie picture! Doxie puppies are just too cute. I come across a puppy picture of our little worm sometimes and I find myself wanting another one. I don't think hubby would concur. :-)
More (((HUGS))) for you and Brie. May her MRI results be very positive!
Well she certainly was a little peanut when you brought her home. Look at that little face! What a precious!
Don't you worry about our blogs. You post when you can and we'll be here with our hugs and thoughts for you.
Take care! Big hugs coming your way!
Awwwwwww, look at her!!! She was so tiny!!! That picture just makes you want to pick her up and cuddle her.
I'm glad that the MRI went well and I hope you get results early in the day tomorrow. I'm still sending lots of good thoughts to both Brie and you!
This is such an adorable picture-she is so little! I am glad to hear that she is comfortable-hopefully you will get some answers soon.
I too am really looking forward to the Halloween issue!
What a sweetie ! Duncan must be missing her too. Glad to hear the MRI is over with and hopefully there will be good news.
Such a sweetie!! Keeping my fingers crossed for her!!
Thanks for enabling...! I hadn't seen that one yet... Yep... *sigh*... I want it...LOL!!
very cute photo of baby Brie
I'm glad the MRI went well. I hope you get the results back quickly.
The Needlework Shop by CCN is cute. I may have to put that - and a few of their other pieces - on my wish list.
Hi Cathey~ I've just been reading about your poor wee Brie's problems. I'm sending her lots of good thoughts for a smooth recovery.
Just bought the latest JCS issue last night...seeing those Christmas ornies on the cover did it for me!
Aawww What a little cutie!! what a sweet photo,looks like butter wouldn't melt!
Hope all goes well with the results
So adorable! I'm glad the MRI went well! Brie is a trooper, for sure!
What a cutie Brie was when she was a pup:)
Glad to hear the mri went well..I hope they find out the results soon...
I think that the waiting is the hardest part..but she is in good hands and a lot of people are pulling for her..
If there is anything I can do just let me know...
Hugs! Still hoping and praying for good MRI results. Hold onto hope and keep busy. That way you won't go nuts... or at least nuttier ;O) hehehe.
Awww, Brie was so teeny! Dox puppies are so darn CUTE!
I'm glad to hear the MRI went to hear the results!
Hi Cathey, (see...I got it right!)
Glad to hear that Brie continues
to charm and delight at the vet's,
and got through her MRI without
any problems. Will continue to
think good thoughts until she's
home again with you.
And it's good you're back to
working on Stargazer. Looking
forward to your happy dance
A JCS issue dedicated to
Halloween ornaments!! Wow!!
Soon as I read that news in your
post I had to go straight to
their website and subscribe.
I can't wait for that issue!!
The picture of Brie as a puppy
is so adorable. What a cutie!!
Oh, she is the CUTEST little potato!
I'm hoping you got your news yesterday, and you'll write today so we can see that she's going to be ok. I'm thinking good thoughts for all of you!
Oh I love that picture, she was a beauty from the start. I hope you get some news soon from the MRI and that they can help your little baby. ((((Cathey))))
I hope the MRI will come back very soon and nothing too serious will show ;-)
((((((((((hugs)))))))))))for the wait ...
You know what people say: dogs are very much like their owners. That's my vet's firm belief. And this is why I could tell that Brie is the sweetest puppy, Cathey.
All my thoughts are with you and with her.
The needlework shop is a big temptation. Well, I have almost finished the "quilting" pack (you know, the four ladies).
Shame that Stargazer won't be at the fair but soooo understandable too.
Take care, Sweetie,
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