The following post contains some pretty strong opinions and a few nasty words ;o)
The following post contains some pretty strong opinions and a few nasty words ;o)
I can honestly say that I do not get any free rides in my life. I'm not necessarily looking for them but why? Why do things always have to be SO difficult???? Did I have a jinx placed on me? Was there never any lucky horseshoe shoved up my ass? I CAN tell you one thing...I'm ripping MAD! >:o(
If you remember back to my July 28 post, I told you that LTD had dropped me so I went to my employer to ask if I could come back to a part-time position instead of my original full-time one, due to my disabilities, and I presented them with a gradual part-time back to work schedule and a list of accommodations (both signed by my doctor and OT). At first they agreed but a few weeks later they changed their minds. They told me if I wanted to come back, I had to resign from my full-time position and reapply for a part-time position, IF one was available. Since I refused to do this and my employer refused to let me come back to work, I filed a complaint with Human Rights.
A letter was sent to my employer and they had until September 23, 2008 to respond as to whether they wanted to mediate (negotiate) or not. They did respond within this time so I thought things were finally going my way. A few weeks went by so I called Human Rights to see what was going on. They were trying to line up legal councel along with my employer's contact out in British Columbia. Fine. I waited another few weeks and then called again. Again, I got the same story.
So today, I get a phone call from Human Rights. My case worker stated that it was proving to be too difficult to set this conference call up and that she would do the mediation on my behalf. We talked about what I wanted and came up with this - lost wages dating back to July 7, 2008, a part-time job with the accommodations that were originally asked for and some special entitlement in which mine ranged from $1,500-5,000. I wasn't expecting this and I won't tell you what I asked for but I think I was fair in the amount. Overall, I don't think what I asked for was beyond reason.
When I got off the phone, I started thinking about the possibility that my employer wouldn't take me back so I called my case worker to inquire about severance pay and left a message. Not ten minutes later, she calls me back to say that my employer's contact has refused everything that I asked for. He stated that he 'misunderstood' what this mediation process was. WTF???? Can this idiot not read???? I have a copy of the letter that they received and I understand it perfectly. Has he not heard the word 'negotiation' before???? What did he think this was anyway?
On top of that, he had the BALLS to say that I refused an Independent Medical Exam. I say WTF...AGAIN! I have done nothing but jump through hoops for LTD AND my employer ever since this whole dog and pony circus act started. PLEASE tell me, HOW did this f-ing idiot get his job???? This is just ANOTHER example of the people I am dealing with.
My blood is boiling and that anger that I was trying to suppress has now come up from the depths again. I really want this whole thing to be over with. I truly do. But I'm getting screwed. This is NOT right! Everyone that I've had to tell this story to (EI, the independent doctor, my doctor, lawyers) all look at me with their mouths open and hanging to the ground because they don't understand. At least I'm not the only one.
So what do I do now? I wait. Now it goes to stage two where they will investigate both sides of the complaint. I wonder if Idgit Boy will understand this next part. And no, I still haven't heard back about the job that I applied for with the provincial government :o(

I can honestly say that I do not get any free rides in my life. I'm not necessarily looking for them but why? Why do things always have to be SO difficult???? Did I have a jinx placed on me? Was there never any lucky horseshoe shoved up my ass? I CAN tell you one thing...I'm ripping MAD! >:o(
If you remember back to my July 28 post, I told you that LTD had dropped me so I went to my employer to ask if I could come back to a part-time position instead of my original full-time one, due to my disabilities, and I presented them with a gradual part-time back to work schedule and a list of accommodations (both signed by my doctor and OT). At first they agreed but a few weeks later they changed their minds. They told me if I wanted to come back, I had to resign from my full-time position and reapply for a part-time position, IF one was available. Since I refused to do this and my employer refused to let me come back to work, I filed a complaint with Human Rights.
A letter was sent to my employer and they had until September 23, 2008 to respond as to whether they wanted to mediate (negotiate) or not. They did respond within this time so I thought things were finally going my way. A few weeks went by so I called Human Rights to see what was going on. They were trying to line up legal councel along with my employer's contact out in British Columbia. Fine. I waited another few weeks and then called again. Again, I got the same story.
So today, I get a phone call from Human Rights. My case worker stated that it was proving to be too difficult to set this conference call up and that she would do the mediation on my behalf. We talked about what I wanted and came up with this - lost wages dating back to July 7, 2008, a part-time job with the accommodations that were originally asked for and some special entitlement in which mine ranged from $1,500-5,000. I wasn't expecting this and I won't tell you what I asked for but I think I was fair in the amount. Overall, I don't think what I asked for was beyond reason.
When I got off the phone, I started thinking about the possibility that my employer wouldn't take me back so I called my case worker to inquire about severance pay and left a message. Not ten minutes later, she calls me back to say that my employer's contact has refused everything that I asked for. He stated that he 'misunderstood' what this mediation process was. WTF???? Can this idiot not read???? I have a copy of the letter that they received and I understand it perfectly. Has he not heard the word 'negotiation' before???? What did he think this was anyway?
