I think I'm hooked! This might not be a good thing either ;o) LOL! A day after I created my breast cancer fob, I bobbed into my bead supplies and I made another one -
This time I used silver and clear beads with an angel charm. My only problem is, I have very few charms right now and no close resource for more :o( I might have to do my best to convince DH to go for a day trip...
Yesterday, DH and I took Brie and we went out to the lake to see my parents. It was my mom's birthday. I won't say how old she is because I know she reads my Blog ;o) We had a nice visit and Brie got some Grammy and Grampy time.
My abscess has gotten worse and I'm counting down the days until Thursday when I get to see the specialist. I gave my dentist a week to get the referral over to the specialist before I called to see about getting an appointment. Only I came to find out that my referral was not there and I believe it was never even sent. I was NOT happy! Grrrr! Needless to say, my dentist faxed the referral right over and I was able to get an appointment for this Thursday, late afternoon. Just to get in and 'see' the specialist will cost $140! Oye! I really hope our dental insurance will cover this. As much as I want this fixed, I'm quite nervous to find out how it will be done. Remember, dentist are NOT my favourite people :o(
Our local paper, The Daily Gleaner, published my Ahhhhh.....Nuts? post in The Letters To The Editor section but they butchered it :o( I knew they were going to have to edit it because it was too long but they took the most important parts out and I'm quite perturbed. So much for freedom of speech and being able to voice your opinions >:o(

This time I used silver and clear beads with an angel charm. My only problem is, I have very few charms right now and no close resource for more :o( I might have to do my best to convince DH to go for a day trip...
Yesterday, DH and I took Brie and we went out to the lake to see my parents. It was my mom's birthday. I won't say how old she is because I know she reads my Blog ;o) We had a nice visit and Brie got some Grammy and Grampy time.
My abscess has gotten worse and I'm counting down the days until Thursday when I get to see the specialist. I gave my dentist a week to get the referral over to the specialist before I called to see about getting an appointment. Only I came to find out that my referral was not there and I believe it was never even sent. I was NOT happy! Grrrr! Needless to say, my dentist faxed the referral right over and I was able to get an appointment for this Thursday, late afternoon. Just to get in and 'see' the specialist will cost $140! Oye! I really hope our dental insurance will cover this. As much as I want this fixed, I'm quite nervous to find out how it will be done. Remember, dentist are NOT my favourite people :o(
Our local paper, The Daily Gleaner, published my Ahhhhh.....Nuts? post in The Letters To The Editor section but they butchered it :o( I knew they were going to have to edit it because it was too long but they took the most important parts out and I'm quite perturbed. So much for freedom of speech and being able to voice your opinions >:o(

I'm glad your article was published because it did deserve it -yet sorry that it was butchered...
Hope your dental appointment will bring relief...
And the fob is absolutely fab! Lol!!!
Take care!
sorry they butchered your letter, Looks like you are hooked on fobs LOL I have made quite a few , now I am hoping to be able to make some with the beads I make, I love your little angle fob well done
Your fobs are gorgeous ! :D Another talent to add to your very long list of talents, I'd say. Sorry to hear they butchered the article - it should have been printed as-is, if you ask me !
Hope the days until your specialist appointment pass quickly.
Oh, you poor girl! :( Tooth pain is probably right up there with "back labour"... and I know first hand, that's no picnic.
Best of luck at the doctors.
Ah, the world of publishing... as sinister and political as most government institutions. Have I mentioned that I got the brush off from Kreinik because I'm not a "published" designer?? :( Yea... my self esteme is through the roof.(sarcasim)
Your scissor fob is darling!
That is just nuts (hahaha) they butchered your letter. It was hilarious, did they change it so much it was no longer funny?
Poor little you having to go to the dentist. I'm not a big fan either, but would rather visit them than the eye doctor. Good luck, hon.
I can't wait for you to get in to see that specialist!! I hope they can do something to help *quickly*.
Oh no. You *can't* be addicted to fobs... you just CAN'T!!
LOVE the fobs!! Can't wait to see more creations!
I hope your dental appt arrives quickly & painlessly ... dental pain of any sort is never fun. :-(
Your fob's are so cute! I can't wait to see what you do next. :)
I was in the store last week and I saw a display of Cacbury Eggs and it made me think of you.
Lovely fob, getting more charms sounds like a good reason for a trip to me. :)
Sorry your abscess is getting worse. When our mouth hurts it is amazing how hard it is to tune it out. To bad that the referral had to take so long too, it sounds like the dentist forgot to send it over, what a pain (literally and figuratively).
To bad that they cropped your article, somehow when they start cutting things out they lose the impact they would have had otherwise. Good going on the eggs though. I'll have to tell my DD you're up to 16, boy will she be envious. She's been having a hard time finding them, in fact I just put some in the mail to her for a surprise treat.
Your fobs are lovely! The beads are so pretty.
I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry your tooth is bothering you so much. I hope on Thursday you get some relief!
Your fobs are soooo beautiful. What a great job you did. You are so talented. Your poor thing suffering with an abscess. Hope they take care of it soon with little or no discomfort. I will be thinking of you.
Such great news about getting your letter published. Good for you!!
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