Today started with a trip to the ENT specialist (Ear, Nose & Throat). I have a constant, and 'loud', ringing in my ears and so my doctor referred me to one of the younger ENTs that just started. I was really impressed with Dr. H. Very professional but very sneaky as well...
It's a good thing I was already in the chair when he told me he was going to shove a camera up my nose ;o) AH! Have you ever had one nostril frozen before? I can tell you that it's a really weird feeling. Anyway, it went much better than my anxious self expected and he must have had a clear path because he didn't come across any booger blockages. LOL!
While I was out, I finally got over to my jeweller to have my rings resized. Since I lost all that weight, if I'd shake my hand, my rings would go flying! So guess what? I'm not only living in a bachelorette pad but I've got a bare left handed ring finger ;o) Does that mean that I'm back on the market again? LOL! But seriously, does it ever feel weird not to have my rings there :o( Luckily they will be ready by next week.
I've been steadily working on Seaside Sweethearts and the couple is fini -
Aren't they so cute together? :o)
Now I have the sand dunes, clouds and border left to do. I'm really hoping this can be done in time. It doesn't look like a lot of stitching left but there are a lot of color changes. It looks like I had better hunker down this week and get moving!
It's a good thing I was already in the chair when he told me he was going to shove a camera up my nose ;o) AH! Have you ever had one nostril frozen before? I can tell you that it's a really weird feeling. Anyway, it went much better than my anxious self expected and he must have had a clear path because he didn't come across any booger blockages. LOL!
While I was out, I finally got over to my jeweller to have my rings resized. Since I lost all that weight, if I'd shake my hand, my rings would go flying! So guess what? I'm not only living in a bachelorette pad but I've got a bare left handed ring finger ;o) Does that mean that I'm back on the market again? LOL! But seriously, does it ever feel weird not to have my rings there :o( Luckily they will be ready by next week.
I've been steadily working on Seaside Sweethearts and the couple is fini -
Aren't they so cute together? :o)
Now I have the sand dunes, clouds and border left to do. I'm really hoping this can be done in time. It doesn't look like a lot of stitching left but there are a lot of color changes. It looks like I had better hunker down this week and get moving!

I would think that both nostrils would be frozen from the cold! LOL
Looking good...
Oh it just makes me shiver thinking about it, I spent a lot of time in the ENT department of our Hospital when I was a child until I refused to go as a Teenager,But never had a camera up my nose, *shudder*
Oh dear
let's hope your DH ain't the jealous type...LOL I know My hubby would gladly give me away LMAO
Oh Seaside sweethearts is looking fan-dabby-dosey!!
The couple looks so nice! I am looking forward to seeing the picture finished.
Love the stitching.
So did he figure out the cause of the ringing? Or was it the rattling of your loose rings?
Oh, girl, you have way too much fun! *lol*
Better ringing than voices ! Seriously, any idea what it is ?
Seaside Sweethearts looks beautiful as is.
Girl! don't you know you need boogers to absorb the ringing, lol.
The sweethearts looks like it is watercolor, pretty!!
You didn't tell me about the camera. I feel for you.
Your seaside couple looks beautiful. You are doing well on it.
Lovely couple!!
Frozen nose? No thank you. That's definitely something I'd rather not know in advance.
You certainly know how to make an adventure out of anything.
Your stitching is lovely.
I've not worn wedding rings for 3+ years now and I still try to roll them around only to find my finger bare. After so many years it is odd to find a bare finger. I miss the rings alot. Thankfully for you you'll have your rings back sooner rather than later.
I'll pass on the nose deal. That couple looks very sweet together.
great progress on your stitching, camera up the nose doesnt sound too pleasent
You are so funny, LMAO. And the rubbers story, I am so glad that I wasn't having a drink while I read that one. That puppy story is terrible.
DOH!! (Slaps hand to forehead). Forgot to mention the stitching, SS is looking great, and 15 creme eggs so far, you go girl!!
My sympathies on the ear issues. I've had my share. When I had ringing in my ears, the doc said I was stressed and gave me sleeping, lot of good that did!
The very thought of something going up my nose makes me want to ....sneeze! Did you at least get to see what the camera was seeing? I think that would be kinda cool but then I am an odd one.
Wow, you're fast with the stitching! Looks fantastic!
Sure don't envy you on the nose camera. I hope they find the cause of the ringing soon. Your lil couple looks fantastic! BTW, living without your rings does feel real weird.
Very pretty... you've made a lot of progress!!
Hope they find out the cause of the ringing soon. I had more than my share of EN&T doctors a few years back.
You are really making a lot of progress!
Eww, I'd have sneezeled all over him. LOL!
Your sweethearts look wonderful!
Rubbers, boogers, what could be next-LOL Seaside Sweethearts looks gorgeous!
Oooh, seaside is looking lovely, the coloring is so pretty. I can't imagine a camera up my nose, sounds painful. Hopefully you're feeling better soon.
Hi, I was google searching for "Lanarte Seaside Sweethearts" and found your wonderful work. It really is more beautiful than the demo picture. A friend of mine was asking for help, she bought the original kit but the key was missing (does it happen with original kits, too?). So I am thinking whether you could send me/us your key list so that she can reconcile and make sure that her floss is okay? My email is Thank you very much in advance.
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