WOOHOO!!!! I can't wait :o)
I couldn't believe it when I went to read Erynne's Blog and found out that I was the winner of her contest! Thank you so much Erynne and way to go Mika, you deserve lots of doggy hugs and kisses for picking my name ;o) I now have a $50 gift certificate for Anita's Little Stitches. Anita is so wonderful to deal with and I bought one of her very first patterns, although I'm ashamed to say that I have not stitched it yet. Once SS is completed, I'll be free of any obligations. And speaking of SS, I only have the backstitching left to do! It may just get done on time :o)
While we're on the topic...I'm down to four days and then I get to see DH again... You know, the last time I was on a plane was 20 years ago? I'm a little nervous. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and they don't lose my luggage. I'm not going to carry on because I can't be bothered with all the new security issues. Did I mention that my flight leaves at 5:30...AM???? That means I have to be at the airport for 4:30am. Oye!
Yesterday, I drove to Moncton and while I was there, I stopped by the LNS and purchased a few GASTs, a skein of Threadworx and Pumpkin Patch by The Prairie Schooler. I might as well take advantage of it now because once we move, it won't be so semi-local anymore :o( Anyway, I also stopped by the Hallmark store to pick up a card. While I was there, I spotted this little guy and couldn't resist purchasing him as well. On my way home, I stopped in to see my Gram and handed my little friend over to her :o) When you lift the butterfly off his nose and replace it, he sings a song and his little tails starts wagging. LOL! She loved it and was going to show it off today.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not but my Gram was moved to a special care home back in January :o( It just got to a point where she couldn't care for herself anymore but it was hard convincing her of this. I can certainly understand why she didn't want to move but I'm glad that she has settled into her new place. It's NICE too! I would move in there if I could ;o) Here's a picture of us the day we moved her in and please note, I was REALLY tired out when this picture was taken -
One last thing before I sign off. Because I have been so blessed lately (thanks to my Secret Santa, Erynne and Anita), I want to pass some of that on to someone else as my way of thanking them :o) I have the pattern "I" is for Ice Skater by The Victoria Sampler (brand new), along with the complete accessory pack, that is looking for a new home. If you would like to adopt this pair, please leave a comment 'on this post only'. Please make sure I have a way to contact you by email if you should be the winner! On Tuesday morning, I will draw a name and post the lucky winner's name later that day. This is open to anyone, anywhere. I will allow new readers to enter and hope that maybe you'll continue to follow my Blog :o) Good luck everyone!
I couldn't believe it when I went to read Erynne's Blog and found out that I was the winner of her contest! Thank you so much Erynne and way to go Mika, you deserve lots of doggy hugs and kisses for picking my name ;o) I now have a $50 gift certificate for Anita's Little Stitches. Anita is so wonderful to deal with and I bought one of her very first patterns, although I'm ashamed to say that I have not stitched it yet. Once SS is completed, I'll be free of any obligations. And speaking of SS, I only have the backstitching left to do! It may just get done on time :o)
While we're on the topic...I'm down to four days and then I get to see DH again... You know, the last time I was on a plane was 20 years ago? I'm a little nervous. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and they don't lose my luggage. I'm not going to carry on because I can't be bothered with all the new security issues. Did I mention that my flight leaves at 5:30...AM???? That means I have to be at the airport for 4:30am. Oye!
Yesterday, I drove to Moncton and while I was there, I stopped by the LNS and purchased a few GASTs, a skein of Threadworx and Pumpkin Patch by The Prairie Schooler. I might as well take advantage of it now because once we move, it won't be so semi-local anymore :o( Anyway, I also stopped by the Hallmark store to pick up a card. While I was there, I spotted this little guy and couldn't resist purchasing him as well. On my way home, I stopped in to see my Gram and handed my little friend over to her :o) When you lift the butterfly off his nose and replace it, he sings a song and his little tails starts wagging. LOL! She loved it and was going to show it off today.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not but my Gram was moved to a special care home back in January :o( It just got to a point where she couldn't care for herself anymore but it was hard convincing her of this. I can certainly understand why she didn't want to move but I'm glad that she has settled into her new place. It's NICE too! I would move in there if I could ;o) Here's a picture of us the day we moved her in and please note, I was REALLY tired out when this picture was taken -
One last thing before I sign off. Because I have been so blessed lately (thanks to my Secret Santa, Erynne and Anita), I want to pass some of that on to someone else as my way of thanking them :o) I have the pattern "I" is for Ice Skater by The Victoria Sampler (brand new), along with the complete accessory pack, that is looking for a new home. If you would like to adopt this pair, please leave a comment 'on this post only'. Please make sure I have a way to contact you by email if you should be the winner! On Tuesday morning, I will draw a name and post the lucky winner's name later that day. This is open to anyone, anywhere. I will allow new readers to enter and hope that maybe you'll continue to follow my Blog :o) Good luck everyone!

Congrats on your winnings!
That's such a sweet photo of you and your grandmother. Bet she's showing that bunny to all the other residents.
Flying is a bit of a hassle these days, but if you haven't done it for a long time, it should be a fun adventure.
Just dropping by.. not entering the contest. I'll leave that for someone who really truly would like to stitch that beautiful piece.
Lucky you, that will get lots of lovely new stash. Fun new one of Pumpkin Patch too. I also have that in my stash, I especially love the four square patch design. The little bunny was adorable, what a fun treat for your Gram. Good luck getting everything ready for your flight and such, sounds like you'll be quite busy. As to the contest, it's a lovely piece, but I don't think I'd actually do it so will pass and give another a chance.
Congratulations on your win! All the family luck must have gone to you as lately I am not winning anything. Ah Well, I am glad one of us is winning.
