Alright, nobody told me that Stargazer had tentacles! Right now she looks like an octopus -
LOL! Yes, I finally got in some more stitching time :o) This is my progress as of last night. I'm quite pleased with the amount that I did get done. As much as I would like to have a finish already, I have been very faithful to her. Nothing has strayed me so far. Nothing from Nashville, that's for sure. Whew! No wait! Okay, I just lied :oS DH is buying me The Garden Chair by The Cat's Whiskers -
But I won't be starting it right away. As you can see, that 'is' in writing ;o)
I've been working hard on the Pink Party and things are coming together quite nicely :o) Of course it looks like someone barfed up pink all over my craft room. LOL! The goodie bags are filling up, the menu has been decided upon and I've gotten some decorations. Now to find someone with some hot air to blow up the balloons...I wonder if DH will be around ;o) I will post lots of pictures for you to see but it will have to wait until after the party. There are a few that read my Blog that are coming and I don't want to unveil any surprises... Drat! That reminds me, I never got a picture of the invitations that I made.
Now I shouldn't tease DH too much because the poor man has been working hard. He was away all week and between last weekend and this past one, he was able to put in the laminate flooring in the living room :o) It's going to look great for the party! I know there are some of you anxiously waiting for pictures of our renovations and I will be posting those of the extra bedroom later this week so keep your eyes peeled ;o)
Since my appointment was cancelled today because of the snow, I'm going to sit back with a good movie and stitch some more on Stargazer. Stay warm everyone!

LOL! Yes, I finally got in some more stitching time :o) This is my progress as of last night. I'm quite pleased with the amount that I did get done. As much as I would like to have a finish already, I have been very faithful to her. Nothing has strayed me so far. Nothing from Nashville, that's for sure. Whew! No wait! Okay, I just lied :oS DH is buying me The Garden Chair by The Cat's Whiskers -
But I won't be starting it right away. As you can see, that 'is' in writing ;o)
I've been working hard on the Pink Party and things are coming together quite nicely :o) Of course it looks like someone barfed up pink all over my craft room. LOL! The goodie bags are filling up, the menu has been decided upon and I've gotten some decorations. Now to find someone with some hot air to blow up the balloons...I wonder if DH will be around ;o) I will post lots of pictures for you to see but it will have to wait until after the party. There are a few that read my Blog that are coming and I don't want to unveil any surprises... Drat! That reminds me, I never got a picture of the invitations that I made.
Now I shouldn't tease DH too much because the poor man has been working hard. He was away all week and between last weekend and this past one, he was able to put in the laminate flooring in the living room :o) It's going to look great for the party! I know there are some of you anxiously waiting for pictures of our renovations and I will be posting those of the extra bedroom later this week so keep your eyes peeled ;o)
Since my appointment was cancelled today because of the snow, I'm going to sit back with a good movie and stitch some more on Stargazer. Stay warm everyone!

she looks wonderful,and I love the little chairs,have fun with it when you get it!! Your pink party sounds wonderful!! Have fun!
You're so funny! lol..she looks lovely. That chair is on my wishlist, I have the other chair already that's itching to be started :)
Stargazer is gorgeous.
I am looking forward to your new flooring as well as your collection of pink everything!
I'm sure octopi like to look at the stars from way down below - when they aren't plotting to take over the world that is! I think I watch too much 'Nature' on PBS. Anyway great progress on Stargazer - she really doesn't look like an octopus. I love, love, love that little chair! I know if I stitched it DD would confiscate it for her dolls, so I'll just admire yours when you finish.
she looks great
I think Stargazer looks lovely!
Stargazer is looking great! And I love Garden Chair... that tiny parasol is too precious!
An octopus, huh? Woman, your imagination just cracks me up! :o)
And you're going to stitch the chair? I want to ... but it's just going to have to wait ... don't ask until what 'cause I have no clue. *lol*
Hi Cathey,
I'm catching up on my commenting at last.
When I was reading all your latest postings I was delighted with your idea of having a Pink Party! What an excellent way of turning an anniversary of something dire into something positive, and a celebration of your survival. Good for you.
It sounds like it'll be so much fun, and I can't wait to see what you're making for party favours, as well as hearing all about it here afterwards. Wish I could be there to offer my congratulations in person and help you to celebrate.
Some of your renovations are things that are also on our to do list. We need to replace the ancient, disgusting carpet in the living/dinning room and will be putting down some form of wood flooring. And we really need a new mattress for our bed. Our currant mattress has just about outlived it's usefulness.
I'm so excited about the new Tv. Well, we did have to get the most important thing on our to do list crossed off. Our fading, worn out Tv is 20 years old, so this new fangled model is going to be a real eye opener. I see a Lord of the Rings marathon in my future.
Oh, and I'd really love a new computer too....but that's just between you and me. Shhhh!
And I have a closet that could stand to be organized as nicely as the one that you've done in your spare bedroom. I'm so jealous!
I love the progress that you're making on Stargazer. You're a faster stitcher then I am, by far.
I laughed and laughed over the article on the squirrels eating the LED lights in your city. Does this mean that you have glow in the dark squirrels??? Ahh yes...your tax dollars at work.
Stargazer is looking terrific ! Hey,I didn't get my invite to the party, must be in the mail ;)
She looks gorgeous :D Tentacles and all ! Can't wait to see the pics of the house. Your DH is a saint ! After a week away, I'd be collapsed on the couch refusing to me LOL Does he want to come visit Ontario for a couple of weeks ? :)
Yup, I stayed warm.
Stargazer looks great, and I've seen this chair in other blogs. People drooling over it. As of right now, I'm not feeling a desire to assemble this, lol... probably because I stink at the assembly part ;) I know you could do it though.
Have fun partying.
She's gorgeous! And congratulations on your party - it sounds like a great way to turn your successes into a celebration.
Stargazer is looking great despite the tentacles!
I love that little chair...please let us know how that looks complicated and waaaay over my skill level! What a loving DH you have...buying you stash and installing your new floor!
If those are tentacles, they sure are pretty!! lol.
I love the Garden chair, but the finishing scares me to death,lol.
You are coming along great on Stargazer..she is so pretty.
Your party sounds like so much fun..can't wait to hear more about it:)
Stargazer is looking amazing, if somewhat octopus like. :grin: I love that description.
Really looking forward to hearing more about the pink party and hopefully some pictures too?
Stargazer is looking nice. She will be beautiful when done. I love the chair you are going to do. The piece looks so soft and pretty and delicate. I love it.
That sounds like a great way to spend a day. I hope you enjoyed it! Stargazer is lovely. You are making fabulous progress.
The Garden Chair is so nice! I'm really looking forward to seeing it when you start.
Stargazer is stunning!
And this little chair is a treasure...
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