One day left of this rotten month! Woohoo! Can I make it? I'm ready to hunker down in my warm house and stitch so hopefully I can. Maybe I should put a bottle of wine beside me just in case ;o)
I'm sorry I'm late in posting this so I will accept the ten lashes with wet noodles. LOL! Here are some goodies that arrived in the mail last week -
I 'finally' received my Nordic Needle catalogue! I love paging through that thing. I have a magazine holder full of them and have kept every one throughout the years. Okay, so call me a hoarder. I know DH will after he reads this ;oP
The other items came from Mary Kathryn at eHandcrafts :o) She is so sweet to deal with. I had received my annual GC from my Secret Santa again this year so I was able to splurge and buy the two new patterns that I dearly wanted! When will I fit them in? I have no idea but I will, I promise!
Speaking of Secret Santas...she 'finally' revealed herself this year and I was completely surprised to find out that it was my good friend Judy! Well, not surprised that she would do something like this because she's such a generous person but because she kept her secret so well hidden ;o) I have her to thank for years of scrumptious stash and she is the reason Sabrina is in the making as we speak. Every time I work on Sabrina I think of Judy. Thank you my dear, dear friend!
I've noticed that I've gained even more Stalkers over the past few weeks. Where are you guys coming from???? LOL! I welcome you all and am very glad to see you here. Make yourselves at home :o)
I'm sorry I'm late in posting this so I will accept the ten lashes with wet noodles. LOL! Here are some goodies that arrived in the mail last week -
I 'finally' received my Nordic Needle catalogue! I love paging through that thing. I have a magazine holder full of them and have kept every one throughout the years. Okay, so call me a hoarder. I know DH will after he reads this ;oP
The other items came from Mary Kathryn at eHandcrafts :o) She is so sweet to deal with. I had received my annual GC from my Secret Santa again this year so I was able to splurge and buy the two new patterns that I dearly wanted! When will I fit them in? I have no idea but I will, I promise!
Speaking of Secret Santas...she 'finally' revealed herself this year and I was completely surprised to find out that it was my good friend Judy! Well, not surprised that she would do something like this because she's such a generous person but because she kept her secret so well hidden ;o) I have her to thank for years of scrumptious stash and she is the reason Sabrina is in the making as we speak. Every time I work on Sabrina I think of Judy. Thank you my dear, dear friend!
I've noticed that I've gained even more Stalkers over the past few weeks. Where are you guys coming from???? LOL! I welcome you all and am very glad to see you here. Make yourselves at home :o)

Look at all those sweet goodies! Okay...must find out the name of the pink CC floss! Yummy!
Secret 'santas' are so fun and I'm glad you had a dear friend make you smile.
Lovely new stash. But then new stash is always lovely. :)
I hear you about saving old catalogs. I do that too. Though I will admit to throwing them out after 5 or so years. :)
I've been reading your blog for quite a while - a "stalker" I suppose. I always enjoy it - you have a fresh and positive attitude to life. I enjoy your phots as well.
Great new stash acquisitions! I don't call it "hoarding" I call it "collecting":)))))
Have a great week and a good start to March.
Great new stash, Cathey! How fun that your SS was a good friend!
wonderful stash addition :) I will have to see if I can recieve this NN Magazine. One can never have enough magazines with lovely goodies to look through. I hope your month of March is a good one
You're going to have some fun!
Bye! Bye! February, I'm with you on that one girl, lol
Fabulous stash, love the Pumpkin Farm
Judy is a good friend indeed
Put an extra glass for me! :D LOL
Goodies!! uhuuuuu!!!
I'm still waiting for Ruby, she was out of stock so she's coming just this week.. =(
But I have other good news to share with your! I'll tell you more by email later ;)
Glad February is almost finished for you, on to happier and warmer months. Love your pics of your news stash.
What great new stash - especially the threads!
I had to laugh at your previous post - I'm a creme egg addict too. I'm the only person I know who can eat 2 in a row and not feel sick! Can't wait for MacDonalds to do their annual Creme egg McFlurry - yum.
Oh yummy stash pictures! What a sweet friend you have in Judy. February wasn't a kind month for me either - on to March!
Ohhh...what great stash! Looks like you will busy for awhile!
happy stitching...hope it was a good day!
Oh, I love my NN catalogues too. I keep them in my stitching bag and pull them out if I'm too tired to stitch or just bored. Some of them are falling apart but I still like to look them over. We can be hoarders together!
I love your stash. I see piecemakers there, they are my favorite needle ;)
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