Sounds like you made your Gram happy with your little gift to her. She does love those things.
4:30 A.M. - Ouch, that is too early for me but I am betting you won't mind it this time especially where you are going to meet up with hubby!
{{{Love and Hugs}}}
Just wanted to say congratulations on winning. Can't wait to see what you get. Please don't enter me in the drawing, even tho my initial is "I" and I used to ice skate many years ago, I'm not that crazy about the pattern. It should go to a home that would really appreciate it. Good luck next week.
Congrats on the S.E.X. :-)), lucky you !
Love the picture of the two lovely ladies.
If the flight is long, I would take a book and a small c/s project with me. Sometimes it is so boring to "fly".
VS is one of my favorites, I would be happy to adopt it. Please enter me in your draw.
Congratulations on your win! There's nothing nicer than lots of lovely new stash to play with :)
It's always a bit nerve wracking when you haven't done something for a long time, but I'm sure seeing your DH again will make everything worthwhile.
I'd love to enter your contest, I have a niece - Isabella - it would be perfect for!
|Thats a lovely photo of you and your gran, it's good to hear that she is in a nice place the rabbit is so cute
hope your flight goes well
YOur husband is coming to town? lol just kidding: I couldn't help ... I'm such a bad girl !!! lol Now maybe I should read the message, right? lol
I love the bunny !!! That's the kind of things I'll buy just for the cuteness of it. That's when I miss so much the US : Michael's, Hobby lobby but also Hallmark store and the other one I forgot the name. I also miss the hello kitty store (Emma will love it ! :-D ) Now I want to move back !!!
Your gram is a cutie (and you too ;-) )
Hope your flight will be great ;-)
Congratulations on your win :)
That bunny is too cute! I'm sure your grandmother is having a blast showing him off.
You are smart for skipping the carry-on, especially since you haven't been through the drill for a while. It seems like every airport has their own version of the rules, too, which makes it more complicated! The biggest hassle that I had going through security was the time when a carried on my portable Ott light and a box of scissor fobs. I'll never do that again!!
Oops...forgot to add...I will pass on the contest. It is a beautiful pattern, but I'm afraid that I probably would never get around to stitching it :)
Ice skating is so of appropriate right now here...it actually snowed last night! Not much, only about 1/2 inch or so, but snow!
I love the bunny! I collect bunies like you like pumpkins, so I will have to look for that at the Hallmark stores here.
Hi everyone - I just have to tell you what a great blog you've got going here, Cathey! Really enjoyed reading it from beginning to end. And I can't believe you're offering that beautiful Victoria's Sampler design as a prize, as well as the floss pack to go with it. Please enter my name in the draw, although it's going to be difficult to stitch with my fingers crossed!.
I've got all the stash I can handle for now, thanks but I'll skip this one.
Glad you could get some shopping in before you fly. If I were flying, I'd bring my Nintendo DS and a book. Hope it is a safe and short flight.
Congrats on your wins.
Oh wow lucky you!!
Just the pick me up you need, have fun with your S.E.X!!and in four days you may get a bit of the other...LOL
Have a safe trip!!
Only three days now! Sorry you have to be at the airport so early :(
Congratulations on your win. It is such a bummer to move to a location without a good LNS. I'm spoiled at the moment having several within a reasonable drive. Enjoy your trip - try to get some sleep on the plane. Hard, I know, but maybe the getting up at 4:30 AM should help. I'm NOT looking to enter the contest; just dropping by.
Congrats on your win. That is awesome!
I love that little bunny! He is so cute!
They make so much out of those airport regulations, and it's not that bad. When I brought Robbie home, the people at the airport were less inclined to follow the rules than I was. That dog durn near got a motorcade through the airport.
Hi Cathey! Great Blog! Thoroughly enjoy reading it!
Thanks for the contest too! WOW...such a great prize to win!
Enjoy your travels to Regina!
Congratulations on your awesome win, Cathey!
The little bunny is adorable! I hope Grandma loves him.
I'm sure your flight will be fine. Have fun with DH!
Such a lovely bunny. Your gran must be very happy that you think of her so fondly.
Two days left now! I bet you just can't wait... to get out of the plane/the airport... Lol!
Many hugs,
You have a beautiful Gram!
You're welcome Cathey (for real this time ..inside joke);)
Nice to "see" you and the lady we hear so much about! :o)
That is a really awesome giveaway and I'm sure your winner is going to be so happy...yay!!
BTW, you're beating me by one egg now and I've run out...dare I go buy more?
The bunny is so cute. That is a lovely photo of you and your Gram, and it is great that she likes where she is. Your poor thing, two visits to the ER in two days, my kids are, unfortunately, regulars at the ER, who knew so many things could happen to kids. You must be so excited getting to see your DH again, and your new digs look wonderful, amazing view.
I am glad that I stopped by your blog this morning. I have enjoyed catching up as you get closer to your journey. Enjoy! I also love the photo and the words about your Gram. Just lost one grandmother & one grandfather...but still very fortunate to have one grandmother (who is 90), this one is like a surrogate mother to me.
Please enter my name into the drawing!
Take care of yourself and enjoy Life!
Lisa in CA
Congrats! on the winning.
The bunny is adorable.
Nice photo of you and your gram.
Have a nice and safe flight.
Congrats on your big win! You will have so much fun chosing what to order for your SEX haul! I love the sweet little bunny you picked up for your Gram.
I don't know if you made the draw but would lobve to be entered
Enjoy your trip even if you have to be at the airport SO early!
Please enter me in the drawing if it is not too late!
Evelyn in sunny Newport News...
AW, the little bunny is sooo sweet! I hope you had a wonderful trip! Please enter me into your contest! Thanks!
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