Oh vey! Since the first of the month, my stitching has been all over the place. I have been very bad ;o) First it was Sabrina and then I started a new small project (pictures to come later on). I was 'supposed' to start my SAL with Jenn but couldn't resist catching up with Nia on our Christmas Rules SAL. LOL!
Here is Block Two -
And here is the whole piece to date -
Sorry about the terrible pictures but it's been pouring rain this morning and now I see that it's turned to snow :oS Oh goody! I'm still not capturing the colour of the fabric. Maybe next month...
I also want to share with you a new friend of mine who arrived by mail yesterday :o) This is Pumpernickel -
Isn't she adorable???? This was the bunny that Julie made for me after I won her Blogaversary giveaway :o) Pumpernickel took a liking to my ivy so you can't see the lovely dark green petticoat that's underneath her orange dress. I just LOVE her! Thank you SO much Julie! I'm sure that Pumpernickel and I will have many adventures together ;o)
Btw, my mailing address (not physical address) has changed. I sent out an email to all of you who I thought had my address already. If you did not get that email, plmk and I'll send you my new address :o)
Here is Block Two -
And here is the whole piece to date -
Sorry about the terrible pictures but it's been pouring rain this morning and now I see that it's turned to snow :oS Oh goody! I'm still not capturing the colour of the fabric. Maybe next month...
I also want to share with you a new friend of mine who arrived by mail yesterday :o) This is Pumpernickel -
Isn't she adorable???? This was the bunny that Julie made for me after I won her Blogaversary giveaway :o) Pumpernickel took a liking to my ivy so you can't see the lovely dark green petticoat that's underneath her orange dress. I just LOVE her! Thank you SO much Julie! I'm sure that Pumpernickel and I will have many adventures together ;o)
Btw, my mailing address (not physical address) has changed. I sent out an email to all of you who I thought had my address already. If you did not get that email, plmk and I'll send you my new address :o)

Love your LK piece. That does look like a fun stitch.
Pumpernickel is fantastic! Bet you bond with her in a heartbeat!
Love your L*K piece. You're moving right along.
Your bunny is super cute. What a very nice gift.
Woohoo!!!! She's arrived safely, i hope you have lots of adventures together.
Nice stitching, that a great design
I love the saying for block two. Your stitching looks great. Pumpernickel is the cutest! You guys go well together.
Pumpernickel is too cute - Congrats
Your LK is coming along nicely :)
Yeaaahhhhhh :D It's so pretty :)))
I'm, loving our SAL! :D
What an adorable gift!!! Pumpernickel is so cute!! =) Lucky girl, congrats! :D
The LK piece is awesome, Cathey! Love your cute. Bunny!
Lovely progress on your L*K piece. I love this one. Pumpernickel is very cute.
Nice progress with your Christmas rules! And Pumpernickel is such an adorable creation :)
Christmas Rules is looking great.
Hello! I am new to your blog and have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts. I just love L*K Christmas Rules and it looks like you are moving right along! I look forward to keeping up with your progress on it and your other WIP's!
What an adorable cutie! Julie did a great job on her! Christmas Rules looks fantastic!
Your L*K Christmas Rules is looking fantastic!! It makes me want to pull mine out and get started on them! Your new bunny is so cute!!
Great progress on your Christmas Rules! Love Pumpernickle. She is so cute...and orange! Julie did a wonderful job!
Pumpernickel is so adorable ! Your LK is looking great.
Christmas Rules is coming along nicely! Love Pumpernickel...she has great taste in friends & plants!
Christmas rule is looking fab and Pumpernickel is just adorable!
Christmas rule is looking fab and Pumpernickel is just adorable!
I wish my fabric would arrive all ready soic an get stitching.. Love the bunny
Awww...Julie's bunny is darling! Did you name her? So cute!
Your LK piece is moving right along--I love it :)
Okay, now you are really making me want to stich some LK. LOL Your bunny is soooo cute!
That's the most adorable hand made bunny I've seen ever. Love your L*K piece. It's coming along beautifully :)
Your LK piece is too cute. Love the bunny :) Sweet gift.
Block two is lovely. I just love pumpernickel. If you ever need a place for her to stay for a while, please let me know.
{{{Hugs and Love}}}
Oh, my...little miss Pumpernickle is a SWEETIE! You lucky bunny mom you! I love her orange dress so much. BTW I knew you would choose a bunny when I heard you won the giveaway. Congratulations!
Christmas Rules is looking wonderful, and Pumpernickel is SO cute!
Pumpernickel is SO sweet!! How adorable.
Love your progress on Christmas Rules!
You do beautiful work! Thanks for visiting me over at watercoloryourworld. I would love to meet your little Brie!
Looking great Cathey! You are making me want to stitch this, but I must resist, I must resist!
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