Maybe not but that's what it felt like the other night! On Tuesday I headed in to town to do some errands and I picked up the mail before I left. There was a parcel notice in the mailbox but it said I couldn't pick the parcel up until after 5 pm. Drat! While I was in town, I met up with DH and gave him the notice so that he could pick up the parcel on his way home from work. Good thing I did because when he walked in the door with this HUGE box, I almost fell over ;o)
When I saw the box, I immediately knew who it was friend J :o) J lives in British Columbia and we've been friends for...well...I'd say at least ten years. We met through our love of model horses. Anything horses really. LOL! J's like my model horse dealer because she's the only one that will fuel my addiction and this was definitely one of those times!
As you can see, there was 'a lot' in that box -
The model horses I'm talking about are called Breyers. I've been collecting them since I got my first model back in 1986. At one time I probably had close to 500 but over the last few years, I've sold a lot of them off. I just didn't have the room for them anymore! LOL! But once in awhile, J brings out the kid in me ;o) All the red boxes you see are Christmas ornaments made by Breyer and I'd say I have enough to decorate a six foot tree. Someday, DH and I are going to have to get a bigger house so we can have multiple trees.
Anyway, THANK YOU J and I'll be firing an email off to you soon :o)
Yesterday I went to the specialist for the abscess on my tooth. When I left in the morning, it was swollen but the pain was gone. By the afternoon, the swelling was down to about 1/4 of what it was but it was 'bright' red with a white dot. Hmmmm. Dr. B was wonderful and very informative. I brought my x-rays from my dentist and they did another set there. Well...come to find out that there was this little white spot on the x-ray and between the two pictures of the same area, it had moved. Huh? It turns out it was a piece of cement from the root canal and it was floating around, trying to make its way out. That may be the white dot I am seeing.
Since I've been back on the antibiotics, the swelling and the pain are doing much better but we're not sure if this will be a reoccurring problem :oS Dr. B gave me four choices. One, to wait a month and see if it heals (my immune system is not the best). Two, he could go back through the root canal and try to see if there were any ends off the root that didn't get killed off. Three, he could go in through my gum and that would mean surgery. And four, he could take the tooth out. Well as you can see, since I am quite the chicken shit, I chose option one ;o)
Tomorrow afternoon is the Pink Party and I'm starting to panic, hoping that I will have everything ready. My enthusiasm is coming back so I hope it goes as well as I picture in my mind. I hope I'm not expecting too much. The house is in order except the dishes in the kitchen but that won't take too long tomorrow morning. One thing I am disappointed in is that one item did not arrive for the goodie bags :o( I guess I'll just have to give those out later on. When I recoup, I promise to post a summary and lots of pictures :o)

When I saw the box, I immediately knew who it was friend J :o) J lives in British Columbia and we've been friends for...well...I'd say at least ten years. We met through our love of model horses. Anything horses really. LOL! J's like my model horse dealer because she's the only one that will fuel my addiction and this was definitely one of those times!
As you can see, there was 'a lot' in that box -
The model horses I'm talking about are called Breyers. I've been collecting them since I got my first model back in 1986. At one time I probably had close to 500 but over the last few years, I've sold a lot of them off. I just didn't have the room for them anymore! LOL! But once in awhile, J brings out the kid in me ;o) All the red boxes you see are Christmas ornaments made by Breyer and I'd say I have enough to decorate a six foot tree. Someday, DH and I are going to have to get a bigger house so we can have multiple trees.
Anyway, THANK YOU J and I'll be firing an email off to you soon :o)
Yesterday I went to the specialist for the abscess on my tooth. When I left in the morning, it was swollen but the pain was gone. By the afternoon, the swelling was down to about 1/4 of what it was but it was 'bright' red with a white dot. Hmmmm. Dr. B was wonderful and very informative. I brought my x-rays from my dentist and they did another set there. Well...come to find out that there was this little white spot on the x-ray and between the two pictures of the same area, it had moved. Huh? It turns out it was a piece of cement from the root canal and it was floating around, trying to make its way out. That may be the white dot I am seeing.
Since I've been back on the antibiotics, the swelling and the pain are doing much better but we're not sure if this will be a reoccurring problem :oS Dr. B gave me four choices. One, to wait a month and see if it heals (my immune system is not the best). Two, he could go back through the root canal and try to see if there were any ends off the root that didn't get killed off. Three, he could go in through my gum and that would mean surgery. And four, he could take the tooth out. Well as you can see, since I am quite the chicken shit, I chose option one ;o)
Tomorrow afternoon is the Pink Party and I'm starting to panic, hoping that I will have everything ready. My enthusiasm is coming back so I hope it goes as well as I picture in my mind. I hope I'm not expecting too much. The house is in order except the dishes in the kitchen but that won't take too long tomorrow morning. One thing I am disappointed in is that one item did not arrive for the goodie bags :o( I guess I'll just have to give those out later on. When I recoup, I promise to post a summary and lots of pictures :o)

Nice present! I love "Christmas" outside of December!
I like your living room too:)
Have a great pink party tomorrow!
What a bizarre finding in your oral problem! Hope it all works out without anymore dental work.
Have a wonderful pink party!!
Oohhh your having a Pink Party on my birthday! What a nice supprise you got.
great gifts, hope the tooth sorts its self out
WOW that's a lot of Breyers :) I love your living room rug!!
I think you made the right choice to wait and see. Like you... I prefer to endure a little pain to see if surgery can be avoided :( I guess were are both in the health race, like you said, LOL. ;)
Horsies galore!! I have questions. What DVD's did you get? I see "Wallace and Gromit", but can't makeout the others.
Congrats! and good luck with the partay. Keep checking your mail box. ;)
Oh you lucky thing,I bet you were like a child at christmas!! Hope the tooth sorts itself out,and have a great pink party!!
Sweet haul! Look at all those pretty horses.
Sorry to hear one of your 'pink' items didn't come in.
Can't wait to hear all about it! Wish I could be there. How stalker-ish is that???
Wow, whata present! :D
I'm glad you got to see Dr.B. Hopefully the antibiotics help and it vanishes and stops causing you so much pain.
As for your Pink Party - have a fantastic time. You know I wish I were there :D But I'm sure I'll hear allll about it !
Ouch! I would have gone with option one, too!
Have fun at your Pink Party!!
Ohmygosh... you were spoiled this week... what an awesome package to arrive!!! Enjoy them all!!!
The pink party was definitely a success... I had a great time, despite my Dove-task ROFL.
What a nice gift package to receive. I have seen those Breyer horses before and thought they were very nice. I hope your dental issues all sort themselves out soon.
Such a lovely gift pack to receive. I hope your tooth pain settles down and doesn't interfere with the pink party. Look forward to reading about the party and seeing pictures.
All those lovely horses would make it feel like Christmas, what a wonderful package to open. Glad your tooth is doing better. I'll keep everything crossed as well that it continues to improve and they don't need to do anything else. Good luck with the Pink party, I'm sure it will go fine and I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures.
I can't believe this tooth problem! I'm sorry about that...
I hope your pink party was great! I'll come back to check it out later in the day...
Your horses look great!
Lots of hugs, Cathey!
"Dove task"?? Ok... not I'm really curious.
Wow, what a haul! I hope your party was fabulous and that it lifted your spirits. I can't wait to see pictures!
WOW! Lots in the box! You've been tagged - BTW!
You made out like a bandit! I love the Christmas horses--those are pretty much the only ones I still collect. I ADORE the drumhorse. I think that is such a gorgeous model.
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