On top of that, he had the BALLS to say that I refused an Independent Medical Exam. I say WTF...AGAIN! I have done nothing but jump through hoops for LTD AND my employer ever since this whole dog and pony circus act started. PLEASE tell me, HOW did this f-ing idiot get his job???? This is just ANOTHER example of the people I am dealing with.
My blood is boiling and that anger that I was trying to suppress has now come up from the depths again. I really want this whole thing to be over with. I truly do. But I'm getting screwed. This is NOT right! Everyone that I've had to tell this story to (EI, the independent doctor, my doctor, lawyers) all look at me with their mouths open and hanging to the ground because they don't understand. At least I'm not the only one.
So what do I do now? I wait. Now it goes to stage two where they will investigate both sides of the complaint. I wonder if Idgit Boy will understand this next part. And no, I still haven't heard back about the job that I applied for with the provincial government :o(

I am so sorry that this is continuing to drag out with little hope of a settlement. Those that have the power, have the ability to interpret as per their needs.
Don't let them take away your spirit and excitement of the good things in your life! Hope DH is enjoying his training! Take care, knowing you have lots of friends in your corner!
I'm so sorry , you shouldn't have to go thru all of this. Some people just don't get it. I hope it works in your favour sooner than later. (((((huge hugs))))
This is situation has gotten way beyond ridiculous. The thing that comes to mind is that you're an honest person and on account of that, you're getting the royal shaft.
I wish I had something more to give than my hugs!
I'm so sorry you have to navigate this river of manure.
I feel really bad for you ... Don't know what to say and can't believe someone will be so mean to another human being ... Don't give up, keep fighting for your right. Maybe you should think about going public with your case: TV can do miracles sometimes ;)
I am sorry to hear that this is still ongoing, sounds like they are trying to mess you about so you give up,
But good on you for sticking to your guns, Sorry it is causing such a pain in the A$$ though
Sending lots and lots of Cyber hugs!!
I'm so sorry. I know you were already stressed and lonely and now this. Let me know if there is anything I can do...
I am sorry you are feeling this way. Just breathe and pick up your stitching. I am sure it will all work out, I know, I said that awhile ago, lol. I have never been that in that kind of situation so I am really no help, but I do wish you the best of luck!
Hugs for you. I can imagine how angry that would make you.
This sounds awful. Here's hoping you can get some good resolution to all this.
I'm so sorry this just drags on and on. I'm sure it must be driving you crazy to have everything up in the air. I think I can hear you stomping around all the way over here in Oklahoma!
***lots of hugs***
Sweetie: I just wish I could win big in the lotto, then rather than you giving up, I would hire the cruellest lawyers I could find and make sure these dumb asses would get the maximum assaults on their beings that the Courts would allow.
I know that this is hard on you and would like to see these asses go out the door on the bare asses and scrape on the pavement for at least one block. To not have any more sense or feeling than they have, could it be these are robots?
{{{BIG HUGS}}} to you and if you need to talk, call me. Love Ya!
I can't believe they are treating you like this ((((((((((Cathey))))))))))))))
I am so sorry to hear that you have to deal with such mean people.Do not give up, you are an amazing fighter I am sure you will win. Best luck,hugsss,
A "river of manure"... that sounds about right!! I hope you can knock some sense into these people!! Stay strong, you're better than they are!
I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all of this.
Awe hun..what a freaking run around....!
I am feeling the same boat right now. My fibro is starting to take over my life in ways that I never expected. I work for myself..so no LTD...had to take a week off last week drs orders. I am scared and not sure what the future will hold. But taking one day at a time.
Keep your head held high..you are doing the right thing. And this employer of yours deserves a good kick in the a***. Just my opinon..haha....sending you big hugs...mel
Cathey, they are a-holes. Is there not another contact person-someone who can read and understands what they are doing. Does the idget have superior? Just keep your chin up-it is frustrating-but hang in there! {{{hugs}}}
Aaaawww... sorry, Cathey. :o)
Everything that I could could say has been.
{{{{{Big Hugs}}}}}
Oh Cathey, that sucks!!! I'm really hoping that things get better. I know it's been a hellish road for you, but I'm truly hoping that right will win out in the end. big HUGS!!
Cathey, I don't know what to say. Nothing polite about those assholes for sure. This is incredible and you are obviously confronted with a severe case of bad faith from their part here...
I wish I could give you a hug, a nice cup of tea and my support in person. But I can't so I'm sending many many hugs your way to try and comfort you, and a billion spells to that s of a b so he gets very uncomfortable and sleepless over your case.
Lots of love,
I'm speechless, I just don't understand why they can't get this fixed. Evidently most you talk to can't understand either. The system is just so messed up somewhere. How can your employer be so blind and treat you like this? Hopefully in stage II it will finally get settled and you'll get the settlement and arrangement that you deserve. I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this when your DH is off at training. It would be hard enough with his being there to support you, having to do this on your own makes it so much worse. {{hugs}}
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