I have to say that I was a 'very' bad girl this past Friday... Let's just say that the living room has been 'rearranged' and finally been put back together ;o) Was it worth it? Most definitely! But if you asked that same question to my body, it would be screaming..."Let me die! Let me die!"
When we bought this house, it was almost head to toe FULL of wallpaper and borders! The living room was the most striking with 'vinyl' wallpaper -
Do you see the darker brown towards the top of the ceiling in the picture below -
No, that is NOT paint. It's the layer of glue that was left behind when we peeled that wallpaper off the walls! It was like the walls had sprouted fuzzy hair all over. LOL!
Once our transformations were complete, the living room looked like this -
Very basic but at least it was looking much better ;o) Over the years, some color has been added and we've also put our own touches in the room.
So, as we did in the extra bedroom, we laid down the Autumn Oak laminate flooring to replace the carpet. Again, one of 'the' best decisions we have made lately! Let me take you on a tour :o) This is where you enter the living room from the kitchen -
That's our front door and we added the two rugs.
As you pan right you see -
That's my Angel of Grace on the wall :o)
If you continue going right you'll come to DH's chair and Brie's bed -
Yes, those are stairs going up to it ;o) What would a princess be without a set of steps up to her bed? LOL!
Another right turn shows the wall with the television -
On the other side of this wall is our garage.
Turn right again and our couch, my stitching space, comes into view -
DH and I just bought the area rug you see. I love the colors but it doesn't go with our present couch. Hopefully at some point, this will be fixed. Both of them together are a little too busy for my taste ;o) On the other side of the half wall is the kitchen. DH really hates the wooden spindles and they will be taken down at some point.
Finally, you come back to the living room entrance -
That's my Quiltmaker hanging on that wall :o)
It's still not exactly like the image we have in our heads but it will do for now. As they say, it's a work in progress and we're doing the best with what we have :o)
Next up will be our bedroom but DH has promised not to start that until after the party. Our new bed is being delivered tomorrow and there will be some interesting changes take place ;o)

When we bought this house, it was almost head to toe FULL of wallpaper and borders! The living room was the most striking with 'vinyl' wallpaper -
Do you see the darker brown towards the top of the ceiling in the picture below -
No, that is NOT paint. It's the layer of glue that was left behind when we peeled that wallpaper off the walls! It was like the walls had sprouted fuzzy hair all over. LOL!
Once our transformations were complete, the living room looked like this -
Very basic but at least it was looking much better ;o) Over the years, some color has been added and we've also put our own touches in the room.
So, as we did in the extra bedroom, we laid down the Autumn Oak laminate flooring to replace the carpet. Again, one of 'the' best decisions we have made lately! Let me take you on a tour :o) This is where you enter the living room from the kitchen -
That's our front door and we added the two rugs.
As you pan right you see -
That's my Angel of Grace on the wall :o)
If you continue going right you'll come to DH's chair and Brie's bed -
Yes, those are stairs going up to it ;o) What would a princess be without a set of steps up to her bed? LOL!
Another right turn shows the wall with the television -
On the other side of this wall is our garage.
Turn right again and our couch, my stitching space, comes into view -
DH and I just bought the area rug you see. I love the colors but it doesn't go with our present couch. Hopefully at some point, this will be fixed. Both of them together are a little too busy for my taste ;o) On the other side of the half wall is the kitchen. DH really hates the wooden spindles and they will be taken down at some point.
Finally, you come back to the living room entrance -
That's my Quiltmaker hanging on that wall :o)
It's still not exactly like the image we have in our heads but it will do for now. As they say, it's a work in progress and we're doing the best with what we have :o)
Next up will be our bedroom but DH has promised not to start that until after the party. Our new bed is being delivered tomorrow and there will be some interesting changes take place ;o)

Your make-over looks great! Isn't it great to finish those projects?
Your living room looks so nice. I love the carpet you have. I could go so nicely in my living room. *grin* I just love Brie's bed by the window. Thanks for the little tour of your house. I can't wait to see the next room.
Your living room is beautiful!! It makes me want to redecorate my whole house ;)
I tried the stair/ramp thing for Frank as a puppy...he will only do the stairs off the porch. I see Brie has a view from her bed of the outside and she can see out, just like the big dogs, lol.
Very nce renovations. Lots of room on that garage wall for a plasma TV screen ;)
I will be painting sometime soon as well. Including the basement floor. :(
You've made some beautiful changes. I'm soooo NOT a fan of wallpaper. I have border up in my living room and it is too much for me now. If it wasn't so much work I'd have it down before listing the house.
I love your stitching pieces hanging throughout the house. It is so cool to get a glimpse of 'your' space.
In answer to your comment on my blog, the first pic was you were looking at was the i-beam header in my kitchen from when the drywall was peeling! Yucky.
Oh ya, love Brie's steps. Little princess girl.
It looks fantastic... what a transformation!!
I love the flooring and the new area rug... very, very pretty.
Great photos you have a lovely house
That was a great tour!! Now I feel like I've been over for a visit.
I love your floor. It really looks fabulous.
The room is lovely!
Cathey, your home looks lovely. I love the colors and its so pretty. Great job. You must be so happy with getting rid of the wallpaper.
I had bought little steps like that for Sparky but he refused to use them. I think he is so use to me picking him up whenever he wants. SPOILED!! LOL I love all your crosstitch too, so beautiful, and I see that cricket collection piece on your chair and I love it. Its one of my faves of theirs. xoxoxo
Terrific looking place ! You two are doing a wonderful job. Can't wait to see the rest.
Thanks for the tour! It's fun to see your cross-stitch on the walls.
Oh, and I love that rug! Love it.
What a warm & inviting living room! If I were to visit I'd pick the old fashioned rocking chair...almost a sister of the one in my living room! I could sit in the sun and stitch by the window for hours!
Love the pet steps!
Wow your house is really pretty and coming along so nicely!! I wish I could get DH to do some things with our house. I have been working on him just to put a spring back into the riding lawn mower since last summer. Our house needs lots done too but I think that hell will freeze over first!! He sure does make a great set of chopsticks though and some neat needlecases. You home is lovely!! Debby :)
Beautiful, Cathey! And I love all of your stitched pieces!
Best of all...I love your sunshine! Would you send some our way, please???
What a beautiful home you have,you have done a wonderful job on the decorating,love those steps so cute!!
Hi Cathey,
The new floor looks fabulous!! I'll bet it's pretty easy to keep clean, and it brightens the room. The colour that you chose to put on the walls is very pretty, and also brightens the area.
I loved the stairs leading up to Brie's bed. I just shook my head when I saw the photo. What we do for our pets....
Your new beaded fobs are lovely, especially the pink, breast cancer one with the little pink ribbon charm. I can well imagine how addictive this beading craft can be. The results are so beautiful.
It's been quite the winter hasn't it? We haven't lost power during any of our winter storms so far, but we've been lucky that way. I'd like to think that the worst is over and Spring is just around the corner, but we've still got piles of snow, and it's quite cold out, and I hear another storm is brewing for next week.
Hope that everything went okay for you at the Dentist, and he was able to help you.
I think it looks great, so bright and clean. I love the different touches that personalize it too, like your pictures and the horses peeking through from the other room. I really need to try and get organized and do something with my place. The carpet, paint, etc.. is the same as when I moved in about 18yrs ago, so needless to say it is showing quite a bit of wear and tear. Good luck tackling your next room.
Your living room looks so comfy and welcoming! You've done a great job with the floor and all: it's not too crowdy, just right... Congratulations for the great job!
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