Since I have both good news and bad news to tell you, I thought I had better start out with the good. Seems much better than way; to me anyway :o)
As you may have guessed, it's that time of month again! Yes, Junior is another month older and yesterday he turned NINE months old :o)
LOL! It didn't take much to get a good picture this time. He's really getting used to the camera.
Our little man is so full of his own personality now and he's such a happy guy. He's not walking yet but his legs continue to get stronger and steadier every day. He's definitely mastered his crawling though because it doesn't take him long to get from room to room, especially if I'm opening the freezer door. Yeah, I don't know why :oS
DH and I are still expanding his food pallet but for some reason, he cannot eat straight banana. Ask Grandma ;o) Junior has one awesome gag reflex. We figure it must be the texture because he'll eat banana if we disguise it. We're still trying to get him used to solid food like Cheerios or his biscuit cookies. But if he's left with them too long, the gag reflex kicks in and then DH and I are forced to be the cleanup crew. Ewwww! Thankfully my gag reflex has gotten better over the years. LOL!
The fact that he gags doesn't interfere with his chewing, that's for sure. DH keeps saying that out of all the pets we've had in the past, none of them chewed as much as Junior does! Skin, clothes, furniture, wood, they're all free game to him. He still only has six teeth but that's enough at this point. I'm almost to the point where I want to give him some rawhide to chew on ;o)
I can happily say that Junior has learned how to clap now. It was a problem for DH because Junior was behind the other children his age in what he could do. Yes, the man is a bit competitive ;o)

He is so gorgeous , and looking more grown up now , time sure does go by fast. Great picture.
They all develop at different rates , he'll probably be doing other things before the other kids .
Take care , thinking of you all .XXX
He is just the cutest!!!! I hope and pray that the bad news is not so bad!
Happy new year.
Love that smile and the 'thumbs up'! He is just so adorable.
Continuing to send positive thoughts your way.
He is so cuteeeee..sending you hugs deary xxx
He is so adorable and growing so fast. He has learned to clap? How cute.
Keeping you in my prayers.
The time has gone so quickly, he is getting so big. Six teeth at nine months is good. My daughter only had one!
He is adorable!! LOL about the rawhide! Thinking of and praying for you.
It was so nice to see you guys over the holiday!! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule :). Lily misses her Prince Charming ;)
Wow, 9 months already? He is adorable!
awwww what a smile :) wish you could bottle it up :)
heheh re the chewing am sure he isn't as bad as all that
and he will do stuff when he ready and not before he is a man after all take care my friend and hope the postie comes to your house soon :) love mouse xxxxxx
Such a handsome young man.
Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers Cathey.
Your baby is growing to be quiet the big boy! He is adorable. Sorry, don't think a rawhide is on the Dr Spock list of things to give a kid.
Hope things are improving healthwise!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Junior is the most beautiful little boy!!! I can't believe his year old birthday is sneaking up so fast :-)
You are in my thoughts so often... take care.
He is so handsome!
He is so CUTE! And, getting so big. I am right there with Junior. I have never been able to eat bananas--texture thing. : )
You have been and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
That little man is just plain adorable. What a smile and a thumbs up.
Love the thumbs up!
Such a sweet little man!
We went through a chewing phase with Nick - he gnawed a bit on his crib rails until I put these on:
Shop around - I was able to buy a complete set of three (One long, two short) for about $30. WELL worth it.
I love love love his dimple! And --isn't is adorable when they learn to clap!! So cute, I do admit! Praying that the next post you have in mind is now changed, for the good! because WE are all praying for you! Hugs!
How cute... he looks like a little boy now!
That little guy sure is a cutie
Take care
Nine months?! How is that even possible? Wowzers :)
Lots of thoughts & prayers for you & yours Cathey, Hugs to you!
He is totally adorable, just love that smile.
ADoraBLe!! He is so precious and getting SO BIG. Oh my gosh so big!!
What a great pic. Thanks for sharing.
LOL! Looks like it's thumbs up from Junior. What an infectious smile!!! Too cute.
Oh Cathey, he is just gorgeous. Take care. I am praying for you.♥
What a handsome little man!! Sending hugs and prayers.
So sweet!
Bless him, he certainly is very photogenic. He looks like he's giving the thumbs up!
Awww! I love how he looks like he's giving a thumbs up sign! What a sweetie pie!!
Junior is gorgeous!! What a fantastic smile. My oldest son gagged on bananas to. It used to crack me up. You might think it was something poisoneous.
dimples!!!!!! omg he is just the cutest little boy ever!
happy 9 months Junior =D =D
He is growing so quickly! I can remember when my boys were small - I don't think I had a single blouse that wasn't stained with spitup!
I cannot believe how fast he is growing up!!! He is so darn cute!!!! Praying for you!!!
Hi Cathey, your boy is soo cute! I love his smile.
Take care of you and yours.
Hugs from Germany
Junior is adorable and growing so fast.
Sending you hugs x
Junior is one cool dude! I love how his thumb is in the air - so Fonz-esque! Lol. I pray that your bad news isn't terrible news. Much love. X
So beautiful, your son. Am praying for you everyday.
Luv. MaryO
He gets cuter with every pic.
Oh what a wonderful smile. So much happiness in that little boy. Continued prayers for healing.
one month more...already...
time passes by very quickly but Junior is always so adorable =)
cute little guy
tell him that even in disguise...I don't like bananas =D
the smell...ho no....
big big hugs to you both
Happy 9-month birthday to Junior! He is such a cutie.
Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way.
Junior is such a sweet little man!
Charming smile too :)
Cuteness overload!! Look at that smile :D
My heart just melts when I see those sweet dimples and big blue eyes... He is just so full of personality already at nine months... Hugs to Junior (and to you, too, my friend!).
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